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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45

Eliza was taken aback. The entire way back from Parson Media, Beau’s words kept reverberating in her

head. “To them, you’re merely a weakling that they can bully at will. “If you wish to avoid being bullied

and framed in the future, grow stronger so that you can crush them under your feet.” Crush them under

my feet…’ Eliza chewed on the thought. She closed her eyes and clenched her fists. That seemed to be

the only way out now. Beau was there to help her deal with it this time. But will he be there the next time?

And after that?

As long as she carried on with this career, it was inevitable that she would meet these two people and be

entangled with them again. If that was the case, then it would be better to… As Beau said, crush them

under her feet! With that in mind, she arrived at the entrance of the Valentine’s villa. When she went

upstairs, she found Demarion coming out of her room sneakily.

The moment he turned around, his eyes met Eliza’s probing ones. He was startled and tried to shuffle

discreetly to the direction of the study while greeting her. “Back so early today?” “Yes.” Eliza blocked his

way. “What were you doing in my room?” “Nothing.”

Demarion pressed his lips together and turned to look in the direction of the stairs. “Daddy.” She frowned.

‘Didn’t Beau say that he was going to the company?’ She turned around reflexively and saw the empty

stairs. There was not a soul in sight. “Bang!” The study door slammed shut behind her.

By the time she turned back around, the little fellow was long gone.

Eliza shook her head and headed back to her room. She walked in to see two stacks of books piled up

high on her desk. So Demarion had snuck into her room to send her books?

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Eliza’s brows furrowed as she went over and flipped through the books one by one. They were all guides

and references about various aspects of performances which would help improve her acting skills.

Placed between the two piles of books was a baby blue greeting card. Upon the card were words written

in neat handwriting. ‘Congratulations to Mommy on accomplishing your dream and becoming an actual

actress. We hope that Mommy will attain greater heights in the future. Your darlings, Braint and

Demarion.’ 10 Holding the card in her hands, Eliza felt warmth in her heart. Her aspiration to become an

actress stemmed from an unexpected incident that occurred when she was a child.

After the incident, she felt the calling to one day become an outstanding actress. She eventually made it

to an acting school. But because of Jay, she was unable to realize her dream.

All these years, none of her relatives, including the Lawson family and Luca Chapman, supported her

aspiration of being an actress. Eventually, she got used to being a stuntwoman and never dreamt of ever

fulfilling her childhood dream. But, now… She had only become family with Braint and Demarion for a

month, but they have already shown her such support through their actions.

As she dwelt on the thought, tears welled up in her eyes. She sniffled and carefully kept the card in her

purse. In the end, she sorted the books according to their respective categories and put them on the

desk. Then, she picked one up and began to read. “Bro.”

Demarion looked at Eliza through their open doors. “Don’t you think that Mommy really looks like you

when she’s reading so attentively?” Braint, who had his head lowered because he was reading, frowned.

“Does she?” “Yes, she does.” With a lollipop in his mouth, Demarion crossed his leg and glanced at

Eliza, who was in her bedroom some distance away, and took another look at Braint, who was reading

attentively. “The more I look at you, the more you resemble each other.


After a while, with the lollipop still in his mouth, he smiled and whispered in Braint’s ear, “Say, could

Mommy be our biological mommy?” O Braint looked up at him indifferently. “Dead people can’t come

back to life.” “The butler told us that our mommy’s body had been so badly burnt that it was as black as

coal. Though her face had been disfigured, they were sure that she was our mommy.” After that, he

sighed and glanced at Eliza in the distance. “How I hope she is our biological mom too. “But we can’t

have two biological mommies.” Demarion heaved another long sigh. Although Demarion had expected

him to say that, he still felt a little down. “If only she were our biological mommy. “I feel sorry towards our

biological mommy whenever I get all close with her.” Then, he sprawled out on the table and sighed

again. “Would our biological mommy be angry if she knew that we accepted a stranger so quickly and

kept calling her our mommy?” Braint frowned and knocked Demarion on the head. “Our biological

mommy isn’t as petty as you.”

Demarion was stunned. He was petty? “It doesn’t really matter whether or not she is our biological

mommy.” Braint looked at Eliza, who was reading attentively. “I like having her as my mommy. “And she

treats us really well too. That’s all that matters.” “What a pity that Daddy doesn’t like her.” Demarion

fiddled with his fingers. “Braint, what do you think we should do to make Daddy fall in love with Mommy?”

Demarion felt that life was being really tough on him.

He was only five years old, and he already had to worry about his Daddy’s love life. Braint quietly looked

at him out of the corner of his eyes. “How do you know that Daddy doesn’t like her?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It had seemed like Braint had been the one handling the issues behind the scenes when Jay and

Madeleine had schemed against Eliza. But the fact was that it had been Beau who was in control of the

whole situation. He even rescheduled several global meetings just to follow through with the tacky

situation Eliza was in. Beau had always been a person whose only concern was his career. For him to

push back his job and personally look out for her… Was that not because he liked her?


That evening, Eliza went to the market to get groceries.

Several of the books which Braint and Demarion got her were not even available in Krine. They must

have put in a lot of effort to prepare the gifts for her. Since the two boys had done so much for her, it was

only right for her to make them a good meal to make it up to them. After getting the supplies she needed,

she got out of the market, and seeing how crowded the main street was, decided to go through the alley

to get to the next street where the subway station was. As soon as she entered the alley, a figure

blocked her way forward. It was none other than Madeleine. 2 Eliza frowned and immediately turned to

leave, just to find that the way she entered from was blocked too. There were people on both ends of the

alley. Eliza was forced to the middle of the alley. “Well, aren’t you a crafty one.” Madeleine snorted and

slowly approached Eliza. “Eliza, why did I not know that you were such a schemer before? “Not only did

you manage to get on such friendly terms with Roseane Comtois, but you even got the chief scriptwriter

to change your parts.” As she said that, she laughed contemptuously. “I heard that Roseane slept with

one of the higher-ups to land the leading role.” “What about you? Did you get all you have now from

sleeping with someone too?” “You’re disgusting, Eliza.”