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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 208
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Chapter 208

When Beau and Eliza came out of the ward, there was no trace of Sergey outside.

The bodyguard who stood outside the door put on a cold look. “Sergey said that he has something

urgent to deal with, so he went to the airport first.” He glanced at Eliza with disdain. “Before he left,

Sergey told us to let you stay at Mr. Valentine’s house if you are unwilling to go back to the Chapman

residence with us.”

“He can understand that you don’t want to part with your three children.”

After that, the bodyguard turned and left. Eliza stared blankly in the direction he had left, her brows

tightly knitted together. When she was in the Chapman residence, Sergey asked someone to keep an

eye on her and forbade her to run out. Later on, after she was taken away by Beau, he hurriedly

chased after her and asked her to follow him back to the Chapman residence. Why did he change his

mind in such a short time after visiting Shreya? Not only did he ignore the matter of her not going

home, but he also took the other guards with him, leaving only a bodyguard to speak for him? “Let’s

go.” Behind her came Beau’s gentle voice. He held her body and walked out with a faint smile. “It’s rare

that Sergey finally let us spend time together.” After that, he slightly curled his lips. “What do you want

to eat for dinner?” Eliza’s thoughts were pulled back by his words. She pursed her lips. “I want to eat

fish.” Beau’s body trembled slightly. “All right.” He still remembered that she had asked the

housekeeper what he liked to eat when they first got married. The housekeeper told her that he liked

eating fish. Therefore, even if she got beaten and got hurt while filming, she had to go to the Fresh

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Market to buy some fish for him to eat after she was done with her work. He had never asked her what

she liked.

Thinking of this, he said lightly, “So you also like eating fish?” Eliza frowned and carefully thought for a

while. “I shouldn’t have liked it before.” “But I didn’t know when I started liking it.” “I suddenly thought of

fish after you asked me what I like to eat.” After that, she shrugged. “Maybe I started liking it when I lost

my memory.” Beau held her arm and paused slightly. After a while, he chuckled. “It should be.” “You’ll

know it when you recover your memory.” After the two of them left the hospital, Beau directly ordered

Noah to drive to Fresh Market.

He didn’t know how to choose fish.

Eliza laughed at him while carefully choosing the fish. Standing by her side and looking at her serious

expression, Beau frowned slightly. “Eliza”

“Have you… really lost your memory?” Although when he first reunited with her, her personality was

completely different from before. But after getting along with her for a whole day, he found that… She

was becoming more and more similar to the previous her. He would definitely believe that she had

never lost her memory and changed her personality judging by the way she looked now. “Of course, do

you think that I’m putting on a show in front of you?” Eliza rolled her eyes at him as she chose a fish

and asked the seller to help her clean it up. “I’m not in the mood for that.” Beau looked at her and

smiled without saying anything. After walking out of Fresh Market, Eliza wearily leaned on the back

seat of the car and said with her eyes closed, “Before in the ward, you only asked me whether I would

be willing to help the Chapman family.” “But you haven’t told me how are you going to help the

Chapman family.” Beau turned his head and looked out of the window. His voice was low as he said,

“Do you know who the biggest enemy of Chapman family is?” Eliza pursed her lips and said, “LY

Group, Sergey has bent my ear about this company.” “He said that the LY Group is targeting the

Chapman family.” “Since the company was established six years ago, it has been going against the

Chapman family and eventually didn’t care if they won a pyrrhic victory.” “I also asked Sergey whether

the LY Group was run by someone my parents had offended before, but Sergey denied it.” “Although

my parents have done immoral things, the boss of LY Group was reputable.” “But it is said that he is

quite mysterious and his whereabouts are unknown.” “The only clue is that the boss is a veteran

soldier.” Beau smiled faintly and said, “I know a person who is also a veteran soldier.” “The abbreviation

of his name is also ‘LY” 2 In fact, Beau had already known about Elias’s LY Group, The LY Group and

the Sahil Group were also doing business in Puskia. There were inevitably enemies and had contact in

the business field. When the LY Group seized the Chapman family’s business, Beau knew the

existence of this company and the name of the boss behind it. Therefore, over the years, he had asked

the Sahil Group to avoid from engaging business with the LY Group as much as possible. At that time,

Beau thought that Elias liked doing business, just like him. It was unfair to specifically eye on the

business of the second family in Puskia, but it was just a means of competition. He didn’t want to

expose himself and didn’t want get involved in it.

It was because of the indulgence of the Sahil Group to the LY Group that the company developed into

a financial group second only to the Sahil Group in just five years. Eliza furrowed her eyebrows and

turned to look at Beau. “What do you mean by that?” “The boss of LY Group, do you know him?” “Not

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just any acquaintance, but also a dispute between us.” Beau finally realized what happened after the

incident with Lucija… It turned out that Elias, who had always doted on him since he was young and

the only person in the Valentine family to give him, had in fact, just like his big brother, never thought

highly of him. Gian didn’t like him but it could be seen as it was clearly written on his face. As for Elias,

he always pretended to be a good person. To some extent, Gian’s intentions were obviously more

sincere than Elias’s. Beau closed his eyes, Lucija’s actions towards Eliza were all permitted by Elias. In

other words, every time Eliza was hurt by Lucija, Elias also participated in it. He did not know about it

before, but now… Since Eliza was a child of the Chapman family and she was also willing to help the

Chapman family overcome this difficulty. He didn’t need to spare Elias’s feelings. Just as he was

sighing with emotion, his cell phone rang. It was from Matthew. “Uncle Beau.” On the other end of the

line, Matthew’s voice sounded extremely anxious. “Elias found the place where Lucija was locked up.

He even gave my parents money. Right now, the three of them brought people here and are making a

fuss, asking me to release Lucija.” “What should I do? I can’t hold on any longer!” Beau’s eyebrow

furrowed tightly.

The place where Lucija was locked up was very secret. Elias had been a soldier before so he could

locate any remote place. “How many of them?” Matthew frowned and said, “A dozen or so.” “What

should I do?” “Don’t panic.” Beau took a deep breath and said, “I’ll call in reinforcements for you.”

Matthew frowned and said, “Uncle, you’ve brought all your men with you to look for Eliza. Where can

you find any more reinforcements?” “You know about my men. Most of them listen to my father. Only a

few loyal followers are helping me guard…” “Don’t worry.” After saying this, He directly hung up the

phone and dialed Liliana’s phone number. “I need you to do daddy a favor.”