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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 246
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Chapter 246

For some reason, Beau wanted to bring Eliza to the balcony to look at the meteors at night. Although

the moonlight was very beautiful, it was already one o’clock in the morning.. She was really a little

sleepy. She leaned softly against Beau’s shoulder. “Honey, can’t we go back to sleep?” Beau turned

around and gently tucked her hair behind her ears. After her hair was all tucked behind, her fair face

appeared in front of him without reservation. Her jawline was smooth and graceful, and her skin was so

fair that he could see the fluff on her face by the light. Her mouth was small and her nose was fine. Her

eyes, which were usually clear, were now a little lazy and hazy because of sleepiness. Beau raised his

hand and held her lower jaw. He looked at her charming face and wanted to kiss her several times, but

he stopped in the end. He turned his head and looked at the black Cayenne hidden under the tree in

the distance. “You might have to wait a little longer.” He had agreed that he would leave after just one

glance. As a result… they had stopped here for half an hour. Beau turned his head and looked at the

sleepy little girl next to him. He couldn’t help but reach out to pinch her face. “I know you are sleepy.”

“Wait a little longer, huh?” Beau’s words made Eliza bite her lip. “Honey, I don’t want to see meteors

anymore. I want to sleep.” After that, she directly stretched out her arms and hung her whole body on

his body. She pouted and approached him. “Why don’t you give me a kiss as a gift from me to you?”

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“Then let’s go back to sleep.” She actually didn’t really want to see meteor… Eliza’s soft body moved

closer and closer, and her mouth was getting closer and closer. Beau narrowed his eyes and quietly

looked in the direction where the car was parked. Just as he turned around, Eliza’s mouth had already

touched his. Her softness and warmth made him frown. Her fragrance was irresistible. As a result, he

grabbed Eliza’s lower jaw and fiercely kissed her. The atmosphere in the Cayenne outside the villa was

solemn. Hamza stared fixedly at the man who kissed his daughter. Sawyer glanced at the scene on the

balcony and silently lowered his head to play with his phone. On the other hand, Lyric could not help

but smile. “They’re quite a good match.” Hamza frowned and turned to look coldly at Lyric. Lyric quickly

shut her mouth. After a long time, the cold-looking middle-aged man closed his eyes and rubbed his

eyebrows with his long fingers. “Let’s go back.” Sawyer lowered his head and looked at his phone.

“Hamza, do you want me to snatch her?” “If I marry her, you will be my father-in-law.” Hamza glanced

at him coldly. “You want to marry my daughter?” “First, please placate your dozen of girlfriends.”

Sawyer, “…” Lyric, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, laughed and said, “Gentlemen, buckle up your

seatbelts and we’ll take off right away!” As soon as her voice fell, the car started and got driven away

like an arrow. The sudden sound of the car made Eliza, who was kissing Beau, frown. Why did she feel

that the voice was coming from downstairs? But it was already so late… Did Noah go out? She was

about to turn around to take a look when Beau took advantage of the situation and pulled her into his

arms. When her body suddenly flew into the air, Eliza cried out in alarm. She subconsciously wrapped

her arms around his neck. The distance between the two was incredibly close. Beau curled his lips and

left the balcony with her in his arms. The seductive and cool aura on his body made Eliza’s breathing

unstable. She bit her lips and looked at his face. “Honey… Aren’t we watching the meteor shower?”

Beau smiled and said, “It’s gone.” “Let’s go back.” “Aren’t you sleepy?” Eliza nodded and buried her

head into his embrace, allowing him to carry her. Beau had originally wanted to send her back to her

and Graciana’s room. But he didn’t expect that Graciana would lock the door. Eliza looked at the time.

It was nearly two in the morning. Graciana must have slept. He chuckled and whispered in her ear,

“What should we do now?” Eliza’s face turned red. “Why don’t… I sleep in the living room?” Beau

laughed, “I, Beau’s wife, will never have to sleep in the living room.” After that, he turned around and

took her directly to his room. The door was closed. Eliza subconsciously reached out her hand and

tightly grabbed his clothes. “We …” Although it was normal for couples to sleep together. She did not

hate sleeping with him. But… Didn’t they agree that before she regained her memories… “I won’t do

anything to you until you regain your memory.” Beau seemed to have seen through her thoughts. With

a chuckle, he put her down on the big bed and then gently rubbed her head. “You sleep on the bed,

and I sleep on the ground?” Eliza’s heart felt inexplicably warm. She nodded seriously. “Yes.” In fact,

what she cared about was not whether she slept with him or not, but his attitude towards her. She

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would feel that he didn’t pay much attention to her if he went back on his words. O Eliza lay prone on

the bed, quietly watching Beau make his own bed on the floor gracefully. She twitched her lips. “I can

actually remember something about the past.” “For example, when we first got married, I was sleeping

on the ground.” Beau, who was making the bed, chuckled and said, “But I have never let you really

sleep on the ground.” Eliza’s body trembled slightly. It seemed… so. When they first got married, she

would sleep on the floor every night. But when she woke up the next day, she would find herself lying

on the bed. However, at that time, she thought that she was sleepwalking and had climbed onto the

bed on her own after Beau left. But now, after hearing what he said… Eliza bit her lip silently. “So, you

were the one who carried me to bed at that time?” “That’s right.” Beau tidied up the things, straightened

up and began to untie the buttons of his shirt. “Every night when someone fell asleep, I would hold her

to the bed and let her sleep beside me.” After that, he smiled at her. “I am going to take a bath.” Eliza

looked at his back and could not help but take a deep breath. “Wait!” He stopped and looked back.

“What’s wrong?” “Don’t sleep on the ground!” She jumped off the bed and put away the pillows and

quilts on the ground. “Come and sleep on the bed.” Beau raised his brows. “Didn’t we agree on this?”

“I’ve changed my mind.” Eliza took a deep breath. “You’re my husband. It won’t be a problem for you to

share a bed with me.” “And, when I fell asleep on the floor, you would take me to bed while I was

asleep.” “But now if you’re asleep, I wouldn’t be able to carry you.” “So you might as well just sleep on

the bed!” After that, Eliza bit her lip. “Anyway.” “Anyway, I have already given birth to three children for

you. There is no need to be reserved…”