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One Wild Night

Chapter 381 Dr. Hottie
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Chapter 381 Dr. Hottie

  This chapter is specially dedicated to @Mara_Heller. Thank you so much for the super gift.


  Lucas opened his eyes when he felt someone's lips pressed to his temple, and he wasn't surprised to see that it was Miley. As a matter of fact he felt relieved and kind of happy to see her looking into his face with a bright smile on her face, and her eyes gleaming with excitement as usual. 

  "Good morning, handsome. Thanks for not leaving," she greeted cheerfully as she watched him sit up on the couch, and then she sat next to him. 

  Lucas let his gaze travel over her, from her sleep tousled hair to the skimpy nightdress she was wearing and he realized that she had changed out of the clothes she had worn the previous night. 

  Or did Amy undress her? He doubted that Amy would have dressed her up in such a flimsy night dress when she knew there was a man in the apartment with them. 

  "How are you feeling now?" Lucas asked, choosing to focus on her face, and she smiled at him. 

  "I feel fine. I'm sorry you had to sleep on the couch for the second night in a row," she said apologetically, but Lucas shrugged it off dismissively.

  "I'm fine. Now that your friend is here, I should be on my way now," Lucas said as he picked up his phone to check the time. 

  "Isn't it too early to leave?" Miley asked just as he saw that it was just past six in the morning. And then he clicked on a text message notification on his screen, and saw it was a text from Lucy explaining why she had missed his call and letting him know she would call back in the morning.

  "It's not too early. Take care of yourself, Miley," Lucas said as he stood and then pocketed his phone.

  "What's your plan? Are you really not going to return to Dr. Drew's hospital?" Miley asked without standing up, and Lucas spared her a glance, knowing she was trying to stall as usual.

  "No, I'm not returning there," Lucas said as he headed for the door.

  "Why not? What are you going to do now? Get a new job? Or you no longer want to practice?" She asked quickly once his hands touched the doorknob, and Lucas cursed himself silently as he turned to look at her, knowing he was playing into her trap.

  "Instead of worrying your head about me, go home and get treatment," Lucas advised.

  "Why is it important to you that I go home?" Miley asked, standing from the couch and approaching him.

  "I know what you're doing, Miley. It's not going to work," Lucas said just as she stopped in front of him, and she smiled at him.

  "What do you think I'm doing? And what makes you believe it's not going to work?" She asked with a pretty pout.

  "Stop playing games with me, Miley. I don't want to remain here with you this way, and I don't want to be friends with you either. I have enough to worry about, and I don't want to have to worry about you too," Lucas said, and he felt a stab of guilt in his heart when hurt flickered in her eyes for a brief moment before she smiled at him. 

  "Alright. I'm sorry to have been such a bother. You can leave," she said as she turned her back to him and returned to the couch, leaving Lucas standing by the door. 


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  "That's the door, Lucas. You can use it," she said flatly, and Lucas sighed as he opened the door and walked out of the house. 

  Once he shut the door behind him, Amy stepped out of the bedroom, "Don't take it to heart. I think he cares about you a lot, and that's what bothers him," Amy said as she sat down on the couch beside Miley, and she looked at her. 

  "I thought you were sound asleep?" Miley asked, and Amy grinned. 

  "Nah. I woke up when you did, but pretended to be asleep when I saw you changing into such a sexy nightdress. I wanted to see if you were sneaking to the living room to make out with Dr. hottie," Amy said with a wink, and Miley giggled. 

  "Why would you think such a dirty thing you slut," Miley said, and Amy laughed.

  "Because I wouldn't put it past you. I haven't forgotten how you tried to seduce your tutor and made the poor guy lose his job," Amy said with a grin, and Miley laughed at the memory.

  "I still don't know who was more mortified between me and my mom who walked in on me unbuttoning my dress. I sure had an earful," Miley said, and Amy doubled over with laughter.

  "I remember how hard it was to hold back my laughter as I cleaned up the mess your mom had made after dropping the tray of cookies she was coming to serve you, while she scolded you," Amy said amidst her laughter and raised a hand to wipe the tears that were now falling from her eyes.

