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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 183
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Chapter 183

Eliza simply cooked four dishes and one soup. Beau set up a table with the board from the landlord’s

house, and the three of them began to have an open-air dinner in front of the house.

Trinity, the daughter of the landlord’s family, had been eating with Eliza. She liked her, so she kept

teasing her and feeding her food. It was not until her mother came to ask her to go back to sleep that

Trinity reluctantly left Eliza. When Trinity left, Gloria couldn’t help but sigh, “Eliza, you really need to

have a daughter.” “Trinity is not your biological daughter and yet you already like her so much. If you

have a daughter, won’t she be pampered a lot?” Eliza shrugged. “I really do like daughters.” After

saying this, she felt a burning gaze from her side. Her face instantly turned red! She remembered that

she had once promised Braint and Demarion that she would have a daughter for Beau… Now that she

said that she liked her daughter, did it mean that she was hinting at Beau? Thinking of this, Eliza

couldn’t help but tremble slightly. She could even imagine that when she returned to her room tonight,

Beau would do something improper to her… The more she thought, the more she blushed. The more

she blushed, the more she couldn’t help thinking about it. Fortunately, it was very dark, and Gloria did

not stare at her. Otherwise, it would be so embarrassing! “Has someone been cooking here?” Just as

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the three of them were eating happily, a deep and cold voice sounded. It was Julian. He walked over

and when he saw Beau, there was a flash of shock in his eyes, then he understood. He sat down

leisurely beside Gloria with a faint smile on his lips. “Mr. Valentine is right. Eliza is under strict

supervision.” “I didn’t expect Mr. Valentine, who had been pampered since he was young, to be willing

to come to such a terrible village.” After that, he gave Beau a cold look. “Is Mr. Valentine comfortable

living here?” “The bed here is not soft and the environment is not good. Why do you make things

difficult for yourself, Mr. Valentine?” Beau narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled. “Isn’t the eldest son of

the Benton family, who has been pampered since young, also here?” “I’m not a pampered person. After

all, the old man in my family doesn’t spoil me very much, nor does he care about me.” “It’s just…”

Beau raised his eyebrows slightly. “I heard that Mr. Benton is the only child in Mr. Benton’s family.” “I

also heard that Mr. Benton has been engaged since young, but the bride has been missing for many

years.” Beau looked coldly at Julian’s ashen face. “Mr. Benton, since you have the time to butter up to

someone else’s wife, why don’t you work harder to find your fiancée?” “Perhaps after finding her, she

and Mr. Benton will get along very well.” “Beau!” Julian was completely enraged. He raised his head

and glared at Beau. “Don’t use my family matters to slander me!” “After filming this scene, when I go

back to attend the wedding, I will directly cancel the engagement with the woman from the Chapman

family!” Beau glanced at him coldly. “But I heard that… the Benton family hasn’t called off the marriage

agreement for so many years because there is no news of the girl.” D “The Chapman family also said

that in order to call off the engagement, the girl and you have to personally agree.” After that, he

sighed. “So, no matter whether you want to call off the engagement or not, you must find that girl.”

Julian frowned hard. “I thought that Mr. Valentine would be so busy with the important matters in

Valentine’s Group every day.” “I didn’t expect Mr. Valentine to be so clear about our Benton family and

the Chapman family.” “Could it be that Mr. Valentine spent his working hours on this kind of gossip?”

“Not really.” Beau calmly picked up the cup on the table and took a sip of tea. “Know yourself and know

your enemy and you will never be defeated the battle.” “Mr. Benton knows everything about the

Valentine family. He covets other people’s wives too. It’s not too much for me to investigate Mr.

Benton’s background, is it?” The two men were arguing back and forth. Eliza wanted to stop them, but

she didn’t know where to start. In the end, Gloria rolled her eyes and slapped the table directly. “Are

you two jealous?” “Why don’t both of you just fight in the open space of the backyard. Both of you are

so annoying!” 1 Beau narrowed his eyes and glanced at Julian without saying anything. Julian suddenly

stood up. “Mr. Valentine, let’s go.” He pulled the collar of his shirt gracefully, and there was an evil smile

on his lips. “Mr. Benton, are you sure you want to fight me?” “Of course.” Julian smiled faintly. “When I

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was a child, I learned something from the martial arts master of the Chapman family.” “If I hurt you later,

don’t blame me, Mr. Valentine.” Beau narrowed his eyes. This was a provocation. However, he was

willing to accept the challenge. He loosened his necktie and threw it into Eliza’s chest. “Help me keep

it.” Eliza: “…” “Do you two really want to fight?” Gloria’s eyes lit up. “Fight! Fight!” While speaking, she

pulled Eliza up and followed behind the two tall men. “Is your Mr. Valentine capable?” “I tell you, Julian

just said that he learned boxing from the martial arts master of the Chapman family.” “You don’t know

the Chapman family, do you? The Chapman family and I are distant relatives. Let me give you some

insights, in fact, the Chapman family is…” While Gloria was talking, Julian and Beau were fighting.

Eliza frowned and looked at the two handsome men with a worried face. She knew that men were

always fond of winning. Beau would definitely not tolerate Julian’s provocation. But… Julian had clearly

trained before. Eliza had learned some fists and kicks from Luca, Julian’s technique… Suddenly, Eliza

widened her eyes. Julian’s skill was similar to her father’s, Luca! She suddenly remembered something

and turned to look at Gloria. “Say, who taught Julian his skills?” Gloria frowned and said, “The

Chapman family in Puskia.” Eliza bit her lips. Puskia, Chapman family, Luca… Could it be… She

quickly picked up the phone and sent a message to Luca. When Eliza sent the message, Beau was still

at a disadvantage. But by the time she finished sending the message and raised her head, Julian was

completely under Beau’s control. He pressed him under his body with the joint lock technique. He

raised his hand to wipe his nose, and said with a proud voice, “Julian, you lost.”