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New Eden: Live to Play, Play to Live

Chapter 233 Prime Suspect
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Alexander woke up in a hospital bed, feeling like this situation was familiar. He looked around, and the room was at least not a normal room.

He was inside a VIP room. But when Alex tried to sit up, he noticed they cuffed his hand to the bed.

He also saw two police officers guarding the door. Both of them were now looking at him, fear evident in their eyes, hands lurking next to their sidearm.

'Urgh. Not again.'

One officer turned his head, speaking into his radio.

"Suspect is awake. Call the detective."

Alex wondered if he would get the same detective as last time. Detective Trudeau had been quite helpful the last time.

But Alex already knew this time would be different. He hadn't accidentally killed a man this time. By the blood they surely found on his hands when they found him, it was easy to deduce this time was intentional.

He also knew that a quick autopsy of Burt would reveal a crushed heart. And since he had his blood all over his hand, that would be a simple question to answer too.

He knew he was in trouble, but he still revelled in the memory of that feeling of absolute power he had at that moment. He recognized the feeling of melding with White, but it was more feral this time.

Like the wolf had only partly been there, sharing only its strength and feelings, instead of thoughts.

'Can you hear me, White?' Alex tentatively asked in his mind.

No answer came.

'Luna? Morpheus?'

Still nothing.

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Alexander mentally shrugged. He could imagine it was a onetime deal, where his emotions surged strongly enough that he reached into a deeper part of his game powers.

There was no use in thinking about it now.

His attention snapped back, when the sound of a door opening resounded. It was Detective Trudeau entering the room.

But this time, he stayed further away. The look in his eyes was one of wariness.

'He probably thinks I'm a monster or something.'

"We meet again, detective. Although this time it might be under strenuous circumstances."

The detective looked at his calm attitude and felt like tearing his hair out.

He was wondering in his head if the young man had turned into a sociopath.

"Before you ask me any question that I will gladly answer, how is Violette?"

"Violette? Ahh the girl. She's fine. She is unconscious, her mind probably still in shock from almost drowning, but she will be ok."

Alex sighed in relief. He knew her parents would still chew him up, but at least she was safe.

This question and reaction also assuaged the detective's thoughts. The man couldn't be a sociopath if he felt relief at the girl's safety, after all.

"Young man. I want to know something."


"What are you, exactly?"

"That is a curious question, detective. I'm human, just like you."

"Did you know that a kid was filming the scene at the park yesterday?"

"I did not."

"So you wouldn't mind explaining what I see in this video, right?"

Detective Trudeau got a little closer, turning his phone toward Alex. On the screen, Alex could see from a short distance what had happened at the park.

The boy had originally been filming the ducks until the muffled gunshot happened. The angle at which he filmed allowed for a limited view of Alex's first killing blow.

But you could clearly see the inhuman speed at which he pounced on the other man, accompanied by the strength at which he sent him flying.

It also captured very well his figure flying out of the pond with a body in his arms. Alex was already sweating.

The following scenes were any more flattering, as he saw himself jamming his hand into the chest of a man, and torturing him before killing him.

Of course, Alex didn't need to see the video, since he remembered what had happened. But seeing it from a bystander's point of view depicted him as not quite human.

The end of the video showed him fainting, as his hair turned back to its original colour. Silence filled the room, as the two officers still present looked on in horror from the side.

Alexander cleared his throat.

"I'm not sure you would believe me if I told you, detective."

"Try me."

Alexander had resolved himself to tell the truth, but before he could, the door to the room slammed open. Three suited men came in, surrounding the bed, as a fourth man walked in with a slow gait.

Alex recognized the last man as the old man from the park. The one that had defended and reanimated Violette.

But seeing him in his high-class suit, with his face much more stoic as in the park, made him wonder who this was.

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"Young man, don't say another word. My lawyers will represent you here, and this interrogation is over."

The officers in the room were about to move in on the old man, but a simple glare from him sent shivers down their spines. Those were the eyes of a killer.

"Mister Boudreau. Do you have any ties to Mr. Leduc?"

"That is beside the point, detective. Back your stuff and go. You can come back with a warrant for arrest when you want to detain him."

The detective clicked his tongue. He then closed his notepad and nodded to the police officers.

One of them reluctantly walked over to Alex, pulling out the cuff keys. Once Alex was uncuffed, he smiled at the officer.


The officer jumped back, putting his hand on his gun, before grunting and leaving the room.

An enormous hand slapped the back of Alexander's head, making him grunt.

"That was unnecessary, kid."

"That slap was unnecessary. Also, who are you?"

"Jack Boudreau. But that's not important right now. What is important is what happened in that park. I have a small idea of what it was, but I want to confirm with you. That is why I will be moving you to my private healthcare facility, free of charge, of course."

"I don't need health care, Mr. Boudreau. I'm fit as a fiddle."

"Unfortunately, I will be the judge of that."

With a snap of his fingers, four large men came into the room. The bulge in their suits clearly pointed to side arms.

Alex didn't want to deal with this, so he reluctantly obeyed.

'Does everyone but me have a gun? Should I think about getting one?'