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My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires

Chapter 523: l am Sasha...Sasha Fulger, The Heir of Clan Fulger.
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Chapter 523: I am Sasha... Sasha Fulger, The Heir of Clan Fulger.

"37th Key of Solomon, Marques Phoenix."

"..." Natashia raised her eyebrow.

"Did they send someone with the Bloodline of Fire here? Are they trying to annihilate Clan Fulger?"

"... Well, from the outside point of view, we're weakened," Hecate spoke.

Victoria's eyes narrowed. It was well understood that Demons were one of the most powerful Factions in existence; the reason for that?

Their numbers.

The number of Demons in Hell easily exceeds 20 billion beings.

The reason for this?

It was much easier to commit a sin.

Before, Demons weren't united and were in a kind of internal civil war, which was expected; Demons had a very destructive nature.

But when Lilith lost and Diablo took control of all of Hell, he unified Hell for the first time since Lucifer took a vacation.

Quantity over quality, these were the Demons.

But that didn't mean there weren't any powerful Demons; examples of them were the 72 Pillars, as Solomon's 72 Demons are known.

They are powerful Demons that have an army of Demons behind each of them.

Even Diablo didn't dare toss out the 72 Demons.

Another example were The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse, the Highest Level Demons who are said to bring the Apocalypse.

And there were also The 7 Deadly Sins, of which Lucifer was a part of as The Sin of Pride.

Looking at the man with two wings of fire in Hecate's Magic, Victoria spoke:

"This fight cannot be ended without collateral damage, right?"

"Yes... It's impossible."

"...." Victoria inwardly groaned in frustration; she was already wondering how much she must spend to regain her territory.

"Connect me with Sasha and Tatsuya."

"Yes, Lady Victoria." Hecate gestured with her hand, and Magic Circles soon began appearing on her hand.


On top of a building in Nightingale's territory, a knight whose body was covered in lightning was looking down with neutral eyes.



[Don't destroy the properties too much.]

"I don't promise anything... But I'll try my best."

[That's enough... And know that property destruction is just an unreasonable request of mine; you are more important than money. If you have no choice, do what you think is best.]

The communication was then cut off.

"...." Sasha flashed a sweet little smile.

Seeing the newer Vampires in her territory running while the Elder ones and Adults fought the Demons, Sasha narrowed her eyes at such disorganization. So far, there weren't many casualties, just a few Vampires caught off guard that died. The rest, they were only injured, but their wounds had already healed, but she knew things couldn't stay like this, she took a deep breath, and with a voice like the rumble of thunder, everyone heard:


"..." Everyone's attention, including the Demons, was directed towards Sasha.

"Is that Countess Annasthashia?" an Adult Vampire asked.

"Fool, Countess Annasthashia is currently at the meeting of Supernatural Beings." An Elder Vampire with a straight spine that emanated authority spoke; he was one of the Clans supporting the Fulger Clan. Consequently, he knew of the gathering of Supernatural Beings; after all, all the most influential subordinate families of the Clan of Vampire Counts were informed, despite not being given the privilege of seeing the meeting like the Vampire Counts.

"This is her daughter, Sasha Fulger."

"...As expected of the bloodlines of Vampire Counts. Even a Young Vampire is so powerful..." The Adult Vampire commented with envy and a slight desire for greed.

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"...." The Elder Vampire just shook his head at this attitude, which was quite normal.

"Those without combat experience should take refuge in Clan Fulger."

"Those who know how to fight, take up your weapons, gnash your teeth, use your Bloodline, and defend Our territory, Our home!"

Everyone looked at the woman with wide eyes of admiration, the power flowing from her body was immense.

Don't confuse Vampires with ordinary Humans; even the weakest Vampires could fight low-level Demons. But out of concern, Sasha only asked Adults and Elder Vampires to fight.

Even if they were Elder Vampires, there was a clear difference between an Elder Vampire with combat experience, like Vlad's Royal Guards, and an Elder Vampire dedicated to establishing their Clan.

The quality was completely different, but they were still Vampires and still naturally superior.

"ROOOOOOOOOAR!" A ten-foot horned demon appeared on the street where there were several Young Vampires.

