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Mystical Journey

Chapter 115
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Remembering these, Garen could not help but be reminded of Andrela .

"As for me, at that age, Andrela had already entered into the rank of Grandmaster of Combat . I don’t know how much he has had to sacrifice, how much he has experienced . No wonder his spirit feels a bit abnormal . Perhaps it’s only because of such focus and extremism that has allowed him to entered into such a high level at such a young age . Compared to me, I can be said to have cheated my way in…" He was very aware that he was not some gifted being .

Reminiscing all the young masters that he had met, only Andrela had gone into the Grandmaster of Combat level . Even the performance of Beo from the Crimson Sand Sword was only close to the Grandmaster of Combat level . It was clear that he lacked the bravery . His martial arts cultivation might have been perfected, but his soul cultivation had not yet been achieved .

Tucking away his thoughts, Garen straightened up the suit he was wearing, and walked out in great strides from the wing towards the main entrance of the great hall . Uncle Anjer had already been standing by the door, coming to greet him .

"There might be a bit of trouble later . On the surface, for my sake, they will not cause you any trouble, but as for any issues with the juniors, I have no reason to interfere, so it is up to you . I have also arranged for Venia and the others to follow you . Take care of your own safety, do not rely on the fact that you’ve trained in the martial arts to pick a fight with them . Do you understand?" His uncle exhorted in a low voice .

"I understand, uncle . " Garen nodded helplessly in response .

Only then was Anjer satisfied, and he reached out to pat his head, "It’s been a while since we’ve met, you’ve become taller again . It’s only been a little over a year, and you have grown so strong . That bean sprout in the past has totally vanished . Not bad, not bad . "

He caressed Garen’s hair, laughing loudly . Garen, helpless, could only let him pat as much as he pleased .

"Alright, follow me in . Make sure to be a bit more polite, everyone inside is a dignitary, much stronger than your background as a master . Establishing good connections will be beneficial for you in the future . "

"Okay . " Garen could only nod and agree .

Just as they walked in through the doors, he saw the local governor of Huaishan City, Boravil, in the corner, who was laughingly chatting away with two middle-aged, goateed men, completely in character as an accompaniment .

"It looks like they are really not typical people . " Garen was momentarily curious about his uncle’s hidden societal influence .

The strongest force he had encountered in the martial arts world were the Celestial Circle Gate and Sun Lin’s clan . Only, he did not know which level the ten or more people in this great hall belonged to in comparison .

However, these all remained mere thoughts; he still obediently followed after his uncle, putting on the polite and demure look of a junior .

Not far away, two middle-aged people, a man and a woman, were watching Garen and Anjer walk through the doors attentively .

"That is the future heir Anjer has chosen?" The woman was wearing a red, sleeveless dress, body-fitting and had a high collar; with a neat, golden ponytail tied to the side, and long, narrow blue eyes, she gave off a sharp and noble allure .

"Anjer has been working hard for a huge chunk of his lifetime . This time, he has more or less decided to retire after all the success he has achieved . However, his industry is neither here nor there . It won’t be easy for him to retire completely . " The man had his arms crossed . There was a little blonde goatee on his chin, and his short hair was combed to the right; he looked unusually mild mannered .

"Actually, after the banquet this time, all cards would be on the table, yes? Then I’m guessing that there will be news tomorrow . "

"Let’s wait and see . " The woman laughed lightly . "Compared to this Garen, I am more inclined towards the Delai Xima and Vaeneris there . "

"With just the support of Anjer, even if this Garen is of no use, he is still a formidable contender . A bit more time can still be stalled . Oh, right . Between Delai Xima and Vaeneris, who do you support?" The man asked in a low voice .

"Depends on the situation . Both are young leaders of the next generation, with authoritative support behind them . " The woman said very nonchalantly, "Are you thinking of pulling me over to support Delai Xima again? He might be very outstanding, but he is not the type that I admire . I don’t have to say much more . "

"So you have noticed . " The man smiled bitterly . "Cheers . "

"Cheers . " The woman smiled, pretending to raise up her wine glass and clink it against the man’s .

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Garen followed after his uncle, politely answering the questions from the elders all the way . Various appraising eyes continuously focused on him .

As he smiled and hurried forward to the thirty-plus year old man in front of his uncle, nodding in response, he swept his gaze quickly over uncle Anjer’s face .

He did not know just how much of uncle’s help he had received as he was growing up . Even his sister and himself were enrolled into the academy simply because of his connections here . Although his uncle’s sexist opinions were rather bad, but it was really nothing for him to complain about . Only, what was causing him confusion now was this sudden desire to pass on the business to him .

This was so unexpected .

Last time, he had fought for it to the utmost of his ability, but his uncle’s attitude had remained firm . However, even if Lombarth was not trying hard enough, he still would not be so willing to pass all the assets to Garen .

