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No Way Back by Anna Mac

Chapter 19
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Chapter 19 An Unlucky Coincidence

Dwayne hadn’t felt bad when he had brought up the online scandal. That was because he

had had no part in it.

Besides, he had been preoccupied with and worried about Madelyn.

This was different. Dwayne had gotten involved.

He had accused Jane of theft when he had had no proof.

Dwayne felt unworthy of the WWE gold medal that he had just won.

“What did you say, Dwayne?”

Madelyn hadn’t heard him.

However, she knew that it couldn’t be anything good.

“It’s nothing.

Dwayne yanked himself out of his thoughts.

It didn’t matter. What was done was done.

There was no point regretting it now.


Dwayne wasn’t going to hurt Madelyn just because he felt bad about Jane.

“Dwayne, if you catch up with Janie right now, you can try and convince her to come back

to the Fowler family. Janie looks so lonely. I feel so sorry for her.

“We had been misled right from the start and accused Janie of something she hadn’t done.

She had every right to be upset and disown the family. If only I hadn’t been part of the

family. This wouldn’t have happened in the first place if I never existed.”

Madelyn said with a pained look on her face.

“Silly girl, that’s utter nonsense. You’re a part of the Fowler family. Nobody’s going to

change that fact. “You’re right. We were wrong about Janie. But that has nothing to do with

you. She’s already made up her mind. We should respect her decision.”

Dwayne said gently, shoving whatever guilt he felt toward Jane to the back of his head as

he turned his attention back to a remorseful Madelyn.

Jane took Lila on a long ride in her newly purchased Porsche Cayenne. She felt on top of the


Dwayne had given her thirty grand. She wasn’t going to turn down money.

She decided to treat Lila to a meal at the best restaurant in Stormton City.

“Let’s not, Janie. Why don’t we dine at my place instead? We should save the money. You

need it…”

“Lila, don’t forget. Half of that money belongs to you too. I’ve never been to Cloudnine

Restaurant. I really want to try it. Humor me, please.”

“All right then.”

Lila had decided that she would support Jane in her every decision, no matter what it was.

That was what best friends were for.

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Jane was having a bad day today, and Lila was going to cheer her up!

They arrived at Cloudnine Restaurant.

Cloudnine Restaurant was the most famous restaurant in Stormton City.

At the height of its fame, it had a waiting list that spanned a month long.

True to its name, the restaurant was located on the 100th floor.

That was the top floor of an office building.

Diners at Cloudnine Restaurant could gaze upon the stars and enjoy Stormton City’s lovely

nighttime scenery, gazing at Fig River, which cuts right through the city, as well as a Ferris

wheel and a spectacular bridge across Fig River as they dined.

The chef hired by the Michelin 5–star restaurant prepared dishes that looked like works of


Naturally, meals at Cloudnine Restaurant came with a hefty price tag.

You had to be prepared to spend at least 15 grand for a single meal.

Janie, I recall Cloudnine Restaurant being a really busy restaurant. You need reservations to

get a table”

“Don’t worry. I have that covered.”

Jane waved her phone at Lila.

“We got lucky. We don’t need a reservation.”


Lila seemed slightly stumped.

This should be Cloudnine Restaurant’s busiest period.

Jane led Lila to the top floor.

The waiter scanned their QR code and welcomed Jane and Lila to the restaurant.

Lila noticed the look of deference in the waiter’s eyes as he looked at Jane.

She leaned toward Jane and stuck her tongue out. “You’re becoming more mysterious by

the day, Janie.”

I’m me. What’s so mysterious about that?”

“It’s just a feeling that I have.”

Cloudnine Restaurant had ten tables.

The restaurant could only serve ten groups of diners at any one time.

You had to be a friend of the restaurant owner before the waiting staff would set up an extra

table for you. Otherwise, you would be turned away.

The more diners there were, the rowdier the restaurant would become.

Rowdiness was prohibited at Cloudnine Restaurant, which had a reputation of being one of

the best restaurants in Stormton City to uphold.

The difficulty of getting a table at the restaurant made it all the more attractive.

In fact, it was the most popular restaurant in the city.

Jane and Lila got a table by the window.

The lavishly decorated restaurant with opulence oozing from every single detail had Lila

sighing in awe.