"Tsk." The Elder Vampire who was commenting clicked his tongue, then he disappeared and kicked the Demon in the face.


The Demon flew away and destroyed some properties.

The Elder Vampire looked around with red eyes.

"Wake up, you bastards; stop looking at her in awe and do as she ordered!"


Hearing the Elder Vampire's scream, the Adult Vampires and some Elder Vampire Clan Leaders woke up and began to order around.

Sasha looked at this with satisfaction; she wasn't a natural commander or someone with a talent for it.

But she had the most essential thing a Leader could have, Charisma.

And that seemed to be something the current Heiresses of Vampire Counts had in common.

Sasha jumped into the air and glanced lightly at the man with wings of fire behind him.

The man looked at her with disdain as he pointed at her and seemed to order something in an unfamiliar language.

Sasha didn't mind that. She had a job ahead of her and needed to clear her territory first.

Taking her Lightning-Construct daggers.

She remembered her mother's lesson.


"Daughter, the first step in accessing the Martial Arts of Clan Fulger is going back to our Origins."

"Mm." Sasha listened carefully.

Natashia displayed a small smile and continued:

"My mother, Carmila Fulger, as you already know, was originally a Lightning Spirit, and through Vlad's agreement, she was turned into a Vampire, and our power to control Lightning changed to a Bloodline."

"Essentially speaking, we grew weaker; after all, our power was limited to our flesh now."

"And using Lightning too much could harm that flesh; luckily, that weakness was undone when I had you."

"I chose your father because he had a lineage that gave him abnormal strengths in his body."

"And as I expected, you were also given this Bloodline Trait when you were born."

"Effectively, you no longer have that weakness; because of that, I believe you can master The Secret Martial Arts of The Fulger Clan."

"...Have you mastered these Martial Arts, mother?"

"Yeah, but I couldn't use it to its fullest extent until recently because of my weakness; luckily, thanks to my Darling, this has been resolved."

"..." Sasha narrowed her eyes.

Natashia laughed lightly at her daughter's visible jealousy, and Natashia's body was covered by Lightning, and with two simple training daggers in hand, she began to explain:

"The beginning of our techniques starts like this..."


With memories of her mother and her training, she fell to the ground, and a voice was heard all around:

"I am the Lightning..."


The rumbling noise of thunder was heard, Sasha's body started to glow even brighter, and her red eyes that were hidden by the helmet on her head started to get more radiant. Shades of red began to leak from her helmet; she looked like a gentleman who came to deliver death to the invaders.




"The first step to access Mastery of The Fulger Clan Arts is to return to our Origins as a Lightning Spirit." Natashia's voice began to echo in Sasha's mind.

"When you reach this state, your body will be completely covered by Lightning. Essentially speaking, you will force your body to become something else… A Lightning Spirit."

"Even if this technique in your base form doesn't show its full potential, unlike when you use it in your Perfect Vampire Count Form, it is still beneficial.

When using it in your Base Form, you are training to use it in your Vampire Count form, which is much harder to control."




"...And the Lightning is me."

The pressure around them started to get stronger with each passing second.

Sasha's golden daggers started to grow, and the blades became as big as a western sword; everyone could feel a cold sweat building up on their body as they looked at that golden glow from Sasha's body.




"And in that state, you can annihilate your enemies with a blast of Lightning! Now watch me; I will show you!"




"First Form..."

Natashia's and Sasha's voices began to overlap.

Sasha crouched further; she held the two daggers that turned into two swords with her body open, and with a kick in her legs, she disappeared, leaving behind only golden trails, while her voice resounded around in the native language from which Clan Fulger came:



Everyone looked around in shock as thousands of Lightning bolts fell from the sky, and a trail of golden Lightning painted the entire territory.

All the Demons spread through Clan Fulger didn't even know how they had died. They just blinked their eyes and saw a golden light followed by a roar of thunder, and soon after all their bodies were eviscerated.

Some had their heads blown off, others were killed by the Lightning that fell from the sky, and others were cut to pieces by Sasha.

Even Tatsuya, who was quickly cleaning out the Demons with his illusions, was surprised when he saw his cousin zoom past him, killing all the Demons he was fighting.

