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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 210
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Chapter 210

Elias’s words instantly silenced the entire corridor! Jory’s expression was extremely ugly! Now, there

were not only members of the Valentine family but also Julian and the Benton family members! The

beast just spilled the beans about the family! Jory heavily knocked on his crutch, “You shut up!” “Am I

wrong?” Elias snorted. “Big brother and I have already secretly done DNA test. He’s not part of our

Valentine family at all.” “These years, you have neglected your sons because of him.” “Six years ago,

you entrusted Valentine’s Group to him. You said that the eldest brother was ignorant and incompetent

and could only start from the bottom. You also said that I am a soldier and don’t know how to do

business.” “Big brother is greedy. After Beau gave him some benefits and a small company, he became

so happy that he could forget about everything else.” “But I can’t.” Elias raised his head and stared

fixedly at Jory. “When I was twenty, you said that I needed more experiences as I was still young.” “I

listened to you and became a soldier.” “After I got out of the military, you said that I was not fit to run a

business. You gave me money and asked me to do what I liked.” “I’ve tried my best to learn business

and I wanted to become the successor of the Valentine family.” “But in the end, you gave the Valentine

family’s property to an outsider!” Since they had fallen out with each other, Elias let out all of his

dissatisfaction over the past few years without any hesitation! His words made Jory’s face turn red with

anger, and finally he spat out a mouthful of blood. “Grandpa!” Matthew had no time to worry about

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guarding the door behind him. He dashed forward and

grabbed Jory’s hand. “Are you all right?” Jory covered his mouth, blood oozing out from between his

fingers. “I’m… fine!” “You don’t look fine at all!” Matthew gritted his teeth and wrapped his arms around

Jory’s body. “Doctor, get a doctor!”

Although it was a psychiatric hospital, the doctors here could still deal with this kind of emergency A

doctor rushed over to the corridor. Matthew helped Jory up to the bed and they entered the emergency

room. At the door of Lucija’s room. When Elias saw that Matthew had finally left, he immediately

wanted to lead his men in. “Mr. Valentine.” Julian snorted and threw a glance at Grant behind him.

Grant directly rushed up and blocked Lucija’s door. “Sir, if you want to go in, you have to get my

permission first.” Elias furrowed his brows and fought with Grant. “The people of the Chapman family?”

After exchanging a few blows, Elias was at a disadvantage. He knitted his brows and glared at Grant

coldly. “I didn’t expect that there was someone who knew the Chapman family’s technique in Krine.”

Grant chuckled and said, “My master used to be the head guard of the Chapman family, and he did

work as a bodyguard in the Chapman residence for some time.” However, when he accompanied the

Chapman family to the Benton family, Julian took a fancy to him. So he stayed by Julian’s side and

became Julian’s bodyguard. “Chapman family, Benton family.” Elias sneered, “I remember you.” After

that, he waved his hand and took his men. “Let’s go.” When he heard the order, one of the brawny men

grumbled, “Mr. Valentine, we haven’t taken Lucija.” “Just now, we were afraid of hurting Julian, so we

didn’t dare to go rough. But now.” Elias glared at him coldly. “What’s the point of staying when you can’t

beat them?!” The burly man was stunned and immediately followed behind Elias with an ashen face.

“Tsk tsk.” Julian looked at the direction they left and took a picture to send it to Liliana. “Don’t worry!”

Putting away the phone, he glanced at Grant and said, “You stay guard here to prevent him from

coming back again. I will go to see Jory.” Grant still looked into the distance without any reaction. Julian

frowned and reached out to hammer Grant. “What are you looking at?” Grant frowned, “I think… this

Elias looks a little familiar…” “When he mentioned the Chapman family, his eyes were scary.” It felt like

he mentioned an enemy. Grant had been in the Chapman family for many years, but he had never

heard of the relationship between the Chapman family in Puskia and the Valentine family in Krine…

Julian repeated what he had just said to make sure that Grant had heard it clearly, and then he walked

towards the emergency room where Jory was sent to. Jory had been in the emergency room for more

than an hour. An hour later, Jory sat on the bed and held Matthew’s hand with a haggard face. “Now

you know that your Uncle Beau is not a member of the Valentine family… Would he hate him like your

Uncle Elias?” Matthew shook his head. “Uncle Beau is Uncle Beau. I know clearly how he treats me.

This isn’t something that can be easily cut off.” After that, he sighed. “In the past, when I was a loser,

Uncle Beau always said that I “I… didn’t understand it before.” “Now, I finally understand.” In fact, from

the beginning, Beau didn’t want to own the Valentine family’s property, did he? Jory had left everything

to him, yet he had been secretly grooming Matthew… Jory sighed. “Go and ask Julian to come in.” “It’s

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time for your Uncle Beau to return to his ancestral roots.” Matthew paused for a moment. Although he

was full of doubts, he still went outside the door

obediently and called Julian in. “Young man from Benton family.” Leaning against the bed, Jory looked

at him with a smile. “It’s said that one shouldn’t wash their linen in public. Since you already know this,

I’ll tell you… Beau’s true identity.” “Go back and discuss it with the Benton family…” Julian frowned and

quickly sat down. “Speak.”

An hour later. Julian came out of the hospital with shock. “How could…” Beau was his cousin!? Just as

he was shocked by this news and could not come to his senses for a long time, his phone rang “Julian.”

On the other end of the phone, Mrs. Benton sighed deeply. “You’re really disobedient!” “Miss Chapman

has returned home, and yet you ran away!” “Come back quickly, maybe you’ll get engaged in a few

days!” Julian frowned hard. “I don’t want to…” Halfway through his words, his eyes suddenly lit up.

“Mom, is it, the young master of the Benton family who was engaged to the Chapman family?” “That’s

right.” “Then the one who is engaged to Miss Chapman is not me!” Julian was rather excited. Just now,

he was still hesitating whether to tell his family. After all… Who would be willing to turn their love rival

into their cousin? But the call from Mrs. Benton instantly woke him up! Since Beau was his cousin.


Mrs. Benton rolled her eyes. “The engagement between the Benton family and the Chapman family is

indeed between the young master of the Benton family and the young lady of the Chapman family.”

“But the eldest young master of Benton family is you, isn’t it?” “What if I have a brother?”

Mother has never given birth to a brother. Your uncle has not been married for his whole life Where did

you find a brother?”