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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 189
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Chapter 189

Eliza, Noah, and the others surrounded Elias’s people. The man in the lead frowned slightly and looked

up at Eliza. “Mrs. Valentine, what are you doing?” Eliza looked indifferently at the woman in red among

the group of people. “Who is she?” The woman was wearing a red cloak, which was so big that it

covered her whole face. When she heard Eliza’s words, her body trembled slightly. A moment later, she

took off her cloak, revealing her bright and clean face. “Eliza.” Eliza’s eyes narrowed slightly. The

woman in the red cloak in front of her was Lucija. It was Joye. Eliza smiled faintly and rubbed her chin.

“Aren’t you still in Mystery County? Why did you come back so quickly?”. The reason why she was able

to return was because Beau was in poor health. That was why Noah had rushed back using the car.

Why was Joye able to return so quickly? “Of course it’s because of my value. Elias used a plane to

bring me back.” Joye looked at the time, and smiled slightly. “Judging by the time, Lucija should have

gotten on the plane and left by now, right?” ; “In Hafeez, even Beau’s influence cannot infiltrate it.” With

this, she sighed faintly. “You can’t find her.” Seeing her look of self-satisfaction, Eliza shrugged. “Then

you might be disappointed.” “However…” Eliza looked up at Joye. “Why did Elias dare to send all of his

men out for a decoy?” “Isn’t he afraid that I’ll divide Beau’s men into teams and surround them?” Joye

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looked up and chuckled. “Elias knows all your arrangements like the back of his hand, do you believe

it?” Eliza nodded and said, “Of course.” “Since you said so… I can come to a conclusion.” After that,

she turned to look at Noah. “Check them.” There was indeed a spy sent by Elias in their team. Noah

nodded and turned to glare at the men dressed in black behind him. “Go back first!” “Don’t let me find

out who the spy is!” He glared at these people fiercely. “Once I find out, I will make his whole family

suffer!” On the way here, he was not convinced about Matthew and Eliza’s plan. “My men and I have

worked for the Mr. Valentine for many years. There can’t be any spies!” “Why would you suspect our

people?” At that time, Eliza even smiled faintly. “It’s fine if there is really no spy, if there is… we can’t

take risks.” Now that he thought about what he had said back then, Noah felt as if his face had been

slapped. He stared coldly at the people behind him again. “Let’s go!” The men dressed in black

lowered their head and quietly followed behind Noah. When they passed by Eliza, a man dressed in

black frowned and directly grabbed Eliza’s neck and held her hostage. Eliza and Noah were stunned by

the sudden turn of events. After a while, Noah frowned. “It’s you?” “It’s me!” The man dressed in black

frowned and glared coldly at Noah. “Go back with you and wait for you to investigate?” “When you find

out who I am, will I still be alive?” “You, immediately, get me a private plane. I want to fly away!”

“Otherwise, I’ll kill her!” …

The man dressed in black was very clear about his current situation. “She is Mr. Valentine’s

sweetheart. He is still in a coma now. If I really hurt her, you won’t be able to explain to Mr. Valentine!”

“Hurry up and go!” “Your planning is really good.” Eliza, whose neck had been grabbed by him, smiled

faintly. “Did you learn your martial arts from Elias?” The man dressed in black was startled. He probably

never expected that Eliza was able to calmly chat with him even though she was taken hostage. After a

while, he snorted coldly, “Yes!”

“Elias was once an officer in the army. I came back with him when he retired. I have been undercover

as one of Beau’s men for many years.” After that, he held Eliza’s hand tightly. “Don’t move, or I will

strangle you to death!” Eliza smiled faintly. “Actually… I can also strangle you to death.” At the moment

when she finished speaking, she directly broke free from the shackles of the man and fought with him.

He didn’t know about her ability at first. After being beaten black and blue, he suddenly realized that

Eliza had practiced martial arts before! However, because he had underestimated her, he had been

seriously beaten by her. When he wanted to fight with her, he could not defeat her at all. Eliza quickly

subdued him and directly pressed him onto the ground. He struggled for a long time, but soon gave up.

After a long while, he finally sighed as he had lost his strength. “I didn’t expect that the weak Mrs.

Valentine was a master.” “You’re flattering me.” Eliza gave a faint laugh. She looked up at the stunned

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Noah. “Still standing there?” Only then did Noah recover from his shock… He hurriedly instructed the

people around him to subdued the man together. Finally, Noah happily ran to Eliza and said, “Madam,

you are… too awesome.” Eliza frowned. “I have been practicing martial arts for many years.” Although

Luca had repeatedly warned her not to show her skills in public. But the situation just now was too

urgent. On one hand, Matthew might not be able to stall Elias for a long time. On the other hand, she

was afraid that Noah would be at the mercy of Elias’s men because of her. Just this once… there

should be no accident, right? With these thoughts in mind, she led Noah and his men out of the airport

and walked towards the parking lot. In the corner of the airport, a mysterious man in black silently put

away his cell phone which as recording a video.

When Eliza and the rest arrived at the parking lot, Matthew’s men had already contained Lucija. Lucija,

dressed in white, was held by two bodyguards as she kept struggling. When she saw Eliza arrive, she

raised her head and glared at her angrily. “Don’t think that you’ve won just because you captured me!”

“Even if Beau cares about you, so what? Even if Braint and Demarion both like you, so what?” “You will

always be Chasity’s substitute, never comparable to Chasity!” “Lucija, shut up!” Elias, who was

standing beside, coldly interrupted Lucija’s next words. “Up until now, you still don’t show no

repentance!” 2 After that, he raised his head and looked at Eliza with some embarrassment. “Sister-in-

law.” “It’s me who didn’t discipline her well enough, that’s why she kept talking nonsense.” “Don’t take it

to heart. In fact, in Beau’s heart, you are much more important than Chasity.” Eliza raised her eyebrows

slightly and asked, “Elias, do you know Chasity too?”