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Mystical Journey

Chapter 112
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"No problem . " Garen nodded . "Before that, I need you to help me locate Senior Sister and Senior Brother . Also, I need to make sure the situation in Huaishan City is under control . There are still some things I need to take care of . "

"Sure, I can help you with that . I will talk to the authorities . You don’t need to worry about anything after those mice are dealt with . " Su Lin smiled, he was in a good mood .

"We need to finish Manleyton Corporation and Bouvini off . I’ll send you some people to do the management if you want . Also, what about your uncle?" he continued .

"I will handle it," Garen said with a light tone . He was much stronger than before, and with the help of Su Lin, he could easily handle all of those issues .

However, Garen had never told his sister and parents about what he was doing . They thought that he went on a trip with Master Fei Baiyun and had no idea how bad the situation was .

Su Lin knew Garen had made up his mind . "Finding Rosetta and Farak may take some time . They just disappeared without leaving a trace . "

"It’s fine, just keep searching while I am away . " Garen knew it was impossible to find them in a day or two .

"Sure . "

The dishes finally arrived . There were several Asian style pan-fried dishes served with rice . Although the flavor was average, the food was to Garen’s taste .

Su Lin was efficient . He led his special army to Manleyton Corporation, accused them of Antique Scalping and arrested whoever was left there . Someone had passed a message earlier to several elites of the corporation, and they escaped before Su Lin’s team arrived .


Ten days later .

In a deep forest outside Huaishan City .

The last force of Manleyton Corporation was surrounded in a mansion . There were many gunshots going on at the place . Su Lin and Garen stayed behind the guards, surveying the white mansion from a distance .

"Our people are having trouble breaking in . It is probably the last force Manleyton Corporation has, and there are many elites inside it . They are doing a pretty good job of defending their position . " Su Lin smiled and looked at Garen . "How about we just wait here until they decide to surrender? I don’t want to lose anyone in my team . "

"I will do it myself I guess . " Garen looked at the rifles sticking out of the windows and shook his head .

He did not wait for Su Lin to respond and just walked straight toward the mansion . His body kept inflating while walking, so Su Lin ordered his soldiers to stay out of Garen’s way .

"Is this guy trying to die? He’s not even wearing a bullet proof suit . Who the hell is this guy? A superhero? His body is inflating?" One of the young soldiers behind the tree said in a light tone, mocking Garen .

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"Shut the hell up!" Another soldier beside him slapped the young soldier’s head . "You’re talking about Master Garen . He’s one of the three Divine Marshals from the Southern Sky Holy Fist Gate . He can easily deal with those punks . "

"Tsk, I don’t think he can resist bullets . " The young man was not convinced, but he decided not to argue with the leader and lowered his head .

"Dumbass . "

Garen did not hear their conversation . He kept on walking toward the mansion’s gate .

"It’s Divine Marshal Garen!" Someone inside the mansion yelled in a shaky tone . He sounded desperate and scared .

"Bring it on!"

"We can’t just sit here and wait!" several others yelled .

Suddenly, the place became deathly silent .

There were no gunshots going on anymore .

Garen stood in front of the white iron gate, but he could not sense anyone pointing a rifle at him . After becoming a Grandmaster of Combat, Garen’s sense was keener than before, and he could easily find the people that weren’t hiding their intention to kill . To him, it was as easy as finding a shining dot of light in the dark .

Su Lin’s soldiers stopped firing after the mansion became silent . They were confused, and some of them were trying to peek inside through the windows, but did not see anything moving . It seemed like the Manleyton Corporation’s last force had already given up .

"What’s going on? They surrendered?"

"I don’t know, they aren’t firing anymore . "

"Let’s wait for orders . "

Garen stood in front of the gate quietly, his body still inflating to 1 . 9 meters tall . Although he was still weaker than in his final form, his defense was already incredibly high .

It was quiet .

Sunlight penetrated the leaves that were falling from the tree, and the wind blew them away . After the gunshots stopped, Garen could hear birds twittering and insects chirping .


Several dry leaves dropped down from the tree again due to the wind . Garen slowly reached out to the handles of the gate .


