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One Wild Night

Chapter 582 Are You Pregnant?
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What was wrong with Lucy? This was supposed to be a secret between them, so why did she have to send such a stupid text? What was she supposed to tell Bryan now? Sonia mused as she wrung her hands together and looked everywhere else but at Bryan, who was watching her and waiting for an answer.

"Let's go to Tom's house. I will tell you about it when we get...."

"No. I want to hear about whatever this is right here and now. You could have told me at the house last night or this morning, but you didn't, so you don't get to choose where or when to tell me anymore. Spill it, Sonia! What are you hiding from me? What is Lucy talking about?" Bryan asked, fighting back his impatience at her attitude.

Sonia took a deep breath as she braced herself to tell him the truth, "Okay. You're right. I'm sorry," she said quietly as she folded both hands on her lap and then looked out of the window, unable to meet his gaze.

"Do you remember our conversation in Sogal? You know, the one we had on the night I told you about my conversation with your mom? You said you didn't want us to have babies immediately, and last night you said we weren't thinking of getting married...."

"I know all I said, Sonia. What I don't know is what that has to do with what you're hiding from me. Can you stop beating around the subject and just tell me directly what it is?" Bryan cut in impatiently.

Sonia's lips quivered, "I didn't mean for any of this to happen, and I was going to take care of it without bothering you...."

"Take care of what?" Bryan asked in confusion, and then his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked and watched in disbelief as Sonia raised both hands to her face and broke into an uncontrollable sob once again.

"You are pregnant?" He asked again, even though her cry already told him that was what the problem was.

"I'm sorry...."

Without letting her finish, Bryan swore under his breath as he got out of the car and went around to her side of the car, and opened the door.

He pulled her out of the car gently and embraced her while she cried. He said nothing and just patted her back while he tried to quench the flame of anger that was kindling within him.

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He was mad. He was very mad at her and disappointed, but he knew that this was probably not the best time to tell her that. Not when she was crying this way.

How could she try to keep something like that away from him? What was her plan? And why was she apologizing for being pregnant when they both knew he was also at fault? If he hadn't been careless this whole time, it wouldn't have happened, so why was she taking the blame for it?

Once she had calmed a bit, Bryan made her get into the car and went around to get into his seat. He didn't say a word to her as he started the car.

Sonia looked at him, and she could tell that he was mad. His teeth were clenched, a vein was throbbing on his temple, and his grip on the wheel was very firm. He was struggling not to show just how mad he was.


"When did you find out about it?" He asked quietly.

"Last night. I got the notification from my period tracker while we were at the company yesterday but confirmed it last night," she said, and Bryan nodded.

That explained the change in her mood from the moment they left the company. That explained why she had been so distracted and acting out of sorts.

"Say something," Sonia pleaded when Bryan remained silent after some time.

Bryan smiled wryly, "It took you almost twenty-four hours to say anything to me, and you expect me to just say something a few minutes after you inform me that you are pregnant but had no plan of telling me about it?" Bryan asked without looking at her.

"I didn't know what to say to you," Sonia said as she looked down at her hands.

"How about a simple, I AM PREGNANT?" Bryan snapped at her.

"I didn't know how you would react to it. You made it clear you were ready...."

"For Christ's sake, Sonia! For Christ's bloody sake, can you stop? This has absolutely nothing to do with what I said! This has everything to do with you thinking you have everything figured out for both of us! I have every right to know that you are carrying my baby! Our baby! What were you going to do? Terminate it without my knowledge? If Lucy had been in support of your action, would you have gone along with it, not minding me?" He asked angrily, and when he couldn't hold himself back anymore, he pulled the car over by the roadside and turned to her.

"I'm sorry...."

"My opinion doesn't matter to you, right? What I want does not count, does it? You know what? Do whatever you want with the pregnancy. It's your body anyway, isn't it? Let's break up! I can't keep doing this with you. I can't keep guessing to know what's wrong with you," Bryan said angrily.

"Are you breaking up with me because I'm pregnant or because I failed to tell you I'm pregnant?" Sonia asked with quivering lips as tears fell from her eyes.

"Damn you, Sonia! I'm breaking up with you because you are not ready to be in a relationship with me! I told you the last time you can't make decisions for me! If it involves us and our relationship, we both need to have a say! You don't seem to agree with me on that, so what's the point?"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Bryan! I just didn't want us to fight over it, and I didn't want to resent you...."

"What do you mean resent me?" Bryan cut in irritably.

"I didn't want to have to hear you ask me to terminate it yourself. I'm not sure I would forgive you if I heard you say that," Sonia cried, and Bryan frowned.

"Weren't you going to terminate it?"

"Yes, I was going to do so because I'm sure that's what you would want us to do...."

"But you don't want to terminate it?" Bryan asked in confusion, but Sonia only cried harder.

"I don't understand you, Sony," Bryan said with a sigh while Sonia unfastened her seatbelt.

"Where are you going?" Bryan asked with a frown as she reached for the door.

"We just broke up, didn't we? And you asked me to do whatever I wanted."

He had only said all of that to her because he was mad, and he wanted her to know how mad he was, but that wasn't the point right now.

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"I didn't mean that. And we are still talking...."

"I can't talk right now. Let's talk later. Now that you know I'm pregnant, I will go ahead and terminate it as I know you would want me to...."

"What the fuck is wrong with you? At what point in our conversation did I say anything about you terminating the pregnancy?" Bryan asked in frustration, but even as he was still talking, Sonia got out of the car.

Bryan frowned in confusion as he watched her get out of the car and flag down a cab.

When did he say he wanted her to terminate the pregnancy? Why was she so hardheaded and stubborn? What was he going to do with her? Bryan mused as he watched her get into a cab.

How was she the one that was mad now when she was obviously the one that was wrong? Did he handle everything wrongly?

Maybe Sonia needed some time to figure out what she wanted, but one thing he knew he didn't want was her making decisions that affected the both of them without his consent.

Bryan sighed as he started the car again and headed home. He had no idea where she had gone off to, but whenever she came back, he was going to sit her down, and then they would come up with a solid plan together on what to do.

If she didn't want to keep the baby, that was okay by him since she was the one carrying the pregnancy. There was no way he was going to force her to keep a baby she didn't want to have.

All he wanted was to be a part of whatever her decision was. If she was terminating it, he wanted to be with her through it. If possible, he wanted them to see a doctor and discuss the pros and cons together.

If what she wanted was to have the baby, he saw no reason for her to abort it. Of course, he had not planned for them to have a baby yet, but if the baby was here already, they could always find a way to make it work. Together.

She could move in with him, and he could employ a couple of nannies to assist her in taking care of their baby while she also went about her writing and they did their stuff. He loved kids, so he didn't think it was a big deal.

No, that wasn't well worded, he decided when his stomach did a flip-flop.

Having a baby with Sonia was a very big deal. He had never really given much thought to being a father since he had not been planning to start a family so soon, and now he was going to be a father.

Okay. He needed a drink.