"...She stole my kill..." Despite his grumbling, he was thinking of this demonstration, a Martial Art in which only the Clan heir, and the most talented members of Clan Fulger, could thoroughly learn and wield.

An official name did not exist, but everyone in Clan Fulger had heard of its Origin.

The Martial Arts personally created by Carmila Fulger, the Founder of Clan Fulger.

Ten seconds later, Sasha appeared at the place she was in previously, and the moment she appeared, all the Lightning around her stopped falling.

She rose gracefully from the floor and stood while looking at a location.

Everyone who watched this demonstration could only look at this woman in shock.

Their mouths were open, and once again, they remembered.

They remembered why Clan Fulger had been in power for so long.

... Because they were strong!


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"Did you see that, Victoria?" Unfortunately, due to the shock, Hecate even forgot to be respectful.

"Yes... My sister taught her my mother's Martial Arts..." Victoria's shock was more significant than Hecate's because she, as a daughter of Clan Fulger, knew how difficult it was to do what Sasha did, and she was just a Baby Vampire!

Looking at the image of Sasha standing while holding two lightning constructs that turned back into two daggers, she couldn't help but think of her mother's image.

'My niece has become so strong… She looks more and more like my mother…' Victoria thought with nostalgia and melancholy.


Unaware that her actions were increasing her Family's reputation, she glanced at the man floating on fiery wings behind him.

"That was... Surprising. Even though I was told to be careful because I could face a family that had the power to permanently kill me, I didn't believe it; after all, you guys are weak now... But..." He looked around at all the killed Demons in the surrounding territory.

'She covered several kilometers in a matter of seconds, killed I don't know how many Demons, and returned to the same place...'

"I was too arrogant, huh."

"What a surprise..." A voice was heard, and someone began to appear beside Sasha as if he were a mirage: "A Demon admitting he was arrogant."

"You have the same feeling as this woman... Are you from the same Clan?"

"..." The two didn't say anything.

"Silence, huh. Well, that's to be expected."

The two didn't know what to expect; the Demon seemed to be talking to itself.

Looking around, he realized he hadn't done much damage to Clan Fulger; dissatisfied with this, the wings behind the man began to grow.

"My name is Phoenix, one of The 72 Dukes of Hell." The man's wings spread even further, and a warm climate began to surround the entire Fulger Clan.

"What's your name, Vampire?" He looked at the woman.

"Sasha... Sasha Fulger, Heir to the Fulger Clan."

"Oh, I see… So the daughter of a Monster will also be a Monster." He nodded, satisfied as if he understood something.

All the buildings around the man began to catch fire and melt with just his presence, and it seemed that approaching him was impossible.

"Back off," Sasha spoke in a neutral, serious tone, and that was enough for the Elder Vampires and Adults to nod and start running.

Adult and Elder Vampires or not, they couldn't fight someone who controlled fire with what little fighting experience they had.

Yes, they were strong, but unfortunately, most had not trained to fight a Demon Duke who fought in Hell.

Hell, whose place was a battle every day.

Sasha and Tatsuya's eyes began to glow blood red, and Lightning started to cover their bodies.

"Unfortunately for you two..."

"I will not retreat without carrying out my orders." A flame appeared in his hand, and it began to rise toward the sky.

Soon little fireballs started to come out of that flame and head toward the remaining corpses of the Demons.

"I, Phoenix, command you... Be Reborn, My army."

As in the Phoenix Myth, the Demons' corpses turned to ashes, and from those ashes, they re-emerged.

"ROAAAAAAAAAR!" Demonic roars were heard throughout the territory.

The Demons looked at Sasha and Tatsuya with bloodthirsty eyes.

"Let's start the second round." The man hovered in midair as he looked at the two.

As they looked at the Demons, Sasha and Tatsuya stood with their backs to each other.

No fear was seen in their eyes, only determination.

"This time, it won't be so easy, Vampires." When he finished speaking, the Demons around him began to be covered by fire.

"Tatsuya, you take care of that side."

"...What a coincidence; I was about to say the same thing." He flashed a predatory little smile and lifted the Katana from its sheath.

Sasha flashed a small smile, and the next moment the two of them were gone, leaving streaks of Lightning behind.


