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My Wife is a Hacker novel (Nicole)

Chapter 3289
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Chapter 3289 Doretta and Charlie both hoped the situation would quickly cto an end to avoid any complications. Any unexpected turn of events could put Nicole at risk.

"That should be the case." Seeing Doretta's smile, Charlie also cracked a smile.

Suddenly, a fierce wind blew, carrying sand and howling as it passed.

"Be careful." Charlie instinctively pulled Doretta into his arms to shield her from the gust.

Leaning against Charlie's chest, Doretta felt her heartbeat uncontrollably quicken, a strange sensation for her.

After the wind passed, everything returned to calm.

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Charlie released Doretta, looking down to ask, "Are you okay?" Tm fine," Doretta replied, stepping back awkwardly to put sdistance between them.

The sudden nervousness made her feel uneasy, even unable to look directly at Charlie.

Charlie paused, only then realizing what he had just done.

Rubbing his hands together awkwardly, Charlie also looked away.

sok In San Joto, Ellar cto pick up Patricia from work.

Seeing her lost in thought, Ellar let out a sigh and suggested, "If you're that worried, maybe you should go to them." "What!" Patricia was surprised. She hadn't expected Ellar to say something like that.

"Being here and worrying won't help. You might feel better if you're part of their plan. | think that's the only way [x you'll stop worrying." Ellar held Patricia's hand, showing he understood her concern.

He knew Patricia was worried not just about Nicole, but also Charlie and her old team.

"But..." Patricia hesitated. She did feel drawn to help, but now she also had Ellar, which made her unsure.

"Don't say 'but.' I worry about you too, but I believe you should do what feels right to you." Ellar secretly hoped she wouldn't leave, but he knew she wouldn't be happy staying.

"|..." Patricia felt moved by his understanding.

"Don't worry about the Riddle Corporation. Sean, Steve, and Lulu are there. They'll be fine. Follow your heart; I'm behind you," Ellar encouraged her, squeezing her hand softly.

With her eyes slightly reddened, Patricia said gratefully, "Ellar, thank you." "No need to thank me. Just promiseyou'll cback safely," Ellar said with a smile.

"I will. Not just me, all of US will return safely." "Then let's go back and pack up, and I'll take you to the airport for the evening flight," Ellar said.

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Patricia nodded. "Okay." Soon, after a quick pack at the apartment, Ellar drove Patricia to the airport.

Hand in hand, they walked to the departure gate, a palpable sense of reluctance surrounding them.

Til wait for you all to cback safely," Ellar suddenly said, holding Patricia back.

"Don't worry, we will cback safely,’ Patricia nodded in assurance.

Holding Patricia's hands, Ellar said with deep affection, "When you cback, let's get married." Caught off guard by his sudden proposal, Patricia blushed, but she shyly nodded.

Seeing Patricia's endearing look, Ellar couldn't help but swallow hard, then cupped her cheeks and gently kissed her lips.

When it was tto board, Patricia left.

Ellar watched the plane take off. It soar across the sky until it disappeared from view.