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One Wild Night

Chapter 370 Delaying The Inevitable
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Chapter 370 Delaying The Inevitable

  "Wouldn't you be concerned if you heard I was having a dinner date with someone?" Jade responded to Harry's question with a question instead, making his brows pull together.

  "Am I supposed to be? Do you want me to be concerned about who you go out with?" Harry asked, and Jade laughed softly when she realized that neither of them was willing to answer the other's question directly.

  "Well, I don't know about you, but I am concerned. I suddenly feel jealous at the thought of you having a dinner date with another female. Maybe it's because of the dream I had," Jade said on a light note, but Harry's heart skipped a beat at the mention of the dream. 

  "I haven't given you the details of the dream yet, have I?" Jade asked, and Harry cleared his throat.

  He didn't want to know. "Jade..."

  "Yeah, that was how you called my name in my dream before you kissed me," Jade said, and Harry was sure he was going to have a heart attack if he didn't stop her from speaking any further.

  "So in my dream, we were back at my home. It was almost exactly as it was four years ago when we first met," Jade went on without letting him say anything or interrupt her. 

  "The only difference this time is I wasn't wearing a sweater or jeans trouser. I was putting on a red sexy see-through lace satin nightgown..." Jade said in a sultry voice and paused as she waited for her words to sink in and for him to get a clear mental image of it.

  "I was only wearing a pair of black g-strings underneath it, without a bra..."

  After having seen her in various stages of undress, it was so easy for this image to form in his head. And this made all blood in his veins that should be flowing to his brain with oxygen go in the opposite direction to somewhere between his legs.

   Harry took a deep breath. "Jade, this conversation is inappropriate," he complained weakly even though his voice had sounded stern in his brain before he uttered them.

  "I'm only narrating what happened in my dream. We both acted very inappropriately and immorally in my dream, and maybe after hearing the details, you'll understand why I don't like the thought of you having dinner with another female," Jade said, and he could hear the smile in her voice. She was actually having fun.

  "Why are you telling me all this?" Harry asked, even though he had already figured out that she was messing with him.

  "You are the only person I can talk to about it since it involves us both. Who else should I tell about this? Tom?" She asked innocently, and Harry cringed at the thought of Jade telling Tom something like this. Even though it was just a dream, he couldn't help feeling embarrassed. 

  When he didn't respond, she took that as a sign to go ahead, so she continued, "You were putting on just your pajamas pant without a shirt, and we were both relaxed on the loveseat seeing a late-night movie alone in the living room while sipping from our mug of chocolate."

  "What movie were we seeing?" Harry asked, wanting to see if she was making it up.

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  "I can't exactly remember what movie it was since I spent most of the time staring at you than I did gazing at the television," Jade said, and a sigh escaped Harry's lips since he could imagine just how she had been staring at him. 

   "Halfway through it, you turned to me abruptly and said... You have chocolate stains around your lips," Jade said in a breathless voice.

  "I tried to lick it off, but you stopped me and said... Let me help you," Jade whispered, and Harry closed his eyes as he wondered why he was yet to hang up the call.

  It was quite glaring that she was tempting him or trying to seduce him or do something with the phone call, so why couldn't he hang up?

  He didn't want to hear what she was saying, but at the same time, he was curious to hear everything she was saying. With Jade, it was a constant battle of wanting and not wanting to want her because there had never been a time when he didn't want her. 

  "You leaned towards me and brushed it off with your thumb while gazing deeply into my eyes, and then I took your hand, lifted it to my lips, and slowly sucked on your thumb," Jade said, her voice was as soft as a whisper now, caressing and washing over Harry.

  Harry sucked in a breath, "Jade..."

  "Yeah, that was how you called my name huskily when you pulled your thumb away and replaced it with your lips..."

  Harry groaned inwardly, "Why are you doing this? What do you want from me, Jade?" Harry asked, and Jade smiled. 

  "I want to live rent-free in your head, and your..."

  "What are you doing in here?" Aaron asked as he opened the door and stood in the doorway.

  "Talk to you later," Harry said as he quickly hung up the call before she could say anything else, relieved that his father had come in when he did. 

  "Nothing. I was just taking a look at all the bedrooms," Harry said without meeting his father's gaze.

  "You weren't home when I got in. Where were you?" Harry asked as he picked up his jacket and tie from the bed before heading for the door. 

  Aaron hid his smile when his eyes fell on the bed that had been lain on, and he walked further into the bedroom, walking past Harry, who seemed very flustered, "I was taking a stroll around the neighborhood. By the way, why does this place smell like a lady was in here recently?" Aaron observed as he sniffed the air dramatically, and Harry, who had gotten to the door, stiffened as he turned to look at his father. 

  "A lady?" He asked, feigning ignorance.

  "Yes. Did you have a female visitor?" Aaron asked as he walked over to the bathroom and looked around.

  Harry pretended to contemplate it only for a second before nodding, "Oh, yeah! Tom's younger sister crashed here for a couple of days," Harry said casually as though he had only just remembered it, and his father chuckled in amusement.