  "And then we had a good laugh afterwards. Those were really fun times," Miley said with an amused smile as she gazed at Amy who had begun to feel emotional.

  "What are you doing here, Amy? Aren't you suppose to be at work?" Miley asked, and Amy sniffled as she met her gaze. 

  "Would you be at work if the situation was reversed?" 

  "I can afford to take a break from work, it's my family's business. But yours isn't," Miley pointed out, and Amy snorted.

  "Don't worry, I took a sick leave. I'm not leaving your side, so don't even think about telling me otherwise," Amy warned, and Miley sighed.

  "Suit yourself. But I should let you know that nothing fun is going on here. You're going to be bored shitless and..."

  "Shut up, Miley. I've had my fair share of fun with you. I'm not here for fun," Amy said as she moved closer to Miley and gathered her close to herself.

  "How do you feel?" Amy asked as she patted Miley's hair, and she chuckled dryly. 

  "How do you think I feel?" Miley asked.

  "I don't know. You tell me. I want to know how you feel. Tell me everything," Amy said, and Miley pulled away from her so she could look into her face. 

  "I've been feeling a lot of things for the past couple of weeks, but seeing you now, I'm terrified," Miley confessed in a shaky voice, her eyes glistening with tears.

  "I don't know what to expect. For the first time I will be in a place where I can't even talk to you," she said, and Amy raised a hand to her lips to stifle her sob. 

  "Oh, Miley!" Amy cried softly as she embraced Miley, and they clung to each other as they both cried.

  After crying for sometime, Miley was the first to compose herself and then she patted Amy's back, "Don't be such a baby," she said jokingly.

  "How can you even joke right now?" Amy asked with a sniffle as she pulled back to look at Miley.

  "That's all I can do, else I might be forced to take my own life before the universe takes it from me," Miley said as she wiped away Amy's tears. 

  "You won't do such a thing," Amy said as she held on to Miley's hand on her cheek, and Miley nodded. 

  "Yeah, I won't. That's why I have to keep doing my best to stay cheerful. You know, low-key I'm still hoping to receive a call from my doctor telling me it was all a prank or a mistake and I'm not really dying. But the call is taking so long to come," Miley said with a crooked smile. 

  "What did you do when you first got the news? Why didn't you call?" Amy asked, and Miley sighed. 

  "It took a while for it to actually sink in. I don't think I've completely come to terms with it yet either. So how do you expect me to tell anyone else about it when I'm yet to believe it myself?" Miley asked, not really expecting an answer.

  "You remember all those headaches I was always complaining about?" She asked, and when Amy gave her a nod she continued, "Well, apparently they weren't mere headaches. And then one day I was in the middle of a meeting with this lovely couple who wanted to have their wedding reception at the hotel, and I almost passed out because of the intensity of the pain. My usual pain relief medication was no longer effective, and it was at that point I realized I needed to visit my doctor," Miley said, and Amy listened without interrupting her.

  "You can't imagine how hard I laughed when he told me I had a tumor growing in my brain. At first I thought it was a sick joke, but then I was the only one laughing in the room. I asked if it wasn't a joke, and he looked me dead in the eyes and said he wished it was. And then I felt goose pimples all over my body. It was summer, the weather was very hot, but I was suddenly feeling very cold. I didn't say another word to him. I picked up my handbag and I left his office," Miley said, a distant look in her eyes even though she was looking right at Amy.

  "You know what I did? I went straight to the penthouse suite from there and I crawled under my sheets and slept. Hoping that by the time I wake up I would realize it was just a nightmare or maybe something miraculous would have happened. I'm twenty-five, Amy. For fuck's sake, I'm fucking twenty-five! Why do I have to die now?" Miley asked, and Amy swiped at the tears running down her cheeks. 

  "I'm sorry, Miley. I'm so sorry this is happening. You don't deserve any of this," Amy said, her lips trembling as she spoke.

  "I know I don't deserve this, so why is it happening to me? I don't want to die, Amy. I don't want to die!" Miley asked as tears flowed freely down her cheeks, and Amy embraced her. 

  "I can't promise that I will make you feel better, but I can promise to be here for you in anyway you want me to. I've got you, Miley. Now and always," Amy promised as she consoled Miley who was crying hysterically now.

