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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 271
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Chapter 271

Returning to the villa from the wedding dress store, Eliza yawned tiredly and went back to her room to

rest, She had not slept well the entire night after learning of what Beau had done. Now she was so

sleepy. Braint stood at the door, looking at her as if he wanted to speak but stopped several times. In

the end, he sighed and said, “Mommy, have a good rest.” “Everything will be different when you wake

up.” Eliza frowned. Suddenly, she thought… It seemed that Braint had never slept with her. Thinking of

this, she curled her lips, got up directly from the bed, strode to the door, picked him up directly and put

him on her bed. Braint’s eyes widened in shock. “Mommy, you…” “Sleep with mommy.” She followed

Beau’s example of hugging her to sleep. She held Braint in her arms and covered his eyes with her

hands. “Close your eyes and sleep well with Mommy.” In the beginning, Braint stiffened. Even though

he knew that Eliza was his own mother.


He was already five years old. From he was a toddler, he and his brother all thought that their mommy

was dead, so they never grew up in her arms like other children. Father was very busy. Grandpa was

even busier. The family butler and servants did not dare to be too intimate with them. The servants who

took care of him and Demarion were responsible for making them eat, dress, and make sure they didn’t

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cry or make noise. But…

There had never been a woman who could hold him like this. He was five years old. Today was the first

time that he was held in mommy’s arms and have a chance to sleep with her. Braint was a little timid.

But he felt happy. It was only when he heard Eliza’s even breathing that Braint let out a deep breath

and gently lifted his arm to embrace her. “Mommy…” Braint rested his head on Eliza’s arm. His heart

was soft and his voice was soft. At that moment, he was no longer the young genius, Braint. He was

mommy’s five-year-old son.

Eliza slept all the way until evening. She was in a daze, but she still didn’t forget to hold Braint in her

arms. But for some unknown reason, Braint, who was in her arms seemed to have grown up.

His head was twice as big, and his body had also become bigger and stronger. Could it be a dream?

He dreamed that his son had grown up! As she thought about this, she still closed her eyes and tightly

hugged the person in her embrace. After some time, the person in her arms moved. She frowned and

said with her eyes closed, “Don’t move. Let’s sleep for a while more.”

The person in her arms really stopped moving. “Good boy.” Satisfied, she planted a kiss on “Braint’s”

head before hugging him and continued to sleep. . . She didn’t know how much time had passed… The

annoying ringing of her cell phone rang in the room. Over and over again. Eliza’s brows tightly

furrowed. Who called her at this time?

The person in her arms moved. After a while, she heard the man’s deep voice, “Hello?” “Well, okay.”

“I’m sleeping with her.” “Why can’t I sleep during the day?” “Let’s talk about it later. She hasn’t woken

up yet…” Even though that voice was suppressed, Eliza heard every single word.

This… She suddenly woke up! It was not her cell phone that rang just now! Moreover, this low and

deep male voice… Beau! Eliza instantly opened her eyes and got up. As expected. The person sitting

on her bed was no longer her own son, Braint! Instead, it was Beau, who was dressed in a black suit,

looking noble and arrogant! A chill instantly sprang from the soles of her feet to the top of her head.

Eliza sat up and swept her cold gaze over the man in front of her. “Why are you here?!” “I slept with

Braint in my arms. How did you get in here?” Beau pui down his phone, then turned around and looked

at Eliza.


He got out of bed and took out a piece of washboard under the bed. Under Eliza’s shocked gaze, Beau

knelt down. Eliza, “…” What was he doing? “Eliza.” Even though he was kneeling on the washboard,

the noble aura on his body did not diminish in the slightest. His gaze fixed on Eliza’s face, and the light

in his eyes was complicated. “I was wrong.” Eliza, “…” She had just woken up and her mind was a little

blurry. “Beau.” “What are you… doing?” His eyes darkened. “I did something wrong.” “I just want you to

find the happiness you have lost, but I didn’t think about your feelings.” “I already had a good chat with

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Braint, Demarion and Liliana this afternoon.” “I know, you are angry with me.” “I won’t ask you to forgive

me immediately, but I hope…” Beau looked up and said, “Don’t ignore me.” Eliza: “…” She covered her

head and didn’t know what to say. She only slept for a while because she was too sleepy. Why did…

the world seemed to have changed once she woke up? Beau, who had always been arrogant and

made his own decisions, actually took the initiative to apologize to her? He even prepared a

washboard? Was keeling on the washboard something a CEO like him should do? Also, Braint,

Demarion and Liliana sold her out so quickly? “Braint even secretly replaced himself with Beau?” She

actually slept with Beau for the whole afternoon? All the questions instantly rushed into Eliza’s mind.

She clutched her clothes tightly with both hands. “You… wait.” “You asked me to calm down.” After that,

she glanced at Beau’s knees that were still kneeling on the washboard. “Get… get up first.” “It’s not

good for your health.” Beau took a deep look at her before he stood up from the washboard. “If you

want, I can continue to kneel at any time.”

Eliza: “.” “Don’t you feel ashamed?” Beau smiled. “There’s nothing shameful about kneeling on the

washboard for your wife.” It was the most shameful thing if he lost his wife. Eliza helplessly rubbed her

glabella and said, “You… you go out first.” “Let Braint, Demarion and Liliana in…” “No, let Braint come

in alone.” . She was completely in a mess now. Beau smiled, “Okay.” After a while, he turned around

and left. The little fellow in gray home clothes pushed the door and came in timidly. “Mommy…” Eliza

waved at him. “Come here.” “Come to bed.” Braint pursed his lips and asked timidly, “Mommy, are you

angry?” Eliza ignored his words and continued to wave at him. “Come here.” Braint bit his lip, took a

deep breath and climbed onto the bed. With a thud, just as he climbed onto the bed, Eliza tapped him

lightly on the head. “You’re quite bold, have you learned how to betray me?”