“It’s been two years since I’ve dined at Cloudnine Restaurant. I find myself speechless

every time I step inside. It’s beautiful.”

“Lila, you’re paying for the meal today. Come on, order something.”


Lila took the menu and ordered Jane’s favorites.

The few dishes cost them more than ten grand.

Jane took the menu and got a bottle of red wine that cost a dozen grand or so.

“I don’t feel comfortable keeping Dwayne’s money on me, so let’s spend every single dollar

of it today.”

“Sure! Let’s do it! We don’t want that asshole’s money. You don’t need it. You’re doing fine

on your own!” Jane’s lips quirked up into a smile. She tousled Lila’s hair gently.

“Thank you, Lila. You stood up for me and tried to protect me when Dwayne and Madelyn

accused me of being a criminal.”

Jane knew how much courage that took. Lila wasn’t the sort to speak up at all.

But she had gathered her courage and overcome her meek nature because she had wanted

to protect Jane. Sometimes, Jane wished that she had been a member of the Sutton family


It would be amazing to have Lila as a sister. She was the kind of family that Jane had always

dreamed of having.

All the Fowler family had ever given her was pain. They had hurt and abused her and left

her to burn.

“Janie, we’re best friends. That’s what best friends do. Let’s not talk about that. Drop by my

place and have dinner some time. I’ll have my parents whip up something nice for you.

“My mother keeps going on about how pretty and nice you are and how much she wants

you to be her goddaughter.”


Jane’s eyes were bright with unshed tears.

She would love to be the goddaughter of Lila’s parents.

It sounded like a great idea.

The Sutton family wouldn’t treat her like dirt while treating Madelyn like the apple of their

eye like the Fowler family.

Unfortunately, Jane had had her share of disappointments in her past life.

She had died for it.

Her yearning for a family had died alongside her

Sheer coincidence had Hugh walking past Cloudnine Restaurant then.

He caught Lila and Jane chatting happily through the window.

The man was surprised by the sight. Jane didn’t seem like someone capable of smiling.

“Something wrong, Hugh?”

Robert leaned in and spotted Jane too. He whistled.

“Destiny’s calling, Hugh. Are you going to go say hi?”

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“Not now.”

Jane finally noticed someone staring at her.

She turned around.

Sparks flew as Hugh’s and her eyes met.

Hugh’s dark eyes were filled with intimidating intensity.

As Jane stared at his dangerous, piercing gaze, she could feel her soul being drawn out of

her body and into

a bottomless abyss.

She shifted her eyes away immediately.

The young woman cursed inwardly.

She had been running into people she had known the whole day.

What terrible luck!

Hugh and Robert got a table that was ideally situated in the restaurant. It was neither too

far nor too near Jane and Lila’s table.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen a woman resist your gaze, Hugh.”

Robert eyed the beautiful Adonis before him and grinned playfully.

Croft was a rich man and the president of the D.Y. Group.

However, he didn’t have to rely on his status to win the affection of a woman. His looks and

charms alone would get him any woman he wanted. If every woman who wanted to fall in

bed with Hugh were to get in line, the queue would stretch from Stormton City all the way

to Floricia.

Jane, on the other hand, seemed desperate to keep her distance.

Jane was doing the right thing. Hugh was a dangerous, unpredictable man.

Robert, who was one of Hugh’s best friends, found Hugh intimidating sometimes.

Hugh did not say a word.

All he did was stare at Jane.

It was as if he were trying to imprint a mark on his prey.

In fact, it was as if he were trying to lure his prey into a sense of complacency.

Jane felt a sudden sense of discomfort.

“Janie, is there something wrong?” Lila asked curiously.

She had not spotted Hugh and Robert.

She was simply concerned about the strange look on Jane’s face.

Jane was staring at something. Before Lita could turn around and find out what that was,

Jane stopped her.

“It’s nothing, Lila,” Jane said.

She stopped Lila from turning around just in time.

Lila was too kind and innocent to get herself involved with Hugh and his world.

She should remain in her own bubble of happiness, where she belonged.


Someone had arrived at Cloudnine Restaurant.

“Anna, it took me great effort to secure a reservation here. We’re going to have a feast
