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One Wild Night

Chapter 591 Family Confrontation
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Chapter 591  Family Confrontation

"You need to be calm," Ron said, casting a worried glance at his wife, who seemed very upset.

"I'm calm! I have been calm all day," Lisa assured him as she looked outside the window.

"You are not calm. This could have waited until morning…."

"No, it can't wait!" Lisa cut in angrily.

She couldn't wait for them to arrive at her mother's house so she could confront her concerning her affair with Adam, blackmailing Bernice, and what she had just been told by Anita about her being responsible for their father's death.

"You are getting worked up, and it isn't good for you or the baby," Ron said with a frustrated sigh.

It annoyed him that her family was always coming up with one thing or the other to get her worked up, and her emotions were so invested in them that she put them before the well-being of herself and their baby.

"The baby is fine, and so am I," Lisa assured him, and he sighed.

"You said Anita will be there as well, right?"

"She is probably there already," she said impatiently as she tapped her foot restlessly.

Seeing her tap her foot that way, Ron knew better than to continue with the questions or to keep talking. She was on the verge of snapping at him, and she was holding onto her last thread of self-control.

As soon as Ron parked the car in front of Rebekah's house, Lisa sighted Anita's car and got out of the car without waiting for him to help her with the door, and she wobbled her way to the car where she knew Anita was waiting while Ron hurried to catch up with her.

She tapped on the window, and immediately Anita opened the door and got out, "Let's go in," Lisa said before Anita could say a word.

Looking at Lisa, Anita could tell that she was upset. Or maybe mad was a better description. Anita winced as she looked at Ron, who looked back at her with weary eyes.

Although Lisa was the most reasonable and calmest among the Miller sisters, she was also the craziest. Whenever she got angry, she always threw a destructive fit.

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As Anita followed Lisa, Ron patted his pocket to make sure his phone was close just in case he needed to dial the emergency number urgently.

"Lisa, wait up," Anita called calmly, and Lisa turned to look at her at the door.

"Why don't I go in first? She might be more willing to talk to me alone than she would be to say anything to you…."

"Do you honestly think I came here to have a reasonable conversation with her?" Lisa asked in disbelief before ringing the doorbell.

When one of the housekeepers answered the door, Lisa brushed past her into the house and stopped abruptly in her track, shocked by the unexpected scene in front of her.

"I am going to prove it! I'm going to find evidence to prove that you killed him!" Tiffany was yelling at their mother, who stood in the middle of the mess staring at Tiffany like she had lost her mind.

Anita's and Ron's faces mirrored the shock on Lisa's face as their gaze swept over the living room, which looked like a storm had blown past it.

The pieces of furniture were overturned, and the flower pots and artworks that decorated the living room lay shattered on the floor.

"Did uncle Wyatt pay you a visit too?" Anita asked before Rebekah could say anything, surprised that Tiffany knew about their mother being responsible for their father's death.

Rebekah and Tiffany turned when it occurred to them that they were no longer alone, and Rebekah fixed her gaze on Anita, "What are you all doing here at this hour, uninvited? Didn't I teach you better?" Rebekah asked with disapproval.

"You are in no position to talk about teaching anyone anything," Lisa pointed out, annoyed.

Judging by how calm their mother looked and her tone, it was obvious that she was unaffected by Tiffany's outburst.

"What are you talking about?" Tiffany asked Anita in confusion.

"You were talking about father, weren't you? How did you find out she murdered father? Did uncle Wyatt tell you about it too?" Lisa asked Tiffany, whose eyes widened in shock at the question.

"She murdered father?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Rebekah snapped at them in annoyance. They were all getting on her nerves, and she wasn't in the mood for this sort of nonsense.

"Who were you talking about if not father?" Anita asked Tiffany in confusion.

"Didn't either of you see the news? Adam is dead, and Jack was arrested as the prime suspect!" Tiffany announced.

Lisa's mouth dropped open in surprise, and Anita raised a hand to cover her mouth as she looked at Tiffany in disbelief while Ron simply stared.

Anita had missed the news because she had turned off her data after the live video she made because she didn't want to get any more new comment notifications. Her heart jumped every time her phone beeped.

Lisa had also missed the news because after watching Anita's interview, she had called to commend her for doing it, only to be told about their mother's possible involvement in their father's death.

Checking social media for news was the last thing on her mind after she heard that, and it was the last thing on Ron's mind. Not when his wife had been so upset, and he kept trying his best to calm her until she decided she was going to confront their mother else she wouldn't be able to go to sleep.

"Adam is dead? How? How is that possible? What happened?" Ron was the first to get over his shock at the news.

"That is what I'm here to ask her! You just said uncle Wyatt told you she is responsible for father's death, right? If she has done it once in the past, then there is every possibility that she did this too. I know you killed Adam. I know you are behind this...."

