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One Wild Night

Chapter 351 Tracker
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Chapter 351 Tracker

  Harry whistled after Tom relayed everything Barry had just said to him, "That's what you get when you go sticking your nose in other people's business when you have a dirty business yourself," Harry said, and Tom nodded. 

  "Who knows? Maybe if things had worked between you and Anita, she would have tried to have an affair with me," Harry said, and Tom raised a brow.

  "Well, she's having an affair with one daughter's husband, another daughter's father-in-law. Who knows? Maybe she's having an affair with the third daughter's brother-in-law. So it makes sense that she might have wanted to have an affair with your hot best friend," Harry said, and Tom laughed. 

  "Well, at least you're single, and she's single. Who knows? You both would probably have made a power couple, and you possibly would have fallen for her," Tom said with a chuckle when Harry scowled at him. 

  "Yeah, and together we would have duped you of your money and murdered you!" Harry said, and Tom shuddered.

  "Don't joke with something like that," he scolded, making Harry laugh. 

  "But do you really think it's possible that she duped her own husband and killed him? It doesn't make sense, does it?" Tom asked, and Harry shrugged. 

  "It doesn't have to make sense. People do crazy things. And if there's one thing we have learned about that family thus far, it's the fact that they are all mentally unstable. I won't put it past her," Harry said, and Tom nodded. 

  "When did all of this happen, though?" Tom asked, and without waiting for Harry to respond, he picked up his phone and searched for Richard Miller on Google. 

  "He lost his wealth to a bad investment twelve years ago, and he died eight years ago. They were not divorced, just separated," Harry summarized as he too checked it out on his phone. 

  "Does that mean she has been involved with her daughter's father-in-law for over twelve years? That has got to be long before her daughter got married into that family, right? And no one has suspected a thing?" Tom asked in disbelief.

  "What's even more surprising is how they could both have consistently had an affair for that long. It doesn't make any sense," Harry said with a shake of his head. 

  "Unless of course, it is because they have something on each other, and maybe either of them doesn't want to let go. I'll place my money on Rebekah. I bet she wants to remain relevant by clinging to Bateman," Tom suggested, and Harry nodded. 

  "That makes sense. And her son-in-law? Why get involved with her own daughter's husband?" Harry asked, and Tom shrugged. 

  "As you said, people do crazy things. If even normal people can do crazy things, what do you expect from crazy people like them?" 

  "If normal people do crazy things, then it is expected that crazy people should do normal things. That's the way it works in mathematics," Harry said with a grin, and Tom chuckled at the joke. 

  "All we have to do now is expose all of this and then fire Anita after we are done," Harry said with satisfaction.

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  "I thought you didn't want me to fire her? Weren't you the same person that said something about not mixing business with pleasure?" Tom reminded him dryly.

  "That was until she started showing us just how demented she is. One of the qualifications to be a staff here is mental stability," Harry said, and Tom laughed. 

  "So, as Co-CEO, you agree that she is not fit to be a staff here?" Tom asked, and Harry nodded. 

  "Hundred percent. Let's fire her after exposing their family."

  "What do you think about getting a popular television host to feature Rebekah and her daughters in a show and exposing it all to them while the world is watching? I would love to make their fall even more colorful."

  "I think it's perfect. They should have a taste of their own medicine."


  Seeing that she wasn't going to say anything until he did as she wanted, Lucas pulled away from the table, "Can I use your restroom?" He asked, and she nodded as she pointed him in the direction of the bedroom.

  Lucas left, and once inside the bathroom, he reached for the mouthwash he had hoped to find there, and after rinsing out his mouth, he washed his face before returning to join her.

  She said nothing and just ate quietly as she watched him eat. After they had eaten in silence for some time, she spoke again, "My doctor said I have less than a year, but the oncologist I consulted said it's less than six months," she said with a wry smile. 

  "I went to the hospital too late. You know, I've had this terrible headache for a long time, but I kept thinking it was just a migraine or probably a result of stress, so I just kept popping pill after pill until they stopped relieving the pain, and then I had no choice but to go see my doctor," she brushed off a tear that slid down her face, and she smiled at him instead.

  "I'm sorry," Lucas said, not knowing what else he could say to her. 

  "Don't be. By the way, I lied to you about a couple of things. Or maybe it was not exactly a lie, but I withheld some parts of the truth. I actually approached you at the bar last night because I recognized you from the hospital. I went to the hospital yesterday to see my family doctor, and you walked past me in the hallway. You looked so miserable and dejected that for a moment, I thought you had just been given similar news about your health, but then I overheard some of the staff talking about how you just quit your job," she said, and Lucas frowned. 

