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No Way Back by Anna Mac

Chapter 2
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Chapter 2 Traveling Back In Time

Jane looked at her face in the mirror in a daze as she processed the fact that it appeared

five years younger

She looked somewhat naive and inexperienced for now.

But it couldn’t hide the beauty that was still to come.

“I… I’ve been reborn?”

She murmured to herself.

When she checked her phone, she saw that it was October 23rd, 2030.

It was exactly five years before the fire that had killed her.

It was also under a month since she was brought back into the Fowler family.

A bitter laugh escaped her lips. “Is this God’s way of telling me I was too foolish in my past

life and giving me a second chance?”

Regardless, she knew one thing for sure.

This time, she wouldn’t be the kind of person who tried to make everyone happy and was

always looking for approval. She wouldn’t live for anyone else but herself.

She was well aware that this was an excellent opportunity for her to make amends for her

previous errors and free herself from her regrets.

She looked around the room, which was both familiar and new to her.

With renewed zeal, Jane shed her pajamas in favor of a white T–shirt, faded jeans, and an

edgy yet chic hairdo for her short crop.

One last glance in the mirror, and she knew she was ready to take on this new life.

She had brought only a small suitcase when she arrived at the Fowler home.

But her hopes for a better life, reuniting with her birth family, and a sense of belonging

were strong.

Then she arrived at the door of her “home“.

A home that was nominally her own.

This stunning, luxurious “home” was the source of her most excruciating pain. However,

this time around, she was able to get everything done quickly, and she began her life in this

house once more.

This day, a resounding knock on the door brought Jane joltingly back to the present

moment, just as she had become immersed in her depressing thoughts.

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Knock, knock…

Jane suppressed the sorrow in her heart, and an iciness settled into her expression.

She then opened the door.

“Jane, mom and dad want you downstairs,” said the guy standing at the door.

It was Jane’s big brother, the seventh son of the Fowler family, Peter Fowler.

He was tall and handsome, dressed to the nines in designer clothes, and he scowled at her.

Like Jane, he was also studying at the University of Oricle in Stormton City.

That was a prestigious school.

He was in his third year while Jane was in her second.

Their sister, Madelyn, was a freshman who had just been accepted this year.

“I see,” Jane replied.

Jane looked very indifferent.

And that made Peter feel a bit shocked.

He recalled the Jane from before, the one who had such a strong desire to please and win

the approval of her family.

The one who had no dignity and would do anything to be close to them but was too scared

to truly be a part of the family.

Jane’s submissive attitude and demeanor disgusted Peter. At last, he decided that he had

only one sister, a real sister, and her name was Madelyn.

With Madelyn by his side from childhood, he doted on her whenever possible.

Peter didn’t want a biological sister. All he wanted was Madelyn, the gentle and kind little


“Jane, you know what you did. Just go downstairs and take your punishment.” Peter sneered

before turning and walking away.

Jane started to wonder what she had done.

The corner of Jane’s lips twitched.

Her mind began to fill up with memories from her past.

Now she remembered what had happened today.

Now it was about time to make things right.

Jane walked down the grand staircase of the mansion with her hands in her pockets.

And she could hear the sound of sobbing coming from the living room.

It did not surprise her to see her parents, Jack and Anna, holding their uncontrollably

sobbing baby daughter, Madelyn, in their arms and trying to console her.

Now Jane felt as though Madelyn was the biological daughter, and she was the one whom

the family had adopted.

Their position seemed to have shifted.

Jane couldn’t help feeling a twinge of pain in her heart.

She had wanted this for a long time. She hid her intelligence and true nature from the world

as best she could.

She did all that for the sake of this hard–won familial bond.

She used to be unable to imagine giving it up, not even in a reincarnation.

However, she also knew she shouldn’t make the same mistake again.

She looked on indifferently as if she were an audience member taking in the performance

being put on by Jack and Anna.

She even considered standing up to applaud them.

The one and only problem was that Jane almost had no feelings for them any longer.

Her remaining feelings of love for her biological parents were almost completely gone.

When Peter came downstairs and saw how Jane looked, he immediately became angry.

“Why don’t you even ask your sister why she’s crying, Jane?” Peter asked.

“It’s not like I made her cry. Why should I ask?” Jane replied emotionlessly.

“Hey! Don’t you dare talk to Dad like that!” Peter yelled.

He almost wanted to teach Jane a lesson when he realized Jane had no plans to change her

behavior and

even wanted to get away from the trouble.

Peter couldn’t believe her real sister was such a calculating and vicious woman.

Madelyn would always be the only sister Peter would acknowledge.

He wished Jane would die soon so Madelyn wouldn’t have to go through so much suffering.

Jane’s expression remained unchanged as she looked up blankly at Peter, who was staring

at her with a menacing look in his eyes.

Jane could feel the hatred emanating from Peter as if he wished she would just disappear

from existence so that Madelyn could get what she really wanted.

When Jane used to see this look in her brother’s eyes, it would cause a stabbing pain to

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arise in her chest. She used to have self–doubts, wondering what she had done wrong and

why her own brother would look at her in such a way.

For over 19 years, Jane had no place to call home and had never known the warmth of a

family’s embrace, but she still managed to pull it through.

In Jane’s mind, it didn’t matter that the Fowlers had adopted Madelyn. Rather than being

envious, she treated Madelyn like her own sister and was concerned about how Madelyn

was feeling.

Jane had always been selfless, always putting Madelyn’s needs before her own.

She had never fought for any of the glory or recognition Madelyn received.

Jane gave up so much for the sake of this “family.”

It was never Jane’s intention to take Madelyn’s life. She had wished nothing more than for

her family to look at her and notice her presence, even if only for a brief instant.

She had dedicated every moment of her life to serving the needs of her so–called “family“.

But their gratitude was unwaveringly unsatisfied.

From the Fowlers‘ point of view, Madelyn was the most important member of the family.

And Jane was just a bonus… Or even a burden.

They all harbored a deep, dark wish that Jane had died.

That way, Jane wouldn’t have barged into their lives and ruined their happiness.

They only took Jane back because they wanted to feel better about themselves. And they

couldn’t stand the guilt of not recognizing her.

Even though Jane already knew that, she couldn’t care less now.

The argument between Peter and Jane caught Jack’s attention. “Anna, take care of Maddie,”

said Jack.

Then, with a frown on his face, he stood up and walked to Jane.

“On your knees! Jane Fowler!” Jack’s angry roar echoed through the room. His voice rang

out in Jane’s head like a death knell, commanding and fierce. Peter crossed his arms and

sneered as he watched the drama unfold.

He was eager to see Jane get what she deserved for making Madelyn cry.

For the old Jane, seeing Jack so angry would have been enough to send her running to the

ground in fear. However, things were different this time around.

“Why should I kneel?” Jane replied.

Her eyes were calm as she looked at Jack.

Compared to Jack’s rage, Jane’s composure stood out like a sore thumb.

And it wielded an unexplainable power as if Jane were the senior in the family.