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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 224
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Chapter 224

When Eliza returned upstairs, Graciana was playing games on her phone. Seeing her come in, she

buried her head in the blankets with a guilty conscience. She exposed her eyes in embarrassment as

she looked at Eliza’s face. “Did… did I disturb you all?” Eliza glanced at her indifferently and handed

the disposable cup to her. “Didn’t you want to go downstairs to drink some water?” “You ran away

without even drinking water?” Graciana swallowed a mouthful of saliva guiltily. “I…” “I didn’t mean to.” “I

know you didn’t mean it.” Eliza curled her lips and sat down beside the bed. “I seem to have recalled

something about the past.” Graciana held the cup and took a sip. “What do you remember?” She

thought for a while with her head tilted. “It occurs to me that my husband is strict with me.” “And.” She

closed her eyes. Beau’s handsome face appeared before her eyes. He looked at her and smiled

elegantly, “Be a good Mrs. Valentine.” She frowned. “Eh?” “I seem to… remember something again.” “It

seems to be the time that we just got married?” “He told me to be a good Mrs. Valentine.” Graciana

widened her eyes. “Beau did indeed said these words to you.” When Eliza and Beau first got together,

Beau’s attitude towards her was indeed cold. Eliza had even complained to her before. Thinking of this,

Graciana looked at Eliza’s face with some excitement. “It seems that you really remembered something

about the past?” “Anything else?” Eliza frowned and continued to search through her memories of

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Beau. Her head hurt more and more. In the end, she rubbed her head and shook desperately. “I can’t

remember.” “My head hurts…” Seeing her painful look, Graciana sighed and hurried to hug her. “It

doesn’t matter, we can think about it slowly.” After a long time, when Eliza stopped complaining about

the pain, Graciana frowned and said seriously, “Eliza, think about what you’ve done today.” “Which part

made you recall these memories?” “Before I came to Sage City, I found a psychiatrist in Krine and

asked him about amnesia. He said that because of some reasons, the brain chose to let you forget

something” “But all the memories you have forgotten can be recovered. You just need to find the key

that can open your memory.” “This key could be an action, z thing, or even a person or an object.”

“Think about it carefully. Which event did you encounter that made you recall these memories?” Eliza

frowned and bit her lips. “I can’t remember.” Today, her life was actually very simple. In addition to

eating with the three little children, she also learned cooking and fried eggs with Graciana. She spent

almost the whole day in the kitchen, her mind full of fried eggs. She didn’t notice when she had recalled

these memories. But… She looked up and said, “Before Beau came back.” “I didn’t remember the part

where he asked me to be Mrs. Valentine.” Graciana was stunned for a moment. After a long while, she

took a deep breath and said, “Well, let’s check the surveillance tomorrow and see what you and Beau

have done after he came back. Then, we will carefully analyze which action can open the switch of

your memory.” Eliza bit her lips and remained silent for a while. “You want to see the surveillance video

of my husband and I…?” Graciana nodded. “Yes.” If she didn’t look at the monitor, how could she know

what they had done? If she did not know what they had done. How could she know what made Eliza

think of her past memories?

Eliza bit her lip and silently lowered her head. “Then won’t you see my husband and I kissing each

other again” Graciana: “…”

It seemed… yes. Garciana’s face looked terrible. “I really shouldn’t have listened to Beau. I shouldn’t

have come to Sage City with him.” This was indeed the Sage City. It was in Sage City where had seen

Eliza and Beau’s lovey-dovey actions ! “Graciana.” “Thank you for your hard work.” Eliza looked at

Graciana with some embarrassment and smiled, “You can watch the surveillance tomorrow yourself.” “I

don’t want to see the scene of me kissing with my husband…” Graciana rolled her eyes, pulled her

hand away, turned over and laid down on the bed. “Go to sleep!” “Graciana.” Eliza took a deep breath

and changed into a comfortable position to lie beside Graciana. She turned off the light and looked at

the dark ceiling with her bright eyes. “I want to go to the hospital tomorrow to see my mom.” “Just

downstairs, my husband said that my mother… has never given up on me for so many years.” “Do you

believe it?” “Your mom is so powerful. If she really wants to find you, won’t she be able find you in

twenty years?” Graciana closed her eyes and said calmly, “You’ve experienced so many bad things

over the years.” “If she had found you earlier, you wouldn’t be like this.” Eliza’s hands silently clenched

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into fists. After a long while, she took a deep breath. “But…” After saying that, she suddenly did not

know what to say. “Co see her if you want.”

morrow After a long time, Graciana sighed. “You are a mother of three children now. Maybe you can

understand your mother’s decision more.” “I will check the surveillance for you tomorrow. You can go

and visit her yourself.” Eliza pursed her lips and nodded. “Mm.” Finally, she turned around and gently

shook Graciana’s shoulder. “Can you check the surveillance tomorrow by yourself?” “I don’t want

others to see my husband and I kissing.” “… It’s a little embarrassing.” Graciana: “…” “Don’t you feel

shameful in front of me?” “Yes, because you have seen it on the spot.” Graciana: “…”

She wanted to die.


Early the next morning, Eliza got up and went downstairs to make fried eggs for Beau. But it was past

eight o’clock and he still hadn’t come down from the upstairs. After asking the servants at home, she

found out that Beau had been asked to work overtime last night and had not come back yet. Eliza felt a

little disappointed. But she knew that he was busy, so she fried a few more fried eggs and asked the

Braint, Demarion, and Liliana to come downstairs to eat. After the children were settled, she changed

her clothes and went to the hospital. She had come to visit Shreya with Sergey before, and she also

knew the address. Eliza arrived at Shreya’s ward with ease. “Sorry, strangers are forbidden from

entering.” Eliza raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyes at the bodyguard. “Look clearly at who I am.”

“Am I a stranger?” “I’m Miss Chapman from the Chapman family!” The bodyguard glanced at her and

smiled. “The real Miss Chapman is visiting the Master.” “Which family are you from?”