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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 989 Dying At Old Age With Regrets
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As the two arrived at the Fu mansion, she was surprised to find that Grandpa Fu and the rest of the family were still awake. Seeing them sitting inside the living room and waiting for her and Fu Yu Sheng, she couldn't help but turn around to look at the man beside her who calmly said, " Yu Shen wanted me to come and help him with something which was why I had to tell him that it wasn't possible as we were rushing to save Assistant Xi's family." 

Song Yan understood the situation and thus nodded before turning to look at Old Master Fu who asked in a heavy voice, " What happened to Assistant Xi's family members, are they all right?"

" The ones who were possessed by the evil ghost were Assistant Xi's uncle and his family, Grandpa," Song Yan could see that Old Master Fu was worried about Assistant Xi as the latter had served their family for decades. " His uncle's family is fine and the evil ghost has been subdued, so there is nothing to worry about." 

She did not want to tell the entire family that Assistant Xi's uncle lost both of his legs along with Assistant Xi's aunt's death as well as her husband and daughter. If she were to tell them about such a gruesome thing, she was sure that neither of them would be able to sleep tonight or maybe many nights. 

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However, Fu Yu Shen did not believe that a malicious spirit was subdued just like that, after all, he had seen too many evil spirits and neither of them seemed easy to deal with and thus he asked, "Sister-in-law, are you hiding something from us? Don't worry we can take it. After all, we have seen worse." 

Just like Fu Yu Shen, the rest of the family members were just as interested. Fu Rong even turned to look at Song Yan with the popcorn bucket in her hands, obviously, she was watching a movie but for some reason, she seemed to have deemed it boring and now turned to look at Song Yan for the tea of the day. 

Even Old Master Fu looked a bit intrigued. 

Song Yan felt helpless and couldn't help but rub her forehead. Why were they so interested in the details? Although it was fun to hear such things once the lights were turned off and the noises died down, they all shivered with fright. 

Though Song Yan did not see anything too ghastly, she did see Xi Junxi's leg roasting on a small fire. Along with many human carcasses thrown in the corner of the cottage, one can only imagine just how many people that ghost killed and ate. 

With such a big pile of human bones, Song Yan didn't even have to take a look at the corpse of Xi Meiqing. She already knew how the latter died along with the rest of her family. 

She wanted to tell everyone that they shouldn't be curious about such things as curiosity killed the cat but before Song Yan could speak, the man next to her curled the side of his lips and then stated with a dreadful note in his eyes, 

" Though Assistant Xi's family is fine, his uncle lost both of his legs. One of the legs was chopped and cooked while the other was left to roast. His aunt's family was chopped into minced meat and they were eaten … as for the culprit of this incident, his insides got filled with pus after sleeping with a ghost woman." 

The reason Fu Yu Sheng told his entire family this was because he too saw the roasting human leg on the fire and the sight was so gruesome that he couldn't even think of forgetting anytime soon. Since he couldn't stomach the sight of meat on the dining table anymore—— he wouldn't allow anyone else to eat meat either! If he was suffering then all of them have to suffer with him! 

Fu Yu Sheng turned his head to look at the chicken drumstick that Fu Shu Chang was holding in his hands and then with a malicious note in his voice announced, " The roasted leg looked quite similar to that chicken drumstick, eldest brother." 

No sooner did he finish speaking Fu Chu Shang placed the drumstick on the plate and stood up from the couch with the help of his cane.

" Excuse me," he muttered before rushing off to the restroom. With just one glance at his pale face, everyone knew that Fu Yu Sheng's words seemed to have gotten stuck in his head. 

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Song Yan turned to look at Fu Yu Sheng and exasperatedly said, " You did this deliberately, didn't you?" 

" If I can't eat meat no one is allowed to eat it either," he paused and then added, " I think I will go and talk with Chen Chen." 

" Hold it right there," Song Yan placed a hand on Fu Yu Sheng's shoulder and pulled him back. She knew that the man was not lying when he said that he was going to tell Fu Chen about the horrid things he saw inside the cottage. 

On the other hand, Old Master Fu and the other members of the Fu family were scared witless. 

They were blessed with highly skilled mental aptitude and thus they easily imagined the scene which was painted by Fu Yu Sheng. Almost immediately, their faces turned pale. 

Fu Yu Shen immediately asked Butler Ke to change the meal to a completely vegetarian one as they could not stomach meat at that moment. 

" That woman! I knew she was no good!" Old Master Fu lamented the loss of a wonderful family and the pain that Assistant Xi and his family might be going through at the moment. " I don't know what Master Gu is thinking, I have told him many times that the girl he chose isn't any good but he doesn't listen to a word I say! Sigh what a bad luck."