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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 256
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Chapter 256

When Eliza and Sawyer arrived at the shopping mall, it was already very crowded. The young master

of the Benton family, the wealthiest family in Sage City, was here to choose the ring together with the

daughter of the Chapman family, the second wealthiest family in the city. This was a big news that

shocked the whole city! The media reporters stayed outside the shopping mall early in the morning, for

fear of missing this big news. “Eliza, let’s go back…” Sitting in the car, Sawyer looked at the crowd

outside and felt a little afraid. He was afraid not because he had never seen something like this before.

It was…

If he was beaten in front of so many people, it would be too shameful! His fame… “Why do you want to

go back?” Eliza rolled her eyes. “Do you think only Beau and Joye can come here to buy wedding rings

and we can’t show up here?” “The shopping mall is open for everyone.” After that, Eliza directly opened

the door and got out of the car. Seeing someone open the door and get off, the reporters who were

guarding the mall gate immediately rushed over. When they saw that the person who got off the car

was not Miss Chapman, these reporters immediately dispersed. Eliza rolled her eyes. She pulled

Sawyer out of the car. “Eliza…” Sawyer looked reluctant, but he could not stay in the car no matter how

hard he tried. Eliza was a martial arts expert after all. He simply couldn’t fight with a woman with great

strength and good fighting skills. He could only follow behind her, feeling wronged. “Eliza, we just

confirmed our relationship yesterday.” “Isn’t it a little hasty to buy the wedding ring today?” “Moreover, I

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think…” “Shut up!” Eliza was annoyed by his words. She turned around and glared hatefully at him. A

look of helplessness appeared on Sawyer’s handsome face. “Eliza…” But the woman in front of him

apparently ignored his thoughts and dragged him directly to the entrance of the shopping mall. The two

security guards at the door raised their hands to stop her. “Miss, in order to welcome Mr. Beau and

Miss Joye to pick out their wedding rings today, our mall is closed.” “Come back another day to shop.” .

Eliza knitted her brows. “Why is it so unfair?” For the sake of Beau and Joye, even the mall only

operated for them? Why was it so unfair? Just for the sake of Beau, the scumb*g, and Joye, the

b*tch? Eliza narrowed her eyes slightly, raised her head, and glanced at the security guard’s face

coldly. “What if I must go in?” The two security guards looked at each other and smiled. “If you must go

in, don’t blame us for being rude to you.” “Being rude?” Eliza raised her eyebrows and said, “Okay!”

After that, she walked straight to the mall. The two security guards looked at each other, and their eyes

showed, “This woman is really bold.” Seeing that she was about to reach the mall, the two security

guards rushed forward and wanted to stop her with their arms. Unexpectedly, Eliza’s hand suddenly

folded “Crack crack.” After the two sounds of broken bones, two security guards howled. Sawyer felt

his scalp tingle. In junior high school, he had a crush on Eliza. Because of Lyric, who was always more

masculine than men, he still felt that Eliza was the most gentle woman in the world. 1

But now…

He looked at the hands of the two security guards hanging down feebly and felt that his wrists were in

great pain. He quickly walked over, took out the money, and stuffed it into the arms of the two security

guards. “Sorry, I’m sorry. My girlfriend has been in a bad mood recently. This is your compensation.”

The two security guards were speechless. – Had his girlfriend been dumped lately? Was she in a bad

mood? Seeing Eliza and Sawyer enter, one of the security guards quickly picked up the walkie-talkie

and said, “Two dangerous people went in!” “They are heading… towards the jewelry store that Mr.

Valentine and Miss Young are going to!”

Beau waited for Joye to dress up for an entire hour and a half. An hour and a half later, Joye came

downstairs in an expensive custom-made dress. “Sorry to keep you waiting.” “It’s fine, just as long as

two meetings.” Beau curled his lips and stood up. Without waiting for Joye to come downstairs, he

walked straight out of the door. Joye furrowed her brows and glared at Beau viciously. Then, she went

downstairs while carrying her intricate dress. In fact, she was not just doing makeup upstairs. While she

was putting on makeup… She also made a call to Elias. Elias said that he had left some good things in

her makeup case. It was a kind of drug that could make people dizzy. He asked her to find a chance to

let Beau drink it, and then take his signature when he was unconscious so that they could inherit his

property without anyone knowing! After hanging up the phone, she found the drug Elias had mentioned

in the makeup case. Now, this small bottle of transparent liquid was in her handbag. Joye took a deep

breath and followed Beau into the car.

Although Beau was tall, handsome, and charming… But Joye was also very clear that Beau was not

with her because he liked her. It was because the Benton family wanted him to marry her that they

were willing to let him be the next master of the family. Since it was for the sake of benefits, it was

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destined not to last long. Instead of getting abandoned after Beau succeeded, she might as well

cooperate with Elias and take all of Beau’s assets. Men were not always reliable. But money was

always reliable. With this in mind, the two of them had already arrived at the mall in the car. Joye had

thought that she and Beau would attract everyone’s attention once they got out of the car. She was

now the most dazzling woman in the city. All the cameras of journalists should be aimed at her.

However, Joye did not expect that… When they got out of the car, only a few reporters, who were

waiting for them at the entrance of the mall, noticed them. All the other reporters were reporting on a

fight. “It is reported that the unknown woman is named Eliza. She is a master of martial arts.” “Now,

there are 5 security guards who are seriously injured and 12 who are slightly injured for trying to block

her from entering the mall…” “Because every time after she beat someone, her boyfriend would be

giving out money, so no one called the police.” D “The ambulance is parked at the entrance of the mall,

to prevent people who are seriously injured from appearing at any time… “Look, there is another

wounded security guard on the scene…”

Joye was shocked and couldn’t speak for a long time. Beau frowned and rushed in. In the shopping

center. A group of security guards fell on the ground. Eliza stood in the middle of the crowd with a cold

smile on her lips. “I’ll ask you again. Can I go in and pick a wedding ring today?” After a day’s absence,

she seemed to have become thinner. Beau frowned and walked over. “Eliza, don’t make trouble!” The

male’s low voice made Su’s heart suddenly ache. The next moment, she looked up and sneered. “I

want to buy a wedding ring with my boyfriend. Why do you think I’m making trouble?” “Moreover, even

if I’m making trouble.” “It’s none of your business!”