And uncle was only about forty years old this year…

Thinking about uncle’s age, there was an increase of profoundness in Garen’s eyes .

"Brother . . . "

Suddenly, a weak voice sounded from behind him .

Garen was slightly startled, and turned his head to see his sister Ying Er standing behind him .

"Why are you alone? Where is mum and dad?"

"They did not want to come, so they rejected the invitation . " Ying Er was wearing a black dress with a drawstring waist; the skirt reached her knees, and there was a black hairband tying up her long, waist-length hair . Her lips were pink, and her eyes glistened with brightness . It was obvious that she had been dolled up by professionals .

"Rejected?" Garen was stunned . Although he had known since he was young that his parents and his uncle were not on good terms, he had not imagined it to be this bad .

Ying Er walked over to Garen’s side and stood next to him, greeting uncle Anjer .

Anjer smilingly nodded in response .

"It’s been a long time since you siblings have met . Have a good chat between yourselves . " He patted Garen’s shoulder . "In a while, when I ask for you, come over immediately . Don’t dawdle . "

"Okay . "

Garen could vaguely feel the predicament that his uncle was facing now . He nodded resolutely .

"Brother, what is going on?!" The moment their uncle left, Ying Er immediately spoke and asked; her eye were filled with doubt and a bit of concern, as well as a sliver of confusion and unfamiliarity . "How could you came back and did not even check up at home for a bit? And how is uncle able to have such great influence?"

Garen led her to a corner and found two quiet seats . The two of them sat down .

"To be honest, I am also not clear about the situation here . Uncle suddenly wants me to take over his business . I am completely unprepared . " Garen himself was in doubt, "However . . . " He had a vague guess, but did not speak it aloud . "Forget it . Let’s hope that I can get through tonight . Don’t you bother with these things . It’ll be alright as long as I’m here . "

"But why didn’t mum and dad come over? I heard that you were here, brother, that’s why I hurried over . Otherwise they wouldn’t have let me . " Ying Er could not understand . She suddenly felt as though her parents and the brother who was just right in front of her had all become strangers now .

"They did not come here . Is it because they were unwilling?" Garen was thoughtful . "In a while I’ll go back and take a look . I’ve also just returned, the dojo the master was heavily ill, so I had no time . " What he said was the truth; originally, before he had settled everything completely, he had not been planning to go home . He did not expect to meet his sister here .

"Then come get me in a while, don’t slip off by yourself!" Ying Er felt totally uneasy at such a banquet, and unconsciously stuck closer to her big brother .

"I know . " Garen laughed, and leaned on the sofa casually .

At the cocktail party, some wealthy dignitaries were complimenting each other; there was a struggle amidst their words, both openly and covertly . They had hidden agendas . It all looked to be the same old thing, but in reality, the danger was real . Being the slightest bit careless at the cocktail party could mean offending some narrow-minded people, and getting oneself into trouble . If caught just a bit unaware, one could leak out some vital information about oneself . So everyone was extremely reserved and polite; every sentence was carefully worded .

After sitting about for a while, Garen and his sister saw their uncle waving at him, not so far off .

He hurriedly got up and walked over .

"Mr . Pand Di, this is my nephew, Garen . How is he? Easy on the eyes, yes? Garen, where is your greeting?" Anjer smiled and patted Garen’s shoulder . The other person was a huge client of his corporation, not to be taken lightly . He was also a very huge threat .

"An honour to meet you, Mr . Pang Di . " Garen smiled, stretching his hand out to him .

The grey-haired man named Pang Di gave Garen a cold look .

"Hello . However, although Anjer recommends you, my impression of you is not so good . Of course, if you can satisfy me in the future, I might change this opinion of mine . Who knows . "

"Mr . Pang Di . " Anjer interrupted from the side in a deared voice, "What do you mean by that?" His eyes flashed as he fixed them on the man . His nephew was being accused in front of him; naturally he could not just ignore it .

"No meaning whatsoever . " Pang Di smiled, "Anjer, we have worked together for so many years . To be honest, I am quite disappointed in your decision this time . "

Standing at the back, listening to these callous words that made him look bad, Garen, however, did not feel strange about it at all .

The few dignitaries who had come over just now were also like this, albeit they did not express it as forwardly as he had .

Only, he had never intended to take over his uncle’s industry . Uncle was still young, and wanting to retire at such an age… . .

He suddenly stepped forward, and, with a smile, politely asked Pang Di: "Then what can I do to give you that satisfaction?"

Pang Di was slightly startled, as though he had not expected Garen to suddenly step up and speak . He turned his head and looked at Garen closely . Before breaking into a sneer .

"Do you know anything about business science? How much do you know about classic case studies in the market?"

"The information in the regard is, in the end, only information . I am very confident with my ability to learn . I’m sure you have also gone through my relevant data?" Garen said calmly .

Pang Di was still sneering .

