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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 229
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Chapter 229

Eliza pursed her lips and felt that Beau’s words made sense. She pursed her lips and hugged Beau’s

strong waist. “I’ll listen to you.” “What’s more…” Eliza took a deep breath. “I really think that I should be

Shreya’s daughter.” For some reason. The first time she saw Shreya, she wanted to cry. There seemed

to be a voice in her heart telling her that the this woman she missed for a long time, was her mother

whom she loved and hated. But she had become a vegetable. She could do nothing but help Shreya

guard the Chapman family’s foundation and wait for her to wake up. Thinking of this, she looked up at

Beau’s face and said, “Now the Chapman family doesn’t admit that I am a member of the Chapman

family.” “But I think about the business crisis of the Chapman family…” As soon as she spoke, Beau

knew what she wanted to say. He smiled faintly and held her tightly in his arms. “Rest assured, I will let

the Sahil Group help the Chapman family through this difficulty.” After that, he gently patted her back.

“You just need to do your things in peace.” Eliza nodded silently. After a long while, she raised her head

and kissed him gently on the lips when he was not paying attention. “Honey, you’re the best!” A kiss,

like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water, transmitted from Beau’s lips to his limbs and bones

like an electric current. He was stunned for a moment, and then looked at her helplessly. “Little bad girl,

you have learned to make a sneak attack.” Eliza’s face was as red as a monkey’s butt. She buried her

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face in his chest. “I want to thank you.” “This morning, I was very unhappy because of them… That’s

why I bought it… That’s why I made delicious food for you.” “I didn’t want you to comfort me. I have no

relatives. When I was sad, I thought of you first.” “I didn’t expect that not only did you not let me

continue to grieve, but also gave me a lot of motivation.” After that, she raised her sparkling eyes and

looked at him. “So this is my thanks to you.” Looking at the sparkles in her eyes, Beau’s lips curled up.

“You want to send me off with such a small thing?” Beau’s words stunned Eliza for a moment. She

stared at him in a daze, unable to understand what he meant. “I said, if you want to thank me, such a

little gift is not sincere at all.” Eliza was stunned. She looked at him somewhat bashfully. “Then…

Honey, tell me, what should I do to be sincere?” “As long as you say it, I will… oh..” Before she finished

her words, Beau’s lips kissed her hard. Beau held the back of her head and kissed her fiercely and

aggressively. In the beginning, Eliza still instinctively struggled a bit.

Later, she no longer struggled. She put her hand on his waist, and the kiss continued to deepen. Beau

narrowed his eyes, which gradually turned dark. This little idiot. He had just said that her gift was not

enough because she had provoked him. But what was she doing now? Did she take the initiative to

express her sincerity?

The two of them hugged and kissed. Originally, Beau was just unhappy with Eliza’s peck and wanted to

kiss her. But he didn’t expect that she misunderstood him and felt that he was saying that she wasn’t

proactive enough. She even deliberately tried to open his teeth when kissing. The gentle kiss became

passionate and sultry because of Eliza’s initiative. They kissed for a long, long time. Until someone

pushed the door open.

Tyson knocked on the door for a long time. He thought Beau didn’t open the door because he was

asleep, so he directly opened it. But he didn’t expect that he would see such a scene after opening the

door. The sound of the man opening the door made Beau frown. He silently let go of Eliza and held her

in his arms. He raised his head and glanced at Tyson coldly, “What’s the matter?”

Tyson was too shocked to say anything. After a long while, he coughed lightly. “Of course I have

something to talk to you about.” Beau frowned. “Wait for me outside. I’ll let you in later.” Tyson was

speechless. “Okay, Mr. Valentine.” After that, he turned around and left. Tyson rolled his eyes silently

as he closed the door. It was clear that he stumbled upon the two of them kissing each other in the

office. But why did Beau’s attitude seemed to indicate that Tyson had done something wrong? Across

the frosted glass of the office, he saw the two people inside separated. Beau even gently reached out

and stroked Eliza’s head. He frowned. Could the woman inside be his amnesia wife? Tyson sighed and

found a place to sit down. He was the person in charge of the Sahil Group. Five years ago, Beau’s

financial group in Puskia had just started. He was Beau’s best business partner and friend. Later on,

when they were busy with their work, Beau suddenly said that he had two sons and was going back to

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his country. As soon as he left, he never came back. For so many years, although the boss of the Sahil

Group had always been Beau, as Beau’s best friend and subordinate, Tyson was recognized as the

president of the whole Sahil Group. Now that five years had passed, Tyson originally wanted to return

the Sahil Group to Beau. As a result, Beau actually said that he would continue to conceal that he was

the real president of the Sahil Group, and that Tyson should continue to be the president. Thinking of

this, Tyson was very annoyed. However, he had indistinctly heard from others that Beau had concealed

his identity because of his wife. She was the one inside. Thinking of this, Tyson couldn’t help but look at

Eliza a few more times. Not long after, someone opened the office door. Eliza came out of the office

with a red face. Walking to the door, she looked at Tyson timidly. “My… my husband asked you to go

in.” After that, she took small quick steps and ran as if she was running for her life. Tyson looked at her

back and clicked his tongue twice. Then he pushed the door open and went in. In the office, Beau who

disheveled his clothes while kissing Eliza had already tidied up his clothes. He was sitting leisurely on

the main seat and looking at Tyson faintly, “Next time when you come in, knock on the door.” Tyson

rolled his eyes and said, “I thought you fainted inside. Who would have thought you were doing

something unfit for children to see?” Beau rolled his eyes at him. “If it weren’t for you, she would’ve

stayed here a little longer.” “So, if I don’t come, you two are going to continue to a restricted level?”

Beau curled his lips and asked, “What, can’t I?” “She is my wife.”

“What we do is reasonable.”

After that, he looked up at Tyson and said, “A single man like you won’t understand.”