  After crying for what felt like an hour, Miley managed to pull herself together and Amy excused herself and went into the bedroom to get them both a box of tissues.

  "I swear I haven't cried this way since I received the news. Thanks for coming even when I asked you not to come," Miley said as she took some tissues and blew her nose loudly. 

  "Are you only grateful I'm here now because Dr. Hottie left?" Amy asked with a teasing smile, and Miley laughed. 

  "What do you think about him?" Miley asked, and Amy raised a brow. 

  "What am I supposed to think? He's handsome and looks pretty decent too. But I'm not surprised about that, his family is decent," Amy said, and Miley nodded thoughtfully, making Amy narrow her eyes at him.

  "Why did you bring a stranger to your place?" Amy asked, watching her closely.

  "Do you know he was engaged to Rachel?" Miley asked, and Amy's eyes widened in surprise.

  "Rachel? Crazy Rachel?" She asked in disbelief, and Miley bobbed her head. 

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  "As a matter of fact she was here yesterday," Miley said with an amused smile when she recalled how enraged Rachel had been. 

  "She was here? Like you mean inside this place? What happened?" Amy asked, and listened as Miley explained it all to her. 

  "It's a small world, isn't it?" Miley asked, and Amy nodded. 

  "A very small world indeed. I wasn't going to bring this up first until you do, but Dr. Hottie mentioned something about you wanting to get married and having a kid," Amy said, and Miley rolled her eyes. 

  "I suppose he wanted you to change my mind?" She asked, and Amy nodded. 

  "Don't waste your breath. My mind is made up. All I need to do right now is find a suitable surrogate and..."

  "Nah. You don't need to find a surrogate when I'm here. I will be delighted to carry your baby. That way we get to share every moment together," Amy said, but Miley shook her head. 

  "No way. There is no way I'm letting you do that. You've not even had sex because you want your first time to be special and you are talking about doing this. Your mom is going to throw a fit if she hears of it," Miley said with a shake of her head.

  "My best friend doesn't have the luxury of time, and you think my virginity is of importance here? If this is the only thing I can do in this short time to show you how much I love you, and how your existence has been a blessing to me, then it's nothing," Amy said, and tears gathered in Miley's eyes. 

  "You would really do this for me?" Miley asked, and Amy smiled as she kissed away Miley's tears.

  "You have no idea how much I can do for you. If I could produce sperm, I would have impregnated you or..." She stopped talking when Miley burst into a fit of laughter. 

  "You are so silly, Amy. Gosh! I've missed you so much," Miley said, and Amy smiled. 

  "You don't have to miss me anymore. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. Now that we have a surrogate, let's talk about how to find you a husband. Do you have a selection process in mind?" Amy asked, and Miley smiled.

  "You are really not going to talk me out of this?"

  "I want you to be happy. I want you to only do things that will make you happy whether or not it makes sense to me. As long as you are happy, than I'm fine," Amy said and Miley looked into her eyes lovingly.

  "Oh, Amy! Why aren't you a guy?" 

  Amy giggled, "I could become a lesbian and marry you if you want me to," Amy said with a seductive smile as she leaned closer to Miley, making her shriek with laughter as she pushed her away.

  "Ew! No! I want a real man," Miley said, and Amy nodded as she stood and went to her handbag to take her journal and a pen. 

  "What are the qualities you are looking out for in a man? Let's start from there, and then we can decide on how to go about finding him," Amy suggested, and Miley pursed her lips thoughtfully as she considered it. 

  "He has to be a kind person with a nice personality. He must be from a decent home. Very intelligent, with a good sense of humor. He has to be taller than me. He should have dimples and gray eyes preferably, a really charming smile, and..."

  "And his name should be Lucas Perry I suppose? You do realize you are describing Lucas, right? Don't tell me you were going to ask him to marry you?" Amy asked dryly, and Miley sighed. 

  "Is there a reason I can't like or want someone like him?" She asked, and Amy shook her head. 

  "Forget about him. He's not interested in being a part of this. He doesn't even want you to do this. We will find you a good husband. Someone better than him. And then we can talk about how to break the news to your parents," Amy said, and Miley smiled at her. 

  "That sounds like a plan."