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Neurolink System in the Modern World

Chapter 71 High-Maintenance
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Chapter 71 High-Maintenance

After scanning the area for a suitable target among the thugs who had not participated in the brawl, I spotted a young man who seemed to be merely watching on the side. He wore a flowery undershirt like the rest of the gang members, but his body language suggested he hadn't been directly involved in the violence. "Mind Eye"


Name: Ok Ki

Age: 19

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Level (6)

Overall Stats :7.9

Strength: 1.5

Agility: 3

Stamina: 1

Endurance: 1

"You have no idea."He chuckled. I glanced up at him, trying to meet his eyes and subtly activated my skill, planting a suggestion in his mind. The latest_epɪ_sodes are on_the novelenglish.net . Fɪre.nᴇt

'Oh wait, I forgot that I'm not Lelo*ch Vi Britan*ia, so no need to look at him in the eye like an awkward stalker,' I thought to myself. "Hey, you should leave this place right now. It's getting dangerous, and you don't want any trouble with the police. I suggest you don't join your friends just yet, or they might end up facing a major crackdown because of how big this incident has become."

[Suggestion : Success]

The young man blinked, as if suddenly coming to his senses, and nodded, quickly backing away from the scene.

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"Thank you, " he bowed and walk away .

I watched him go, satisfied that I had successfully manipulated one of them without arousing suspicion.

With the chaos slowly dissipating as more police officers arrived, I decided to keep a safe distance while keeping an eye on the thug I had influenced. That high-level police officer definitely piqued my curiosity. But as intriguing as she was, I had more pressing matters to attend to. I needed to resolve this situation quickly and get back to school. After all, I still have a mission to get Alice. Time was of the essence, and distractions, no matter how fascinating, were a luxury I couldn't afford. I followed the young man, and as I expected, he didn't regroup with his gang members. Instead, he walked until he reached a coffee shop. It seemed like he was planning to kill some time there. This worked perfectly for my plan. But before I could approach him, another young lady took the seat next to him. . "Wait a minute, I'm quite certain this is Lizy," I said to myself in a low voice. Her black hair with purple highlights and the dark shade of lipstick that gave her a somewhat edgy appearance, made her easily recognizable. 'Is she skipping classes? What kind of student ditches school to hang out with gangsters? '

Well, I guess I can't really blame her then, considering I'm also skipping school at the moment. I settled into a corner table, making sure to blend in as just another customer. I called the waiter and placed an order for a cup of Frappes, four slice of vanilla cake, and a serving of pasta. It was the kind of order that screamed, "I'm here to enjoy my meal and mind my own business." With my food and drink on the way, I focused my attention on Lizzy and the young man, waiting for the right moment to make my move. As they continued talking, it became evident that they weren't siblings, given how close they were conversing. Lizzy was even teasing him, and the young man appeared to be like a puppet, dancing to her whims. What a SIMP, I thought to myself.

After nearly half an hour of conversation, Lizzy stood up, and the young man handed her something that looked like an allowance. It was becoming increasingly clear that she was taking advantage of this guy, draining him both emotionally and financially. No wonder he had resorted to working as a gangster's runner; it was probably the only way he could keep up with her demands. "Hey, we meet again?" I greeted him, trying to strike up a conversation.

"You're that guy from before, thanks for the head's up back then," "No problem at all," I replied casually, trying to maintain our friendly conversation. I chuckled and leaned closer to the young man, lowering my voice as if sharing a secret. "By the way, I'm also interested in this gang stuff. I'd really like to know how to join one. You see, I have a girlfriend who's high maintenance, so I could use some extra cash." [Suggestion : Success]

"You too?" he exclaimed, his eyes widening as if he had just met a kindred spirit.