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One Night With My Alpha Professor by Eve Above Story

Chapter 112
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Chapter 112 Audrey The weekend had finally arrived, and I couldn't have been more relieved. The stress of the past week at my internship had leftfeeling drained, and I was looking forward to a day out with my friends at the local botanical gardens. They were hosting a special butterfly exhibit, which Avis had mentioned last night, and we had all agreed to go "Audrey, hurry up!" Tina called from downstairs. "We're going to be late!" I quickly finished applying my lip gloss and grabbed my bag. "Coming!" I shouted back, taking the stairs two at a time. The anticipation of today's event put a small spring in my step, one that I hadn't felt all week.

As we entered the gardens a little while later, the sweet scent of flowers filled the warm, slightly humid air. The large greenhouse roof was etched with designs that cast curling patterns on the ground, the sound of the large fountain in the middle mingling with the sound of excited voices.

With Avis in the lead, we followed the signs to the latterfly exhibit, joining the line of eager visitors.

"Look at all the different species they have listed," Avis said, pointing to a nearby sign. "Monarchs, swallowtails, painted Ladies.

"Oh, and they have luna moths too!" I added, spotting the nat the bottom of the list. The idea of seeing a luna moth up close sent a small jolt of excitement through me; I had always loved luna moths, although I hadn't ever seen a live one in person before.

Finally, it was our turn to enter the exhibit. As we stepped inside, I couldn't contain my small gasp. Butterflies of every color fluttered around us, landing on flowers and occasionally on unsuspecting visitors. "Wow. This is amazing." I breathed, watching a monarch butterfly float lazily past my face. I turned slowly, my mouth hanging open as I looked up at all of the butterflies, Vines and trees towered over us, momentarily making it feel as though we had stepped out of the greenhouse and into another world.

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We wandered through the exhibit as a group, oohing and aahing at the different butterflies. Avis was fully in her element. snapping pictures to use for reference in her sketchbook later. Even Gavin, who had been quiet for most of the morning. had a smile stretched from ear to ear As we reached a quieter corner of the exhibit, I felt a tickle on my hand. I froze, hardly daring to breathe as I looked down.

There, resting gently on my skin, was a beautiful luna moth. Its pale green wings were spread wide, showcasing intricate patterns that seemed almost like a pair of eyes staring up at me.

I couldn't move, couldn't even breathe as I stared down at the moth. It was so still on me, so peaceful-l felt, in a childlike sort of way, that I had been 'chosen. I knew it was silly, but I couldn't help it. But as the seconds ticked by and the moth remained still, I realized -not even when I gently fluttered my hand to make it fly away.

With growing horror that the moth wasn't moving at all My stomach dropped.

It was... dead.

Panic welled up inside of me. Had I done something wrong? Was it my fault? The thought of harming such a beautiful creature was unbearable, and I felt tears beginning pr**k at the backs of my eyes.

"Are you alright?" An attendant approached, noticing the panicked look on my face..

"Th-The luna moth," I stammered, holding out my hand. "It landed onand now... I think it's dead. Did I kill it 1/3 13:00 Wed, Sep 18 Chapter 112 somehow?" The attendant leaned in to examine the moth, then, to my surprise, gavea gentle smile.

"Don't worry," she said. "You didn't do anything wrong. Luna moths have a very short lifespan as adults-only about a week. This one likely cto the end of its natural life cycle and chose your hand as its final resting place." "R-Really?" The attendant nodded. "In fact, scultures consider it a symbol of good luck when a butterfly or moth chooses to spend its last moments with you." 1 looked down at the delicate creature on my hand. my mouth opening and closing a few times as I struggled with what to say. But then, suddenly, an idea struck me-1 could incorporate this into my designs, perhaps encase it in resin or have Avis sketch it...

"Is it... would it be okay if I kept it?" I asked hesitantly, glancing up at the attendant, The attendant looked around nervously for a moment, but then shrugged. "I don't normally do this, but sure," she said. "Letget you a small bag to put it in." As the attendant walked away. Gavin, who had approached with the others during the debacle, let out a low whistle. "Leave it to Audrey to have a moth die on her in the butterfly exhibit." "Shut up," I muttered, but I couldn't help smiling. The initial shock was wearing off, replaced by a sense of wonder at the strange encounter. Good luck... Maybe I needed a little good luck.

The attendant returned with a small, clear bag, and carefully helpedtransfer the luna moth into it. As I held the bag up to the light, I marveled at the intricate patterns on its wings.

One week, the attendant had said-one week to live and die, and the luna moth had chosenas her final resting place. The logical part ofsaid that it was just a coincidence, but I couldn't stop myself from imagining for a moment, just a moment, that maybe....

Maybe it wasn't.

Luna Moths were very symbolic in werewolf culture-often seen as a gift from the Moon Goddess herself. It was just a legend, but it was nice to imagine. Silver Star...

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Quickly, I shook my head as if to dispel that thought.and my s**id brain, making connections that didn't exist.

My friends and I continued through the rest of the exhibit, gawking at the butterflies and taking countless pictures. As we eventually made our way toward the exit, craving something sweet and unhealthy for lunch, I clutched the small bag carefully, feeling oddly protective of my unexpected souvenir.

We were laughing and planning our next visit when a familiar voice cut through our conversation. The sound was like nails on a chalkboard, and my good mood evaporated instantly.

"Well, well, well Fancy seeing you here, Audrey" I froze, my heart sinking. Slowly, I turned to face the last person I wanted to see on my day off. Linda stood there, a smirk playing on her perfectly glossed lips. She was dressed impeccably, as always, looking more like she was headed to a fashion show than a butterfly exhibit.

"Linda" I managed to say. "What a surprise." Gavin immediately stepped in front of me, his body tense. I could hear a low growl rumbling in his chest, 13:00 Wed, Sep 18 Chapter 112 Linda's eyes flicked to Gavin's protective posture, and her smirk widened. "My, my. So you have more than one man on your radar, Audrey? How... interesting." More than one..? Did she know about Edwin? My mind wandered back to that note I had found the other day, the one she had signed with Edwin's initial. But how did she know? "Get lost. Linda, Gavin snarled before I could respond, his lists clenching at his sides, Linda, however, simply laughed.

"Touchy, aren't we? Don't worry, I have no interest in your little.. group outing" Her eyes ve wandered betweenand my friends, lingering for a moment too long on Avis, before they finally landed on the bag in my hands. "What's that?" Feeling oddly protective of the moth, I moved the bag slightly out of her line of sight. "A luna moth," I said cautiously. "It.... died on me." "You killed it?" Linda asked, c**ing her head. "How... fitting for a human."

I opened my mouth to retort, but Tina beatto it. "Did you chere to see the exhibit or to torture Audrey during her two days off from having to look at your ugly mug all day?" Linda's smile never faltered, but I saw a flash of something-annoyance, perhaps-in her eyes. "As a matter of fact, I do have my own reasons for being here. Enjoy your... insects." With a final contemptuous look, she turned on her heel and sauntered away, her departure just as tic as her arrival, So much for trying to be a better person, I supposed. As soon as Linda was out of sight, I felt my shoulders relax-but only slightly. Her words had cut deeper than I was willing to admit. How fitting for a human, she had said.

We made our way back to the car, and I stared down at the delicate it truly an am moth in my hands. Was it symbol of good fu Yuck. that the moth had died ontoday, or was it an omen, just like my silver streak of hair? 3/3 SEND GIFT X RULE #1 choose married women They have reason to keep things secret, as do you.