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Omega Summoner-Novel

Chapter 1774 The Spiny Needle Jaguar
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Chapter 1774 The Spiny Needle Jaguar

Ark and Pana were leading the others in battling the Spiny Needle Jaguar and they were mostly able to handle it. Although, the two knew that the Spiny Needle Jaguar is still holding back. Ark and Pana could see that the Spiny Needle Jaguar is not paying extremely close attention in fighting them as if it is wary of something from afar.

The Spiny Needle Jaguar is also not like normal predatory monsters that are extremely aggressive. It is incredibly shrewd and made sure to even attack the blind spots that cannot be defended easily. It has already hit Ark and Pana a couple of times using its spines that it launches like flying needles.

The good thing is that the attack power of the needles is not that high but there is poison in them. There is also a chance to be controlled by the Spiny Needle Jaguar if one gets hit by the needles, but it has less effect on humanoids compared to monsters. The guild members can easily cleanse the effect by making sure that the needle no longer is embedded on the skin of the one getting controlled.

Ark and Pana were making use of their teamwork that uses the former as the vanguard while the latter is the rear guard. Basil would have been their heavy hitter, but she was not there since she is still trapped in Dragon Rock. They were doing their best in order to get the magic stone of the Spiny Needle Jaguar as thy have been told that it might be the thing that they need to cure Basil.

Ark did not pull his punches as he made sure to attack the Spiny Needle Jaguar with all that he has. Ark has already mastered the manipulation of light and darkness elements. He can shape them into things that have physical mass which is something that angels and devils can do as well.

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Ark uses the two-handed weapon style, but he usually uses a sword made of light and a shield made of darkness. He uses a sword made of light due to the fact that the light element has defense piercing attributes which helps in dealing damage. He tried using a normal sword before, but ordinary weapons will crumble after being injected with pure light element that he wields.

He uses a shield made of darkness because compressed darkness is actually heavy, and firm compared to light that scatters with just one hit. For his shield, Ark coats it with the darkness element instead which makes it more of an enhancement than a shield made of complete darkness. Still, the shields that he uses are often destroyed after a few hours due to the immense strain they carry from getting injected by pure darkness.

Ark has yet to find suitable weapons that can take his pure elemental manipulation because weapons that can bear such power are in the Mythical Tier. He was already an existence that can be said to be very unique since he is a combination of two polar opposite races. Still, the power that a Nephilim holds is not something that can be shrugged by as he can go toe to toe with the Spiny Needle Jaguar.

Although the Spiny Needle Jaguar is not yet exerting everything it has, the fact that Ark can catch an attack from a semi-mythical monster is a noteworthy feat. Pana is also doing great as he has actually activated the legacy that was given to him by dark elf instructor back in the starting village. Pana still uses a bow as his weapons, but he can also change into a being that can go for a melee style of fighting.

Ark's new job is called Nightfall which is actually one of the lost hidden jobs of the Dark Elves. Nightfall is what they call the group, but it is also a job class as it is something that can only be given true a legacy. Pana inherited that legacy as he can now create traps using darkness and even hexes from death attribute magic. This chapter is updatᴇd by Noᴠelꜰire.nᴇt

Pana worked well with Ark as he can amplify the darkness in the area due to being a Nephilim born from angel and devil. The traps made of darkness made the Spiny Needle Jaguar unable to easily leave the area but also made sure that it is wary of the two beings that are trying to hunt it. Ark and Pana with the help of the guild members are able to steadily deal damage to the Spiny Needle Jaguar but it all changed when the area was flooded by lightning.

Ark and Pana had to close their eyes in reflex as lightning illuminated the area and a loud roar came from the direction where Adrian was. The Armored Titan Bear could be seen like a gigantic bear god of lightning that has descended unto the world. The Spiny Needle Jaguar saw this and actually looked like it was extremely excited.

The Spiny Needle Jaguar that was not facing Ark and Pana properly suddenly looked at them with the intent to kill them. This was the first time that Ark and Pana felt like their lives were in danger as the enemy that was not looking them earlier is now hyper focused on them. They are glad that the enemy is no longer looking down on them, but they are still anxious that the real fight is now starting.

The Spiny Needle Jaguar suddenly emitted a low growl that made it menacing as the needle hairs on its body started to vibrate. The sound of buzzing could be heard in the surroundings as the Spiny Needle Jaguar made its needle hairs rattle. Ark and Pana along with the other guild members are now in high alert as this behavior is nothing that they witnessed earlier.

"I shall probe." Pana stated as he pulled his bow and materialized an arrow made of the darkness element.

The arrow imbued by the darkness element flew swiftly towards the Spiny Needle Jaguar, but the monster did not even move. With a low roar, the Spiny Needle Jaguar released a flurry of needle hairs that disintegrated the darkness arrow before it can reach its final destination. Pana saw this happen, but he still released numerous arrows, but this is not the end for his plan.

Pana released countless arrows that did not hit the Spiny Needle Jaguar. The arrows, however, are not just random ones as Pana is using his newly found skills to the test. The darkness arrows that missed actually formed a circle around the Spiny Needle Jaguar which it did not notice.

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"Got you! Dark Net!" Pana stated as he threw a kunai made of darkness upwards but also released arrows towards the Spiny Needle Jaguar.

The Spiny Needle Jaguar destroyed the arrows that are about to hit its body, but it did not hit the kunai that Pana threw. Pana smiled as the plan worked and the field boss did not suspect anything. The kunai that he threw flew all the way at the top of the Spiny Needle Jaguar.

The kunai exploded and released potent darkness energy which created chains made of darkness. The chains made of darkness connected with one another like a net. Soon, multiple chains made of darkness covered the Spiny Needle Jaguar as it was in the center of the formation.

"Now!" Pana stated as his bow suddenly changed to a two chained kunai.

Pana is suddenly shrouded in darkness as his entire demeanor and clothes changed. His presence became weak as if he was going in and out of the mortal plane. Pana then tossed the kunais on his hands towards the Spiny Needle Jaguar which hit its body perfectly.

The kunai are attached to a chain but the weapon itself is made of darkness. As soon as the kunai pierced the Spiny Needle Jaguar, Pana would plant the other end of the chain to the ground. This made sure that the Spiny Needle Jaguar will not be able to run away for the next event.

"Dead or Alive!" Ark stated as he conjured a sphere of pure light element on his right hand while a sphere of pure dark element is on his left hand.

Ark fused the two elemental spears together and created an ominous sphere of volatile energy. He then threw this volatile sphere of energy towards the Spiny Needle Jaguar which engulfed it in an odd energy sphere. The Spiny Needle Jaguar suddenly had its vision become impeded as light and darkness swirled around it and dealing damage to its body.

The Spiny Needle Jaguar did not mind the damage its body is getting because it also somehow alleviated the pain it is receiving from its own body transformation. The Spiny Needle Jaguar even thought of staying inside the elemental sphere when the energy it felt from the Armored Titan Jaguar suddenly vanished. The Spiny Needle Jaguar suddenly released half of its needle hair to destroy the elemental sphere and see the sorry sight of the severed head of the Armored Titan Bear.