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Necromancer Survival-Novel

Chapter 178
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Chapter 178

After gaining a victory over Woo Ragi like that, the house was cleaned shortly afterwards. To be exact, Soe Dawon was the one to destroy it, so he was in charge of restoring the place to its original state.

I dozed a little in bed; Seo Dawon woke me up, so I made my way towards the table. Soon, all the servants gathered in the living room. Woo Ragi, who had been seen for a long while, took a seat at the far edge of the large table. Whenever I wasn’t looking at him, he’d send a vehement gaze my way; when I looked up, he looked away. His actions really made me worry about him.

‘Why is he looking at me like that, it’s making me want to tease him…’

While I took a big bite of the porridge that Seo Dawon made, I looked suddenly at Woo Ragi. I laughed inwardly at the way that the other tried to pretend as if our eyes hadn’t met.

However, my prank was stopped when Olim tapped lightly on the table. “This wasn’t something I wanted to bring up during your meal, but there’s something that bothers me about some actions on Bae Jaemin’s side. We’ve already delayed too much, so listen while you’re eating.”

“……” I swallowed my porridge and nodded, conveying my agreement.

Seo Dawon, who saw my nod, looked towards Woo Ragi this time. “Do it.”

Woo Ragi seemed to have gained some background information from digging through my head, but it was still more important to know exactly what was going on. However, the truth was such a harsh reality for these people, that I listened to the impassive story that passed back and forth between them with bated breaths.

Contrary to my expectations, Woo Ragi only listened quietly; his only reaction was the way his eyes grew colder.

After the whole explanation finished, He opened his mouth and asked, “Do you find out anything about the assassins that showed up that fated day–especially the guy that used the red daggers that looked like flames?”

“We haven’t investigated that yet. We don’t have a lead to the contracted assassins; there’s no way to contact him.”

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“Find out as soon as possible. And, when we deal with that assassin, I want to come out personally like Jung Garam did. No complaints, right?”


He looked at me for his last statement. I didn’t bother to go against him and nodded.

After Jung Garam murdered Park Hoseok, an implicit rule had been created. They would personally pay back the enemy that landed the final blow on them.

I recalled how strangely devastated I felt when the assassin brought about Woo Ragi’s death. Though I couldn’t experience how Woo Ragi had died from his point of view in his [Vengeful Ghost Memory], but his death scene was still vivid from Seo Dawon’s memories. My fingertips felt numb.

Woo Ragi did not step down or retreat one inch in an unfair fight in which dozens of people rushed in to cut down one person. He knew that if he collapsed it would be his guildmates’ turn. How could I keep him from resolving that resentment?

Perhaps he had not expected my gentle response; his mouth gaped open as he mimicked a fish opening and closing their lips. Then, he grinned. Perhaps he didn’t intend that grin–his smile quickly disappeared. In anycase, the atmosphere was good as we continued this earnest talk.

“Bae Jaemin had to return from abroad in a hurry due to Park Hoseok’s case. After urgently displaying some sorrow, the guild announced its plan to launch a personal investigation.” Kim Olim looked around at her audience and immediately continued onto the key point. “That seems to have caused some friction between the official investigation team and HaHae. From the official investigation’s standpoint, they don’t want people unrelated to the investigation agency running around; from HaHae’s standpoint, they demand a high-intensity investigation, referring to the official investigation agency’s sluggish pace to gain results. Bae Jaemin hasn’t officially appeared in public yet, but witnesses have stated he’s often coming to Jeju Island.”

After Park Hoseok’s death, there was much talk of a suspect being arrested or that the team was in the middle of investigation, but each suspect arrested was found to have an alibi and had to be released.

To put it simply, it meant that the real criminal hadn’t been caught and the investigation was lost in fog… As the incident had grabbed the whole nation’s attention, even if the case didn’t make the front page every day, articles were still constantly being published. HaHae was strongly pressuring the government by appealing to the media. Bae Jaemin seemed to be able to intervene in this situation since the deceased, Park Hoseok, was a HaHae executive.

The problem, though, is the impact of their confrontation on me.

“That’s why the investigation scope has increased; a notice has been sent to our side detailing a future visit from an investigator. After all, the date of Park Hoseok’s death overlaps with the time we spent in Jeju Island.”

“Huh? Then…Wouldn’t we be at a disadvantage if I say something wrong?”

