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My Wife is a Hacker novel (Nicole)

Chapter 3161
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Chapter 3161 "Yeah, Zane's people have already taken control of those individuals. We're just waiting for the right moment to make our move." This resolved one of her concerns.

"The timing should be about right," Jared commented, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"| think Doretta is getting impatient and might make a move soon," Nicole speculated.

Jared also felt this was very likely and reminded her, "Remember to tellif anything happens." "lI won't be in any trouble, and there's nothing | need to do," Nicole said, looking at Jared with a smile.

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Gently squeezing Nicole's hand, Jared looked at her, his gaze deep.

Upon returning to the Riddle residence, the two entered the living room.

Seeing Gloria organizing sphoto albums, Nicole asked curiously," Mom, what are you looking at?" "These are the prewedding photo album samples Emma and | chose today. We're gonna hand them over to Stanley and Tia when they're back so they can choose their own," Gloria explained.

"Emma went with you? Why didn't you keep her for dinner?" Nicole asked instinctively.

"She had invited Patricia to dinner today, so she was in a hurry to get home. | couldn't keep her," Gloria said with a laugh.

One could imagine the happy look on Emma's face when she left, but Nicole frowned slightly. She then changed the subject. "Letsee the samples you've chosen." "Come, give US your input," Gloria said, not thinking i it, and they started discussing the samples.

Nicole didn't want to dwell too much on Patricia and Ellar's relationship. She knew Patricia cared about Ellar, but she wasn't sure about Patricia's choices. Patricia had always been hesitant about committing to a relationship with Ellar, so Nicole felt it wasn't her place to say anything.

After a while, Stanley and Tia returned with Nolan and Lana.

When they cin, Nolan and Lana greeted everyone politely before walking over to the coffee table, curiously asking, "What's this?" "These are samples of prewedding photos," Gloria explained briefly. She then turned to Stanley and Tia and added, "Take a look and choose what you like." Tia, blushing, glanced at Stanley. After they exchanged a look, Stanley agreed, "Okay, we got it." As they gathered the photo samples, Stanley said, "Mom, we're going to the backyard." "Take your tchoosing," Gloria reminded them.

"We're going to head off now," Tia said, her voice soft and tinged with shyness.

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Watching them leave, Gloria's eyes filled with contentment.

"Everyone's here," Daniel said as he entered, smiling at the group.

"Grandpa!" Nolan and Lana called out sweetly.

Daniel responded with a loving smile, striding over to the couch.

Gloria glanced at Daniel and asked, "How's Benjamin doing?" "He's fine, no need to worry," Daniel replied.

"With you all visiting him often, his mood should be quite good." Even if certain things can't be undone, having company could prevent one from dwelling on negative thoughts.

Daniel nodded, then turned to Nicole and asked, "Is the situation nearing a conclusion?" "Did Grandpa ask?" Nicole pondered briefly before responding.

"Yes, Grandpa only mentioned it in passing, but | guess he might know something.” Daniel thought that was probably why Benjamin suddenly brought it up.

Nicole's expression showed she had a moment of insight. "Yes, we're making sprogress, but we're still waiting for the right moment."