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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 262
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Chapter 262

The rashes came with severe pain and itchiness. Joye scratched the skin of her face and hand crazily.

“What’s going on!?” “What did you ask me to eat?” Liliana blinked at Joye’s face, shrank a little timidly,

and said, “A piece of biscuit with peanuts…”

Joye rolled her eyes. She was allergic to peanut! Anyone who had checked her information would know

about it! This little wh*re actually gave her biscuit with peanuts. D Beau’s lips curled up. Joye had told

him about her allergic reaction to peanut before. But he didn’t care. But unexpectedly, someone else

paid attention to it. Beau was smiling from the bottom of his heart, but he walked to Joye with a worried

look on his face. “What’s wrong?” Joye bit her teeth and stared at Liliana fiercely. “You did it on

purpose!” “You must have done it on purpose!” “Anyone who is close to me knows that I’m allergic to

peanut!” Liliana blinked her eyes. “But… Joye, we’re not close.”

“Although you are also an actress, you are not like Mr. Benton and mommy. They are very popular.”

“Isn’t it normal that I don’t know about your allergic reaction to peanut?” “Don’t be so rude to me

because of this. I had no idea at all!” Joye bit her teeth and stared fixedly at Liliana.

This little girl did it on purpose! It was definitely intentional! Not only did she know that she was allergic

to peanuts and deliberately gave her a small biscuit with peanuts, but she also deliberately said that

she was not famous! However! She could not expose her true colors. Being unknown was her sore

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spot, but also the truth! As for the allergic reaction to peanuts, Liliana had insisted that she had no idea

about this. She couldn’t do anything about it either! Moreover, Liliana was a five-year-old child! As an

adult, she had no choice but to swallow her grievances. Otherwise, she would appear like she was

bullying a child!

Thinking of this, Joye was even angrier. She gritted her teeth but could not utter a word. “Liliana, how

can you do this?”

Demarion frowned and poured Joye a cup of warm water unhappily. “Joye, my sister is too insensible.”

“Even if you are not popular, you’re from the entertainment circle. It’s easy to check your information.”

“She didn’t do any homework at all. It’s her mistake!” Demarion put the glass of water in front of Joye

as he said, “I’m different from her.” “I even found out that you cheated five times in exams to be

expelled from school when you were in junior high!” 5 “Puff?” Demarion’s words made Joye spit out the

warm water that she had just drunk. She gritted her teeth in anger but still tried to maintain her

elegance in front of Beau. “The cheating… Hehe… In fact, I was set up by someone.” “Well, I also

believe it. Joye, you are so smart that you have already bullied many female classmates in high school.

Of course, you can’t make such a stupid mistake.” Demarion blinked his big innocent eyes and said,

“You must have been framed. You are so smart. You can get 120 points out of 750 points for the

college entrance examination. How can you cheat in the exam?” Joye’s face turned from white to red

and then from red to white. She finally understood it! The two little b*stards in Beau’s family were here

to embarrass her! They were not here to build a closer relationship with her! She bit her teeth and

silently grabbed the drug in her pocket. If it weren’t for the fact that she had promised Elias that she

would drug Beau tonight… She was definitely going to leave right now! Taking a deep breath, she

drank up the warm water left in the cup and then got up. “Beau, do you want to have a cup of water?”

“I’ll pour it for you.” Beau narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled. “Then I’ll have to trouble you.” “No

trouble at all.” Joye picked up the kettle and pretended to pour the water. “Ah, there’s no more water.”

“I’ll go and get some water from the waiter.” Beau curled his lips. “There’s no need to go through all this

trouble.” “Just ask the waiters to bring more water.” “No, the waiter is so busy.” She stood up and said,

“I’ll go over there and find someone from the kitchen to pour for you in person. That will be more

sincere.” After saying that, Joye picked up Beau’s cup and turned to the kitchen. Liliana was lying on

the table, watching Joye’s back silently. “She’s so stupid.” “Even a five-year-old child like me can see

that she deliberately wants to avoid us and put the drug in your drink.” 3 Demarion said with a faint

smile, “You have to understand the brain of the adult who only scored 120 points for her college

entrance examination.” 23 Beau smiled faintly and turned to glance at the woman in the distance. At

this moment, she was laughing on the table, and her body was twitching. Sawyer looked at her

helplessly and said. From the way his mouth moved, Beau could tell that he was saying, “Is it really that

funny?” Beau narrowed his eyes as he looked at the two of them. For some reason, he felt pleased. As

long as she was happy. He would be happy. After getting a glass of hot water from the kitchen, Joye

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added the drug that she put in her bag. When she walked out of the kitchen, she ran into someone.

The unexpected collision almost caused the glass in her hand to fall to the ground. Fortunately, the

man caught it quickly. “Be careful.” The man said coldly, returned the glass to her, and walked away.

Joye rolled her eyes at the man’s back, then carefully protected the glass and returned to the table.

“Beau, I personally poured the water for you. Drink it. The temperature is just right.” Beau nodded,

picked up the glass of water, and drank it in one gulp. At a table in the distance, Sawyer furrowed his

brows. “He drank it just like that?” “Eliza, is there going to be a problem?” “The water that Joye gave to

Beau is obviously fishy.” “He actually drank it without even looking at it?” Eliza rolled her eyes. “Just let

him be.” If she was right, Joye must have put that kind of drug in that glass of water she gave to Beau.

Beau knew that she would drug him, but he still finished it. He obviously wanted to play along with

Joye. She bit her lips angrily. For the sake of the Benton family, Beau really put in a lot of effort. Joye

was allergic to peanuts and she was already swollen, but he was still willing to do that kind of thing with

her! “Daddy, is it tasty?”

After Beau drank the water, Demarion blinked his eyes and asked.

“Yes.” Beau nodded. “It’s a taste of Joye’s concern for me.” Joye’s face suddenly turned red. She sat by

Beau’s side bashfully. “Don’t make me feel embarrassed.” “…” “Rumble–” Joye had just finished her

words when her stomach suddenly growled. Her face suddenly changed! D*mn it! There was

something wrong with the glass of water given to her by Demarion just now! She was still defeated…

“I’m going to the bathroom!”