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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 206
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Chapter 206

Eliza’s words made Sergey’s face suddenly become ugly. She was talking about taking Beau back to

be her husband! What kind of people would want to rob others as their husband? Only a robber would

do so! On the surface, Eliza wanted them to bring Beau back, but in reality… She was saying that the

Chapman family was like a robber! Sergey looked at Eliza with a sullen face. He gnashed his teeth and

said, “Miss Chapman, don’t make trouble.” “You need to marry the young master of the Benton family

on behalf of the Chapman family.” “Sergey.” Beau smiled faintly and reached out to hold Eliza’s body. “I

have already told you before that Eliza is my wife.” “We’ve got our marriage certificate. We’re a married

couple acknowledged by the law.” Sergey snorted. “It was Eliza’s name written on the marriage

certificate, right?” “Miss Chapman’s name is Tricia!”

The woman in Beau’s embrace frowned slightly. Tricia. This name… She didn’t like it. “Can I not

change my name?” “Of course you can.” Sergey smiled. “Get a divorce if you don’t change your name.”

“I don’t agree!” On the stairs, Liliana, dressed in a white tulle dress, slowly walked downstairs. “I don’t

agree!” Sergey glanced at her and his eyes lit up instantly! He had seen this little girl before! Lilliana.

The children adopted by the young master of the Benton family had once attended the Benton family’s

old lady’s birthday banquet. She was smart. Everyone in the Benton family liked her! When Sergey,

who looked serious, saw Liliana, his face immediately changed. “Liliana, why are you here?” Liliana

pressed her lips and elegantly walked in front of Eliza and Beau. She looked at Sergey haughtily, “Of

course I have to be here.” “Because Beau is my biological father, and Eliza is my biological mother!”

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Sergey’s face turned pale. The adopted daughter of the young master of Benton family… Was

actually Beau’s child? “I don’t agree with the divorce between my daddy and mommy. I don’t want Mr.

Benton to marry my mommy either.”

Liliana crossed her arms around her chest. “If you must make my mommy marry Mr. Benton, I will tell

my great-grandma that you forced me and my father to separate. I will be depressed and unhappy!”

“Let’s see if great-grandma will allow the Benton family to help the Chapman family!” The little girl’s

voice was tender but dignified. Cold sweat broke out on Sergey’s forehead. He had seen how much

Jadyn doted on this little girl. Back then… Jadyn had asked someone to buy a pile of strawberries all

over the world for Lilliana to pick out just because she wanted to eat them. Due to Lilliana’s desire to

ski, Jadyn had spent tens of millions of dollars and asked someone to build an artificial ski resort in the

summer season for her. Because Lilliana felt that her name meant stars and she liked to look up at the

starry sky, Jadyn had bought her a planet from outer space and named it Liliana… 6 The upper-class

society in Puskia always said that although Lilliana was adopted, Jadyn treated her the same way she

treated the previous person in charge of the Benton family, with favor and respect. Some even said that

Jadyn treated this little girl better than Julian, who had adopted her. The more Sergey thought about it,

the more sweaty he became. She was really someone that he couldn’t afford to offend! If he really

forced Eliza to divorce Beau and marry Julian, this little girl would gossip in front of Jadyn.

In the future, the Chapman family’s business which was assisted by Benton family might be hindered a

lot. Although he did not think that Jadyn would lose her mind for this little girl, but… what if? Thinking of

this, he wiped the sweat from his forehead, squatted down and looked at Liliana, who was not tall but

imposing. “What do you want?” Liliana waved her little hand and said, “Negotiate with my daddy!”

Having said that, Sergey sighed. He looked up at Beau and said, “Then… let’s talk.”

Krine. Julian sat in the bar, drinking in low spirits. He had already returned to Krine for a few days. He

investigated Eliza’s whereabouts on the day she disappeared again and again. But he still couldn’t find

any clues. Later on, he discovered that not only did Eliza disappear, but Beau had also left with his

three children. Liliana did not contact him. She only asked Grant to stay and inform him that she, her

father and two brothers had gone to find their mommy. “Mr. Benton, I will miss you! When I find

Mommy, I will come back to meet you!” He took the phone and listened to the message Liliana left for

him again and again, Finally, Julian let out a deep sigh. Eliza…

Where have you been?

“Mr. Benton?” Gloria, who was having a dinner with her friends, recognized him sitting in the corner as

soon as she entered the door. She said goodbye to her friends and sat down beside him. “Still no news

about Eliza?” Julian glanced at her and shook his head bitterly. “Take your time.” Gloria sighed, ordered

two glasses of wine, and sat in a comfortable position in the bar. “Didn’t you say that you would call off

the engagement with the Chapman family this time?” “I heard that the young lady from the Chapman

family has been found?” “I didn’t see her.” Julian frowned, picked up his wine glass and finished it. “I’m

not interested in her.” “The Chapman family was eager to marry her to me, so that the Benton family

could help them.” “I don’t want my marriage to become a transaction between the two families.” “Let

alone that.” Julian put down the glass and said, “The person brought back by the Chapman family may

not be the real Miss Chapman.” Gloria nodded. “Our family has some distant relations with the

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Chapman family.” “My father used to help the Chapman family find Miss Chapman.” “Miss Chapman

has two features. First, there is a heart-shaped birthmark behind her waist, and second… she wears a

jade pendant with a name Shreya carved on it.” After that, she put the photos of her birthmark and jade

pendant on the table. “The Chapman family is in such a critical situation now that Sergey is likely to find

a fake penniless person to fill in the numbers. These two pieces of evidence… can be considered as

my help to you.” Julian glanced at her indifferently and said nothing. Gloria still wanted to say

something, but her friend upstairs also began to call her. She said goodbye to Julian and turned to

leave. After Gloria left, Julian glanced at the photo on the table and sneered. He finished the wine on

the table and turned to leave. After he left, the bartender frowned. When he was about to put the two

photos away, a woman grabbed the photos. Joye took the photo and said, “Sorry, that was my friend

just now. I’ll keep it for him.” Because she was worried that something would happen to Julian, she had

been following him closely for the past few days. Walking out of the bar, she looked at the photo in her

hand. Suddenly, she stopped. This jade pendant…

She rushed home and found a jade pendant which was exactly the same as the one in the photo in the

drawer of the coffee table. The words that Lucija had said to her before appeared in her ear, “This was

given to me by Eliza’s younger sister, Esme. It’s said that Eliza’s mother left it for her. It’s very

valuable.”. “But I have asked someone to identify it. Although it is a real jade, its workmanship is not

meticulous and the pattern is not beautiful. It is only worth around 20,000 dollars.” “It’s not even worth

more than my evening gown. I’ll just give it to you.” Joye narrowed her eyes and silently clenched the

jade pendant in her hand. After a long time, she went downstairs to take a taxi and said, “I’m going to

the mental hospital.”