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My Wife is a Hacker novel (Nicole)

Chapter 3175
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Chapter 3175 Everett's eyes narrowed slightly as he was aware that Patricia was no simple character. Given her statement, he wondered whether it was a psychological tactic or if they possessed other evidence.

It was clear that Ellar was at a disadvantage, yet their insistence on following legal procedures made him feel somewhat uneasy, concerned he might have overlooked something.

"Fine, let's proceed with legal action. I'm calling the police right now," El I ar said, clutching the document Everett had given him. This was evidence, after all.

A flicker of unease crossed Everett's mind, sensing something was amiss.

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With a slight narrowing of his eyes, Everett asked again in a serious tone," Are you sure about this?" "Hmph, we'll see," Ellar responded, unwilling to show weakness.

Everett forced himself to remain calm, knowing he wouldn't get a resolution today and had no choice but to leave.

Casting a meaningful glance at Ellar, Everett could only say, "Next twe meet, | hope you can still smile." After speaking, Everett left Ellar's office in strides.

He was indeed puzzled deep down, preferring not to entangle further with Ellar until he had tto think.

Watching Everett leave, Ellar finally exhaled, wiping his forehead. "Finally gone." "Scared?" Patricia glanced sideways at Ellar.

Ellar snorted, "Scared of him? | was just worried he'd take the evidence." "Now that it's in your hands, he could also claim you foropq it," Patricia retorted, glancing at Ellar. 'Otherwise, why would Everett leave the document behind?" Ellar's face paled slightly. "So, all that effort for nothing?" "Not necessarily," Patricia's eyes narrowed, her tone full of meaning.

It seemed Everett was merely puzzled by Ellar's attitude. As long as they followed the plan, there shouldn't be any problems.

Seeing Patricia's calm demeanor, Ellar nodded. "It looks like we need to be even more cautious going forward." "I'm going to see Nicole," Patricia said, glancing at Ellar before leaving the office.

Ellar sighed, looking down at the document in his hands with disdain before tossing it aside.

He had thought that with this document, they would have an additional piece of evidence. He hadn't considered why Everett would leave such evidence behind so easily. It seemed Patricia was right, after all.

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"Ellar, are you okay?” Doretta's voice rang out.

Ellar looked up to see Doretta standing at the door and replied with a neutral expression, "I'm fine. Did you need me?" "Oh, | saw that person leaving just now. He looked a bit scary. Were you discussing a project? Is something not going well?" Doretta appeared concerned.

"It's okay,” Ellar played along, seeing that Doretta pretended to be unaware.

"Oh, that's good then," Doretta comforted Ell ar. "If my cousin needs help, you can call onanytime." Ellar nodded. "Yeah." "I'll leave you to it then," Doretta said politely, nodding before she left.

Watching Doretta's retreating figure, a slight smile played on Ellar's lips. Let's see how long you can keep this up.

Riddle Corporation.

Patricia arrived at Nicole's office.