  "Harry, my boy."

  Knowing that tone, Harry looked at his father wearily, "Go on and just say whatever you want to say."

  "You know I can see through you, right? This isn't a phone conversation where you can deceive me. I'm looking right at you," Aaron said as he watched him with eyes which were crinkled at the corners with life and laughter. 

  "What are you trying to say?" Harry asked dryly.

  "She was the one on the phone with you just now, wasn't she? I heard you mention her name," Aaron said, and Harry scowled.

  "You eavesdrop on my conversations now?"

  "If that were my intention, I wouldn't have made my presence known at the point when you asked such an interesting question, would I?" Aaron asked with an easy smile, and Harry sighed. 

  "Just get ready, dad. We are leaving for dinner by 6:30. The reservation is for 7 PM," Harry said as he walked away, making it clear that he didn't want to have that conversation with him anymore.

  Unfortunately, his father was just warming up, and from the looks of him, the man was just as determined to talk about it as he was not to talk about it, so he followed him. 

  "It's just 5 PM. There is still time. Let's talk," Aaron insisted. 

  "Dad, don't nag me about being in a relationship. I am really not in the mood for that right now," Harry informed him through gritted teeth as he walked into his bedroom, and Aaron followed him in before he could shut the door. 

  "Sure, I won't. I'm just curious about something. You are still very much interested in her, aren't you?" Aaron asked as he sat on Harry's bed while Harry dropped his jacket and tie beside him on the bed before proceeding to unbutton his shirt.

  "Interested in who?" Harry asked disinterestedly, and when his father didn't respond after a few seconds, he turned to see him staring at him with a slightly raised brow.

  "I already told you I'm over her," Harry hissed in frustration, annoyed with his father for pushing the subject when he really didn't want to talk about it, especially not when Jade had just succeeded in messing up his head. 

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  "Do you remember the first thing you said to me the first time you met her?" Aaron asked, carrying on as though he couldn't hear the annoyance in his son's voice. 

  "I have a feeling that you are going to remind me of it whether or not I say I remember. So just go on and say it so that we can finish this awkward discussion on time and get ready for dinner," Harry said as he sat on the padded stool beside his dressing table.

  "You said, 'Dad, I think I've met her. The one woman for me' that's what you said. And you sounded so happy. So confident and excited," Aaron said with a rueful smile.

  "I was just twenty-four..."

  "And you have not talked about another lady since then. I know she hurt your feelings without even knowing it, but that was over four years ago, and a lot must have changed in that time. If you still feel strongly about her, why not just talk to her about your feelings?" Aaron said, and Harry sighed. 

  "That was in the past, dad. And as you rightly said, a lot has changed since then. Let's not talk about this anymore. I'm going to start seeing someone else soon. So forget about whatever I told you about Jade," Harry said stubbornly. He wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of getting him so easily.

  "Do you love this new person?" Aaron asked as he watched his son with knowing eyes, and Harry shrugged. 

  "I won't know if I don't try, will I?" Harry asked, and his father gave him a nod as he got off the bed. 

  "Although I think you are just delaying the inevitable by going around in circles, do whatever you must and find out where your heart truly lies," Aaron suggested before leaving the bedroom.

  Once Aaron left, Harry sighed and buried his face in his hands. Damn both his father and Tom for making things even more difficult for him. He didn't care that they were doing it because they cared about him, their interference was only going to end up making him more impatient with both himself and Jade, and he didn't care much for that.

  His father was only partially right. He knew he was going around in circles and delaying the inevitable. But his father was wrong about one thing. He already knew where his heart was, but he wasn't sure she knew where hers was yet, and that was why he was still doing his best to hold himself back.

  He had tried his best not to think about her for the past four years and had held back from contacting her this whole time even after he heard of her boyfriend's death, but fate had brought them together again in the form of his nosy best friend, and seeing her again had brought back all his long-suppressed feelings to the surface.

  He wanted Jade, but for once in his life, he didn't mind going around in circles if it was going to get him what he wanted without any disappointment. 

  Just a week ago, she had been the one trying to set him up on a date with someone else despite all his attempts to stop her, and all of a sudden she no longer wanted to think of him with someone else? Had it only been a game for her, or was she really only just beginning to realize that she was interested in him?

  He was going to honor his date with Aurora whether or not he had any interest in her, and he was going to wait and see how Jade reacts to that. 

  She wanted to live rent-free in his head? Well, too bad for her that he wasn't going to make it so easy for her. He wasn't going to let her have her way so easily with him as she had the first time.

  If she really wanted him as he was beginning to think she did, she was going to have to prove herself and do more than just create sexual fantasies in his head. As stimulating as the thought of doing all of that with her was, that wasn't what he wanted from her. 

  If it were just physical intimacy she wanted, then they would be wasting both their time as that wouldn't be good for him or his relationship with Tom.

  He wasn't usually the type to play games, but it seemed like she enjoyed playing games, so he was going to continue to indulge her and play her games with her until she got tired of it and was sure of what she wanted.