We committed illegal deeds and I was an accessory to murder, so I used to sweat at the mention of the investigation agency. Still, I took relief in the fact that no one came to me directly. However, the mention of an investigator’s visit had cleared up my drowsiness; I felt my heart pounding.

Kim Olim, who saw my anxious expression, continued, as if to soothe me. “They probably won’t investigate you intensely. They probably will think that you couldn’t even touch a strand of hair on Park Hoseok’s head with your ability.”

“That’s right, Lee-kyung-ah. You’re shabby, remember?” Jung Garam giggled. “No matter what they ask, it’s enough to just say ‘I can’t do that sort of thing?'” I couldn’t tell if he was trying to tease me or help me relax; nevertheless, I calmed down a little bit. The thought of my lousy skills being some help made me laugh.

However, when I saw the notice that Kim Olim had placed on the table, I felt strangely anxious yet again.

“Originally, you should have attended immediately after summoning Woo Ragi, but it was postponed since you were admitted to the hospital. Within the next week, orders for you to attend will arrive. There will probably be the expected usual questions, so we’ll practice speaking formally. Your alibi has already been created by Koo Hui-seo.”

“Whew… Alright.”

Fortunately, Koo Hui-seo and the Red Lotus members had fabricated my alibi, creating a schedule of my day. I received the paper, intending to memorize it until my scheduled investigation attendance date.

As soon as Kim Olim finished her explanation, her expression became a little stiff. She started a new topic with a chilly tone, “Ryu Hyerin also returned from abroad.”

I paused in the middle of neatly folding the paper I had received; I looked towards Seo Dawon reflexively. He listened to the Paladin, chin in hand, without blinking… The issue was that someone else looked at Seo Dawon like I did.

It was Woo Ragi.

Woo Ragi stared at Seo Dawon; when he turned his head, I could see his complicated expression. My mouth suddenly felt dry.

‘As expected, those two… Hah, damn… Then, why did Ryu Hyerin betray Seo Dawon?’

No matter how Seo Dawon maintained his poker face, my heart strings couldn’t help but be tugged because the mage’s closest friend looked at him with such a meaningful expression.

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However, since I couldn’t hold onto Seo Dawon and demand answers, I bowed my head calmly.

Kim Olim calmly continued to speak when silence fell over the table. “Also, the first paparazzi photo taken of Ryu Hyerin after she returned from abroad was at a hotel restaurant with Bae Jaemin. So, the media, lured day in and day out by rumors of Bae Jaemin and Ryu Hyerin’s romantic relationship, is going crazy. The rumors have even been pushing back news coverage on Park Hoseok’s murder case.”

“What?!” I instinctively kicked my feet and sprung out of my seat at the shocking news.

Was this lady, Ryu Hyerin, insane? No, she had betrayed Seo Dawon, but… How could she do that? Did she really not feel an ounce of remorse for Seo Dawon?

“Mm, well they’ve denied the romantic rumors for now, so… Calm yourself and sit down. You’re a bit too agitated.”

As soon as Kim Olim pointed out my behavior, I sat down again. My face flushed red.

As I took a seat, I sneakily glanced around at the others. Jung Garam bit his lips, holding back his laughter; Woo Ragi did not attempt to hide his contemptful expression. And…I saw Seo Dawon who smiled momentarily when our eyes met. The mage turned to look back at Kim Olim again.

God, I’m so embarrassed.

“However, it’s quite meaningful that they keep exposing themselves to the paparazzi. Those in the know would already have realized this, but Users aren’t easily exposed by the paparazzi. If they really didn’t want to be caught in the open, they could have blocked the media’s presence. I think he’s using them purposefully.”

“I-I see…” Complicated feelings rising up within me, I looked at the picture in the article that Kim Olim had uploaded onto her tablet.

Ryu Hyerin’s happy smile and face could clearly be seen, even though the photo was taken from far away. Seo Dawon hadn’t paid any attention to the photo, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away until the screen was turned off.

TL: Lee-kyung, feeling upset for his mans T_T I wonder what’s up with Ryu Hyerin though.


I’ve also made a specific discord for people to discuss stuff, for me to post an upload schedule, and for anyone to ask questions (about me/translation etc). I don’t expect it to become a large community haha, but its mostly there to be a resource for when people want to check when the next update is. The foxaholic discord is definitely still there to join (and I’ll be active in that server as well).