"So what? You’re only a newbie who has stood out, you are not the rightful heir, and your network is far less impressive than the other two candidates . If it weren’t for the support of your uncle, what right do you have to stand here and speak to me? You’re only a common student who can’t even get through the door . "

Garen raised his eyebrow .

"Who hasn’t stood up from the basics? There is some bias in your words, sir . I don’t know what your requirements are for heirs, but believe me, if you choose me, I am confident that I can do it . "

"You are very confident? You think you can definitely surpass the other two candidates?" Pang Di laughed .

"If I can, would you support me, then?" Garen said coldly .

"There’s no ‘then’ . I simply don’t like you . Although I don’t know how a mere nephew you like could obtain Anjer’s approval, but it has been the custom that the industries are passed down to the rightful first born . Don’t try to use such small tricks to snatch what is not yours . No matter what you do! I will never agree to you being the heir . "

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This was what they really thought .

Garen finally understood .

All these people believed that he had been flattering his uncle on purpose, with the intention of obtaining the family fortune using dirty tricks .

Although he had never wanted to be a part of his uncle’s business, this man’s words were really quite irritating . However, he had only spoken to him because he had wanted to understand his passionate stand and attitude .

Only, Pang Di’s refusal to listen to anything they had to say, had caused him to feel a bit indignant .

"Actually, I really want to say this too . I don’t really like you much either . " Garen retorted sarcastically . "Isn’t it a bit too early for you to interfere with my uncle’s decision?"

"Anjer’s issue . . . " Pang Di’s face turned cold .

"Alright, Garen . That’s enough . " His uncle’s face had become solemn .

Pang Di harumped coldly, and as he brushed past Garen, there was a sliver of fear on his face . It was obvious that he knew something about Garen, and walked off immediately seemingly in respect for Anjer .

Although, amongst the gentlemen on the scene, no one was afraid of anyone, and everyone was equal, but he did not need to see Anjer’s displeased expressions at all .

"Alright . Garen, don’t you get upset as well . Pang Di’s eldest son supports Vaeneris . Delai Xima and Vaeneris are two representatives of the younger generation from my wife’s side . In a while, you shall go down and meet with them privately . "

Anjer knew his nephew considerably well . The recent case with the Manuyllton Company, although he was not clear about the process, but he knew the result very well . Garen had, with connections to the special forces that he had borrowed from who knew where, single-handedly gotten rid of the entire Manuyllton Company . This had caused him to see Garen in a new light . That was why he did not wish for Garen to have hatred towards Pang Di over this matter . After all, he was still a good friend who had partnered with him for many years .

"It’ll be fine, uncle . " Garen smiled . "How about I go and meet my peers now?"

"That’s good too . Let me send someone to go with you . " Anjer pondered for a moment, and felt that the attitudes of the guests on top were so-so . The advantage obtainable for Garen here was too small, so he might as well let him meet the other juniors downstairs .

Very soon, under his uncle’s arrangements, a slender man wearing a dark blue suit followed Garen from behind . An attendant brought the two of them out of the banquet hall, and through a sidedoor, entered into a smaller parlour .

The small parlour could only contain about a few dozens of people . The walls and the ceiling were all light yellow, and the floor was covered with white sheepskin rugs . The lamps on the walls emitted a warm, yellow glow .

Spread around the parlour, here and there, stood and sat over twenty young men and women .

A big group of them were clustered around two people, the rest were standing in the corners in twos and threes, completely unassuming .

The moment Garen walked in, he immediately saw the two exceptionally eye-catching central figures .

On the left was a young man with thick eyebrows, looking very experienced . There was a glass of dark liquor perched in his hand, from which he occasionally took sips . He was listening to what his companion had to say, but there was a bit of a distant look in his eyes . From the conversations around him, one could vaguely hear the others calling him Delai Xima .

The man on the right had short blue hair and dark eyes; there was a faint, thin and long scar on his forehead . He was the complete opposite of Delai Xima’s quietness; he had complete control on the conversation . Although he was smiling, he still gave off a threatening, aggressive vibe .

When Garen walked in through the door, he immediately caught the attention of some of the people there .

"Garen! You finally have the balls to come out!" The mature man next to Delai Xima suddenly stood up and straightened himself, speaking casually . "Xima, wasn’t this the guy you saw back then?"

Hearing this, Garen was surprised, and took a closer look at Delai Xima’s face . He suddenly remembered the young man in the white shirt that he had met at the doors of his uncle’s house . How long had it been that he had become so matured?


The wine glass in Delai Xima’s hand had suddenly fell to the floor, and was smashed into pieces . The calm and the nonchalant look on his face had disappeared without a trace; in a moment, his face was drained of blood . Both his eyes were locked on Garen, vacant . It was obvious that his mind was now blank .

It was only after the people around him had shook him up, that he came back to his senses .