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND GET OUT OF MY HOUSE THIS MINUTE! ALL OF YOU!" Rebekah roared angrily. She had had enough!

"Did you murder father?" Lisa asked, stepping forward.

"Are you crazy? How foolish can you be? Why would you be listening to your addict of an uncle? He will say anything ridiculous to get money from you! What do I stand to gain by murdering your father?" Rebekah asked angrily.

"Shouldn't you be reminding us that he committed suicide instead of asking us what you stand to gain by murdering him?" Anita asked, and Rebekah glared at her.

"You are all an ungrateful lot. I did all I could to raise you to be prestigious ladies, but I can't believe this is how you choose to reward me! How dare you stand in my house and accuse me of murdering your father, my own husband? How dare you accuse me of murdering Adam and setting your husband up? HOW DARE YOU?" Rebekah screamed angrily.

"Because we know you are capable of all of that and more! If you were shameless enough to have an affair with your daughter's husband and blackmail her, there is no limit to how low of a scum you are! Do you think father didn't tell me about your numerous affairs? Do you think I did not know he was working on divorcing you? Do you think I was deceived by the crocodile tears you shed as Richard Miller's widow? I'm disgusted whenever I remember that you are my birth mother!" Lisa spat out angrily, wishing Tiffany had not broken all the breakables in the living room already.

She had been so looking forward to causing some damage to the house, but Tiffany had beaten her to it, and now all she could do was pour out her bitterness.

"All these years, not once did you apologize for having sex with my boyfriend! Do you think I do not know that you tried to seduce Ron too?" Lisa asked, surprising every one of them, including her husband, who looked at her in surprise.

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"What?" Tiffany and Anita asked in unison while Rebekah's eyes twitched in embarrassment.

"What? You think I did not know?" Lisa asked with disgust.

"Babe," Ron called softly.

"I'm not mad at you for not telling me, Ron. You did not fall for her wiles. That is the most important thing. I was grateful that you kept it to yourself despite how hard I tried to make you open up to me," Lisa assured her husband.

She had deliberately brought him home some weeks after they started going out to introduce him to her mother, as she had wanted to see if he would behave like her last boyfriend, who she had caught pants down with her mother. She had also wanted to see if that had been a one-time thing on her mother's part or if she would once again try to seduce her daughter's boyfriend.

She had excused herself, claiming she wanted to use the ladies as she was having a running stomach, and had found herself a nice spot to hide while she watched her mother make a fool of herself.

Lisa had joined them some minutes later after Ron politely turned down her mother's advances, and Rebekah had told Lisa there and then that she didn't like Ron and she didn't want her to continue going out with him. Of course, that did not stop Lisa from marrying him when he proposed some time later.

"I thought Bernice and Tiffany were safe because you chose their husbands, but I should have known better than to expect better from a constantly horny worn-out slut like yourself," Lisa spat in disgust.

"It seems you are having sex with everyone's man. Did you have sex with Jack too?" Tiffany asked, and Rebekah glared at her, choosing to conceal her embarrassment with anger.

"You must be very stupid! If you all don't get out of my house within the next minute, I'm going to call the police," Rebekah threatened.

"Why don't you do that? When they get here, I can ask them to take a good look around here. I'm sure they will find something since Adam was first here before Jack found his body, and for all we know, he could have been murdered right here," Tiffany said, and Rebekah balled her hand into a fist.

She had only included that piece of information in Adam's text to Jackson because her housekeeper had seen him in the house, and just in case Adam had told anyone he was coming to see her.

"I had no reason to murder Adam, unlike your husband…."

"First, your husband turns up dead, and now your lover. And you had no reason to murder either of them, yet they just happened to end up dead," Tiffany said sweetly.

"I need you to be sure of one thing. I'm going to investigate my father's death. It wasn't properly investigated because it was ruled as suicide. Now I'm going to go back to it, and God help you if uncle Wyatt is telling the truth," Lisa said just as her water broke, surprising everyone.

"I knew this was going to happen. Let's leave," Ron said, and without arguing with her husband, she let him lead her outside.

"Each time I think you can't shock me anymore, you manage to come up with something worst. For your sake, I hope Uncle Wyatt is wrong, and I hope Tiffany is wrong," Anita said with a shake of her head as she headed for the door, and then she stopped.

"Uncle Wyatt said you should call off the dogs you have searching for him, else he is going to be forced to expose your secrets," Anita delivered the message before hurrying outside so she could join Ron and Lisa at the hospital.

"I'm going to make you regret what you did," Tiffany promised before walking away.

The moment the door shut behind Tiffany, Rebekah let her knees which had been trembling the whole time, give way as she fell to the ground.