  "Dr. Drew, is your family doctor?" 

  She nodded, "Yeah. But I've not been in the country for some time. I came back to be with my family when I learned that my time with them is limited," she added as though to explain why they had never run into each other. 

  "So you lied about checking my ID card and Instagram page then?" Lucas asked.

  "No, I didn't. You looked familiar when I saw you at the bar, but I still had to check your ID card to confirm that it was you. And once I did, I became even more curious about you, especially as you kept calling your sister's name. And since I could barely fall asleep, I decided to look you up on Instagram," she explained.

  "Keep eating," she urged him as she served a portion of scrambled egg on both plates.

  "Are you always this bossy?" Lucas asked with mild dislike, and she flashed him an apologetic smile.

  "Kind of. Sorry about that. It comes with my job. I have to be bossy to have people take me seriously and not just see me as a bimbo because I'm pretty," she said and dropped her spoon when her phone started ringing.

  "Excuse me," she told him as she picked up her phone and smiled when she saw the name displayed on her screen.


  "How could you? I can't believe that you kept something like this away from me! We even played tennis together on Saturday. How could you have kept that from me?" Amy cried, and immediately she stood up and walked away from Lucas.

  "What are you talking about?" 

  "Don't you dare pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about!" Amy snapped at her before breaking into a sob again.

  She sighed, "How did you find out about it?" She asked in confusion since she was yet to break the news to anyone, and Lucas was the first person she was talking to about it. 

  "Were you hoping we wouldn't find out until it was too late?" Amy asked, feeling annoyed and heartbroken at the same time.

  "No. That's not it, I promise. I was just waiting for the right time. I haven't been around for a long time, and I wasn't sure this was something I should just spring up on you all. I'm sorry," she said apologetically.

  "Where are you? I want to see you right now."

  "Don't worry about me. I'm at my apartment in the hotel, so seeing me is impossible. Besides, You should be at work right now."

  "I took the day off. How do you expect me to focus at work when I just found out about something like this?"

  "Don't worry about me. I just need some time to myself. How did you find out about this anyway?"

  "You listed me as your next of kin, didn't you? Your doctor called on my way to the office to find out why you haven't been taking his calls and why you missed your last two appointments. I asked what the appointments were about, and he told me," Amy explained impatiently. 

  "Damn doctor can't keep his mouth shut. I hope you haven't told anyone else about it?" 

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  "Not yet. But I will if you don't..."

  "Take a chill pill. I will tell everyone soon, don't worry. Let's talk later. I don't want to keep the gentleman waiting for long. I will call you after he leaves..."

  "What gentleman man?" Amy asked before she could hang up. 

  She sighed, "Your boss' twin brother."

  "My boss? You mean Lucy?" Amy asked in confusion.

  "Yes. Don't ask any more questions. I ran into him by coincidence. Let's talk later," she said as she hung up, and then once she turned, she saw Lucas standing by the door. 

  "What are you doing?" She asked with a frown.

  "I thought you made it clear that it was perfectly normal to eavesdrop on people's phone conversations?" Lucas asked, and she smiled as she approached him. 

  "That's fair."

  "Who was that on the phone?" Lucas asked, and she raised a brow as she brushed past him. 

  "If you paid attention to our conversation, you would know that she works with your sister."

  "Yes, I got that much from your conversation. My question is, what is she to you? How are you both related? And who exactly are you?" 

  Before she could respond, a knock sounded on the door.

  "I guess your bodyguards are here to check on you," Lucas said, and she rolled her eyes. 

  "I lied about that. There are no bodyguards. What do I need protection from when I'm dying?" She asked as she walked over to the door to see who was there since this was a separate apartment within the hotel premises. 

  Once she opened the door, she was startled to see Rachel. One look at her tousled hair, flushed face, and the robe slipping off her shoulder, Rachel looked past her into the room to where Lucas was standing, and before she could stop her, Rachel brushed past her into the apartment. 

  "So this is it? Did you break off our engagement because of this... this whore? You pretended like it was something I did or said that made you want to end things, yet you were cheating on me!" Rachel yelled at him, her eyes burning with anger.

  Lucas looked at her speechlessly, trying to figure out how she could have possibly known he was here since he did not even know where he was himself. 

  He glanced at her phone which she was holding tightly, before looking at his phone which he had left on the dining table, "How long have you been tracking my phone?" Lucas asked in a very calm voice, ignoring her outburst.