As Garen’s fingers touched the handle,Manleyton Corporation’s force started firing again .

Garen rushed forward, bullets were coming toward him from all angles . The noise of gunfire suddenly returned, and he could barely determine where all the gunshots were coming from . Garen crashed through the white iron gate with his fists . It broke into pieces and collapsed inward .

Garen was locked on by four enemies, and they kept firing toward him .


Garen was in the line of fire, but he kept stepping forward . He travelled more than ten meters after three steps . A one-eyed man had a submachine gun in his hands right in front of Garen, and Garen hit the man in the face .


The man’s head exploded, and he dropped his gun to the floor . Garen did not stop . He found the other three and finished them all, then looked for more targets . Although his speed was slower than the best Martial Artists’, he was still much faster than normal people .

The bullets did no damage to Garen . It was like they were hitting a steel plate .

Finally, Garen found the last elite of Manleyton Corporation . The man was choking with tears in his eyes . He saw Garen coming for him, the horrifying shadow getting bigger and bigger in his sight .

The elite had a crazed look on his face, and he was laughing .

He quickly took something black out of the pouch on his waist .

"Let’s die together… heh… together…" The man pulled the ring off the grenade and held it in his right hand . Garen stayed calm . He chopped off the man’s right wrist with his hand right after he figured out what the man was trying to do .


The man’s right arm detached and flew to the corner, blood splashing all over the ground .


The grenade exploded, and mud was everywhere . Garen could smell the gunpowder in the air .

Garen took the man by his throat and lifted him up . The crazed man took out a pistol and kept shooting at Garen’s chest .

"Grasping at straws . " Garen broke the man’s neck without applying a lot of force . He put down the body carelessly and walked inside the patio .

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There were still people shooting at him from the second floor, and some were even throwing grenades at him .


Garen only blocked the grenades that went close to him . Although there were explosions all over the place, the further ones were of no threat to him .

Garen stood in front of the mansion and pulled the lock out of the door with his fingers . He then pushed the door open and entered the mansion . The gunfire inside stopped, and Su Lin’s soldiers started firing to suppress the enemy .

Several of Su Lin’s elite soldiers followed Garen, splitting into two groups after entering the building . Garen stood by the entrance and looked at the second floor .


A bullet hit his eye lid, and it sparked a bit . Garen had closed his eyes right after seeing the enemy was about to fire . The scene made the soldiers around him speechless . No one had ever seen anything like this before .

"I want that one alive," Garen spoke in a light tone .

"But…" The lieutenant’s voice was shaking . It was not the fear that made him shake, his body was just naturally reacting to danger .

Garen did not wait for the lieutenant to finish his words, he just entered the first floor of the building .

He saw a large living room first . Everything was white here, and he saw several religious sculptures in the room . On the left, there was a spiral staircase that was connected to the second floor .

The soldiers that had entered the building with him were already fighting by the stairs, judging by the sound of gunshots he could hear .

Garen did not stop, he kept going upstairs .

Before he could reach the second floor, the staircase collapsed, and lime was blown into the air . Garen fell to the first floor . He raised his head and looked at the second floor .

He saw several people, Cynthia among them . The elite bodyguard captain of Manleyton Corporation was hurt, and there was blood on her face .

"I’m done… I am Assassin Bichurin… I can’t just die like this . This place is narrow, and there is no audience . There is nothing around here! I didn’t even find a worthy opponent…"

There were only four enemies guarding the stairs and the windows .

The leader was a middle-aged man with a scar on his face . He finished his sentence and drew his scimitar . He was ready to engage .

Cynthia had no expression on her face . Although she was hurt, she looked calm and was even whistling .

"I am so dead… Divine Marshal Garen of Southern Sky Holy Fist Gate… I knew it! I knew I should not have stayed with you guys! Wah…" A tall handsome man was crying like a baby and trembling in fear .

"Kaiser, you weak ass bastard! Why don’t you find a way to deal with that monster if you have the time to cry!" The last woman in black yelled, holding submachine gun in her hands .

There were bodies everywhere on the second floor . The blood was dripping off the stairs, and the fishy smell in the air made people sick .