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My Wife is a Hacker novel (Nicole)

Chapter 3225
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Chapter 3225 "Yeah, it's not that we don't want to help; it's just that we can't do much," June agreed, knowing that adding to the complications wouldn't help. Getting too involved might make things worse, especially with Everett being so ruthless, as seen with Emma.

"Let's not talk about these sad things right now. Everything's okay for the moment, so let's be happy," Samuel suggested, raising his glass, "Con, let's drink." "Cheers," everyone said, taking a sip from their glasses.

"Mr. Johnston, Zane mentioned he's leaving soon, and the matter you arranged with him is about to conclude," Lulu said. "Is it related to Everett? " She was curious.

"No," Jared replied calmly.

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"Oh," Lulu dropped the subject, thinking it was about Everett. Since it wasn't, she decided not to ask more, considering it might be something she shouldn't inquire about.

"Let's focus on the meal," Spencer suggested, noticing Lulu's slightly uneasy look.

Nicole, noticing this exchange, glanced at Jared. "What's going on with you and Zane?" She had also thought it was about Everett but now realized it wasn't the case.

"Sambawe," Jared mentioned a name.

Nicole's brow furrowed, and after a moment, she remembered the name." Isn't that the leader of the Eastern Falcon?" "That's him," Jared confirmed.

The revelation shifted the atmosphere slightly as the group processed this information. The Eastern Falcon's leader, Sambawe, was a significant figure, and his involvement implied the matter was of considerable importance.

Nicole blinked in surprise. "What did you do to him?" Aa She thought, 'Wasn't he under Everett's control?’ She knew Everett's current power was partly due to holding Sambawe.

"We just rescued him," Jared softly explained, looking at Nicole. "Zane has confirmed the situation, and the rescue operation is set to commence today." "Oh," Nicole nodded in understanding, realizing this was why Zane mentioned he would be leaving-it was all for this operation.

After rescuing Sambawe, Zane would likely need his cooperation to thoroughly undermine Everett.

The others, though they heard the conversation, understood the sensitivity of the topic. Jared's decision to share such confidential information, treating them like family, was appreciated, but they knew better than to make unnecessary comments.

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Seeing everyone's cautious expressions, Jared reassured, "I believe things will go smoothly. There's no need to worry; let's focus on our meal." "Okay, let's eat," everyone chorused, returning to their dinner.

After dinner, when Daniel and Gloria returned, Spencer, Samuel, and the others lingered a bit longer, inquiring about Benjamin's condition.

"Grandpa is fine. Our visit today was just to discuss sfuture matters," Daniel explained.

"Future matters?" Spencer queried, puzzled, "Does Grandpa have other plans?" Daniel chuckled, "No, it's about the succession of the Riddle family. Grandpa intends for Sean to handle all matters concerning the Riddle family from now on." "That means Sean's responsibilities just got heavier," Samuel remarked thoughtfully.

"| believe Sean has been prepared for this for a long time. All we need to do is support him," Stanley added.

Spencer nodded in agreement, "Right, Sean can definitely handle it." Daniel then turned to Nicole with a smile, "Grandpa also has a wish for your wedding with Jared." "We're already arranging it," Nicole replied with a mix of amusement and exasperation. "Our affair seems to have caused quite a fuss for everyone." The family's support and interest in Nicole and Jared's upcoming wedding were evident, reflecting their close-knit bonds and the shared joy in their collective anticipation of the celebration.