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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 192
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Chapter 192

“Everyone, today, Mr. Valentine suddenly announced that he would hold a wedding ceremony with Miss

Eliza today.” “As everyone can see, the venue is quite luxuriously decorated.” “It’s said that the bride

will come to attend the wedding ceremony today in a wedding dress worth millions of dollar.” “This is

the most luxurious wedding in the history of Krine!”

The auditorium of the most luxurious five-star hotel in Krine was crowded. The reporters and guests

crowded the whole venue. At the backstage, Liliana, who was wearing a little gown, was sitting in the

middle of the Braint and Demarion, holding her head in her hands, feeling wronged. “It seems that Mr.

Benton has no chance.” “But it doesn’t matter. Mr. Benton and Miss Lawson are not very suitable

together.” Liliana’s words made Demarion laugh uncontrollably. He knocked Liliana’s arm with his and

said, “Do you think that my mommy and daddy are a perfect match now?” Liliana hesitated for a

moment before pursing her lips. “People who love each other are the most suitable!” “Hmph, if you had

said so earlier, Mr. Benton wouldn’t have been so heartbroken after he fell in love with my mommy.”

After that, Demarion raised his hand and knocked Braint’s shoulder. “Brother, don’t you think


In a black and white tailored suit, Braint was still holding the laptop in his arms with a frown. His

appearance made the Demarion somewhat dissatisfied. The little fellow stood up and stretched out his

little hand to block the laptopr screen. “Brother!” “What time is it already!” “It’s a big celebration in our

family that daddy and mommy held a wedding today!” “Stop staring at your broken laptop!” Braint

twisted his eyebrows and raised his hand to push away the hand on the laptop screen. He said in a low

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voice, “Something happened.” Demarion curled his lips. “Hey, what are you talking about, brother?

What happened?” Hearing what Braint said, Liliana twisted her eyebrows and scratched her head while

looking at him. Her black eyes suddenly widened. “Is this Miss Lawson’s signal wave?” Braint nodded.

She closed her eyes and said, “I just saw the news that Rigg Bridge was blown up. It suddenly

occurred to me that Rigg Bridge is the only way from home to the hotel.” “So I tried to follow Mommy’s

signal.” “All her signals were cut off at the Rigg Bridge.” .

As soon as he said that, Demarion immediately realized the seriousness of the matter. Like a madman,

he lifted his leg and ran frantically towards the room Beau was at. At this moment, Beau was lying on

the sickbed. His face was completely pale. Demarion was stunned. “Daddy…” “Everything was fine

before. But he suddenly became like this.” Noah sighed. “I’ve already sent people to look for a doctor.”

Demarion clenched his teeth as he watched his father, who had always been cold and calm, become

this weak. He went up and held his father’s hand. “Daddy, are you alright?” “I’m fine.” he forced a smile

with difficulty. He turned his head to look at the Demarion. “Is your mommy here?” “Noah, get me some

medicine and make up.” “I have to arrange this wedding perfectly for her.” Noah paused. “But Sir, your

body…” “It’s not as important as Eliza.” He forced himself to up and struggled to get up. “Daddy.

Mommy, she can’t come!” Demarion grabbed Beau’s hand tightly. “The Rigg Bridge was just blown up.

Mommy’s signal has disappeared!” Beau was stunned. After a long time, he raised his pale face and

asked, “Where did she go?” “I don’t know!” Demarion said anxiously, “Brother said that we couldn’t

detect the signal on her mobile phone…” “Maybe… maybe Madam’s cell phone fell into the river!” Noah

hurriedly held Beau’s body and said, “Sir, don’t worry. I’ll get someone to investigate right now.” “You’d

better…” “I’ll go in person.” He struggled to stand up. He held Demarion’s hand with one hand and held

the wall with the other. “I’m going to find her…” Eliza couldn’t have had an accident. She should have

just been trapped in place. She should have just dropped her phone in the river. This was definitely the


He struggled to get out of the lounge.

Bang-! “Sir!” “Daddy!”

“He was drugged.” Outside the ward, Owen heaved a sigh of relief as he looked at Matthew and the

three children standing in front of him. “After this poison takes effect, it depends on how excited you

are.” “Today… is the day that Beau and Eliza get married. He may be too excited, so…” He sighed and

bowed his head to write on the medical record book. “It’s not a big deal. When the medicine takes

effect, it will make people dizzy.” “Given Beau’s excitement today, he should have fainted long ago.”

“Perhaps he relied on his willpower to complete the wedding with Eliza, right?” “There is no antidote to

this medicine. The only antidote is to have a good rest.” Matthew took a look at Beau, who was still in a

coma in the ward. “How could he be recuperating after what happened?” Owen sighed and closed the

medical record book. “Haven’t you heard from Eliza yet?” “No.” Matthew sighed. “The bridge was

destroyed, and the surrounding surveillance was destroyed.” “Almost everyone in the team escorting

Eliza was injured in various degrees due to the explosion. Most of them were knocked unconscious.”

“I’ve asked around, but there’s basically no clue.” “As for Eliza…. I found her damaged phone and the

wedding dress worth millions of dollar.” “As for the rest, there is no clue at all.” Matthew sighed and

said, “I really don’t know where she went.” “The family is finally ready to be reunited, but something like

this happened…” His words made Demarion frown. The little fellow pursed his lips. “Owen, what are

you talking about? What family?” Owen and Matthew looked at each other. After they exchanged

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glances, Owen sighed and squatted down. “Braint, Demarion and Liliana, the three of you come over

here.” The two little guys sitting on the bench in the distance trying to find Eliza’s signal immediately

jumped off the chairs. “What’s wrong?” “Your daddy was going to announce it at the wedding.” Owen

sighed and turned to look at the unconscious Beau. “Now your mommy is missing and Daddy is

unconscious.” “I’ll announce it for them.” After that, he handed the file in his hand to Braint. “You are all

smart children, read it yourself.” The three little kids looked at each other. In the end, Braint directly

opened the file pocket. Inside were six DNA test reports. They were Braint, Demarion, Liliana, Eliza

and Beau’s DNA paternity and maternity test According to the DNA report, Braint and Eliza were

confirmed to be mother and son. According to the DNA report, Lilliana and Eliza were confirmed to be

mother and daughter. According to the DNA report, Lilliana and Beau were father and daughter.

The three little kids were all stunned after reading the six DNA report. In the end, it was Braint who

came back to his senses first. He took a deep breath. “So, mommy is our real mommy, and Liliana is

our biological sister.” Demarion and Liliana were dumbfounded. How could… How could it be so

coincidental? The three of them played together all this time. They originally thought that they were

fated, but in the end, they were triplets!?

Liliana was stunned for a long time. In the end, she took a deep breath in excitement. “I’m going to call

Mr. Benton!”

Benton family. Julian sat idly on the chair and listened to the elders’ nagging. “News just came that the

Chapman family’s butler had brought Miss Chapman back.” “Another fake one, right? After so many

years, how many fake ladies did the Chapman family find?” “I guess Miss Chapman is already dead.”

Julian was extremely irritated by the news. He turned to the balcony. At this moment, the phone rang.

He picked up the phone. “You little heartless girl, you finally remember to call me?” Liliana on the other

end of the phone paused. “Mr. Benton, I have found my biological parents!” He was in a good mood

and hooked his lips. “Really?” “My daddy is Beau, and Mommy is Eliza!” “Bang!” Julian’s cell phone fell

to the ground.