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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 178
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Chapter 178

The air in the cafe fell silent. Lucija stared at the man in front of her with wide eyes, and her body was

too stiff to say a word.

She… she only knew about this matter but Beau already knew it? No, that was impossible! Lucija bit

her lips tightly. Beau had no reason to suspect Eliza. He didn’t even know if Eliza had given birth to a

son or a daughter! What’s more… He only slept with Eliza before. If he really did know that Lilliana was

her daughter, he wouldn’t be unaware that Braint and Demarion were also Eliza’s sons! It was even

more impossible for him to sit so calmly in front of her… Lucija’s face turned pale. Fear and doubt filled

her head. After a long time, she finally found her own voice. “No… impossible!” “Lilliana… How… how

could she be the daughter of you and Eliza…” Beau looked at her face as if it was a joke. He smiled

faintly and said, “Before the DNA test, Lilliana’s father could be anyone.” “I’m not familiar with Julian,

but I vaguely remember that he is also a proud person.” How could such a person let his own daughter

call him Mr. Benton for his own interest? Therefore, Beau could basically conclude that Lilliana’s

biological father was definitely not Julian. And who exactly was it… He didn’t care and didn’t want to

know. He didn’t want to delve into Eliza’s past. After all, those memories were too cruel and too painful

for her. But no matter what… It was indeed a good news that Lilliana was her own daughter. Lucija was

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stunned for a while by his words. In the end, she looked into his eyes and let out a long sigh. She finally

felt relieved. It seemed like Beau wasn’t that powerful. Taking a deep breath, she looked up and said, “I

will do the DNA test.” Today, she had already discovered that the people in the appraisal center could

be bribed with money. As long as she gave enough money, it should not be a problem to make a fake

paternity report. Thinking of this, she smiled proudly. “But I hope that when I take out the evidence of

Lilliana being Eliza and Julian’s daughter…” “Beau, you have to face the reality and let Eliza reunite

with her family.”

Beau raised his eyebrows and looked at her with his deep and unfathomable eyes. His big hand with

clear joints gently tapped the table, “Are you… ordering me?” His deep voice carried a few traces of

king-like arrogance and disdain. The oppressive atmosphere made Lucija swallow instinctively. “… I

didn’t…” She bit her lips. “I was just…” “You don’t need to interfere with Eliza’s matters in the future.”

“As you can see, she has had a boyfriend before, was a surrogate mother, had a child, and even

entered a psychiatric hospital.” “I accept all of them.” Lucija’s face suddenly turned pale. “Beau, in fact,

you deserve to be with a better.” “Whether she deserves me or not, it’s not up to you.” Beau glanced at

her coldly. “So don’t waste your effort.” “Even if you find more about Eliza’s past, I will not abandon

her.” “You want me to give her up.” Beau’s eyes turned cold. “Unless I die.” With these words, he stood

up, turned around, and left. Watching his back as he walked away, Lucija, who was sitting in the chair,

was both jealous and angry. What right! What right did she, Eliza, have! She was the one who met

Beau first. She was the one who thought of marrying Beau first! Even Eliza’s pregnancy was something

she had come up with in order to force him to marry her! What was the result? As a result, Beau still

loved Eliza even though she had so many dark histories and her reputation had been ruined! What

right did she have! Lucija was so angry that she swept all the coffee cups on the table in front of her to

the ground. “Crackling!” The debris and coffee scattered all over the floor. The noise attracted the

attention of all the people in the café. She stared back fiercely. “What are you looking at?” “Haven’t you

seen someone break up before?”

Coming out of the cafe, Beau sat on the car wearily and closed his eyes. Noah, who was sitting in the

driver’s seat, frowned slightly and asked in a low voice, “Sir, what’s wrong?” “It’s nothing.” Beau sighed.

After a while, he opened his eyes again. “Go to the company.” “Do one thing by the way.” “What is it?”

“Get someone to pick Julian’s hair and do a DNA test with Lilliana’s.” Noah was stunned. “Isn’t Lilliana

Julian’s adopted daughter?” “When Julian announced that he had adopted a daughter, he showed

everyone the adoption procedure.” “Do a DNA test anyway.”

Beau turned his head and looked at the scenery outside the car window. His expression was solemn as

he said, “Better safe than sorry.”

In the afternoon, Eliza received a notice from the director. The time for her shooting in the mountain

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was pushed ahead of schedule. She would have to leave early tomorrow morning. “Are we leaving

tomorrow?” In the group chat, Gloria kept grumbling, “I’m not ready yet.” “Didn’t you say next week?”

Mr. Diaz sighed and said in the group, “Because of Mr. Benton’s schedule, I have to adjust the

schedule and make it earlier.” “Mr. Benton has something important to deal with at home. Please

understand.” