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Omega Summoner

Chapter 1925: How to Increase Mastery
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"Thank you. Can you please tell me on how I can increase that?" Adrian asked as he knows that Force Magic is something he needs to practice more.

"If you can defend against my attack earlier then you will pass. In order to increase your mastery, you would need more training in using force in your attacks and even your defenses. You are perceptive so that would be easier for you. I think you can master it if you focus for at least six months." Elder Bronx stated as he did not sugar coat anything.

Elder Bronx noticed that Adrian was incredibly sensitive to the movement of energy. If he can actually feel the force moving and even manipulate it, then he believes that Adrian can become the most powerful user of Origin Magic. The three Daemos elders chose the path that they will be masters of, but Adrian is talented in all three applications of the subset magic in Origin Magic.

"Thank you once again. I guess it is now time for me to challenge Old Man Pann in the realm of Origin Magic." Adrian stated.

"Maybe you should internalize our teachings for at least a week before you go against him. Elder Pann is not someone that holds back really well and he is also not that combat ready for now. He is still recovering from his injuries that occurred in the War of the Gods. Also, a Noblesse is a different realm compared to us Arch Demons." Elder Ascalor stated.

"Ascalor is right. Elder Pann is someone that even the three of us will not be able to defeat if he is serious. You will need to prepare if you want a higher evaluation from him. He does not show mercy in grading as he is hailed as the Demon that 'Makes Even Other Demons Cry'. He not only hurts you physically but also verbally that you would want to hole up in a pocket dimension for a few days." Elder Koronn stated as he looked dead inside when he was saying it.

"I am still traumatized about that incident. The only one that did not cry is Bronx, but he was out of it for a week and was incredibly clumsy." Elder Ascalor stated as he also joined Elder Koronn in remembering harsh memories.

"I have already erased that memory in my head using a potion that Jianna concocted. So, if you want to forget your bad experience, Jianna's potions work like a charm." Elder Bronx stated as he gave a reassuring thumbs up to Adrian but all it did was make him even more nervous.

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"If Old Man Pann can terrorize the three elders, then he is much more spartan than Elder Bronx. No wonder only the cute younger generation of demons talk to him with a smile. The others would often avoid even getting near his farm. Maybe... they were all traumatized when they fought him." Adrian stated as he went to the guild house to train.

Unlike the evaluation from the other elders, Old Man Pann's evaluation is fort Origin Magic. Adrian can now use all three magics in battle without being restricted. He cannot use summoning magic but now he can combine spells from the spatial, temporal, and the force category. He believed that his evaluation might be high as he can seamlessly use all of them when it comes to combat.

Adrian made sure to internalize everything that the three elders taught him during their first exchange. He made sure to emphasize the training that Elder Bronx has told him. He was told that his weapon is his incredible perception ability which could detect magics that are unusual to him.

Adrian does not have a skill to increase his perception, but it is actually tied to his bloodline. The Asmodian are incredibly perceptive to any forms of energy because they were born from energy itself. Energy can recognize energy due to their origin all being the same. He needed to be more in control of his perception if he is to battle Old Man Pann.

Adrian believed that he would fare well as Old Man Pann will not use his monsters against him. The reason why demigods would never dare to infiltrate Avalon is due to Old Man Pann. The old man might be cranky at times, but he was the greatest deterrent to any force that would like to conquer Avalon.

Old Man Pann is a powerful being that commands beasts that can rival demigods. He is incredible when it comes to taking care of beasts that they would even bow down to him when they see him. He was incredibly in tune with nature as well which makes him formidable in using Origin Magic.

Unlike the three Daemos Elders, Old Man Pann has such refined use of Origin Magic that Adrian cannot easily decipher it. Adrian believed that his perception is the thing that might give him an edge against Old Man Pann. He believed that he would make sure that he is always alert when it came to his evaluation.

"I can do this." Adrian told himself as he had a deep breath and trained his perception for five days.

The day of the evaluation has finally arrived for Old Man Pann. He was still the usual and making sure that his farm is in good condition. He even made sure that there is another Daemos that will look after the players working. The lucky Daemos for that situation was none other than Elder Ascalor as he was still in his 'recuperating' phase.

"It seems that you have really become very courageous and even trained judging from the air that I can feel from you. But I believe that practice is not yet enough as only real battle can temper that power." Old Man Pann stated.

"I know but I will still try my best in order not to disappoint you." Adrian stated.

"The rules of the evaluation are simple as well. The only spells and skills that you can use must be related to Origin Magic. Other types of magic are not to be used as this would not be accurate should you use other magics. Begin!" Old Man Pann stated but he did not transform into his true form.

[All of your other skills will be sealed. Only spells and skills of Origin Magic can be used.]

[Passive skills will not be locked.]

[Do your best against Elder Bronx.]

"Are you not going to be my opponent?" Adrian asked as Old Man Pann was not even transforming.

"I will not be your opponent for this test. It will be none other than Bessie." Old Man Pann stated as a large Cosmic Cetacea suddenly manifested behind him.

"What?!" Adrian shouted as he was like an ant when it came to size differences.

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"This is actually a great chance for you to fight against a beast that uses Origin Magic on instinct. The Cosmic Cetacea would swim through galaxies until they die. They are the only magic beast capable of easily transcending universes. They also have incredibly tough hides that are almost impervious to all magics.

I am not that cruel though as the test will be much different than those barbaric young lots. Your test would be to survive for five minutes while Bessie here chases you. Remember that Bessie's favorite snack is Origin Energy which usually come from dead planets, but he would not think twice of chomping on you." Old Man Pann stated.

[A new way of evaluation has been introduced.]

[Survive for Five Minutes against Bessie, the Cosmic Cetacea.]

[The timer starts now.]

Just like the previous evaluations, Adrian and Bessie are now playing tag in the Paradox Planes. Before Adrian could mentally prepare himself, Bessie immediately swam towards Adrian with its large mouth open as if he was the tastiest morsel ever. Adrian felt danger as soon as he saw that large gapping mouth and teleported away as he only needs to survive for five minutes.

"I can just avoid fighting Bessie who is built like a tank and the evaluation will be finished." Adrian thought but he saw what Bessie was capable of.

The Cosmic Cetacea suddenly made a diving motion and vanished from the area. Adrian is shocked as Bessie did look like a whale but what whale that swims in the air just vanishes into thin air. Just as he was wondering what to do, Adrian's perception suddenly kicked in as he felt space itself contorting.

"Enhanced Blink!" Adrian thought and vanished from his location.

Adrian appeared twenty meters away and then saw a large whale's mouth manifesting from nothing. Bessie would then bite out loudly in the area Adrian was before which made the latter gulp. Adrian could not believe that a powerful beast could have chewed him up without him realizing if he did not train his perception. Adrian suddenly felt why it was Bessie hunting him because the Cosmic Cetacea are beasts that transcend both time and space.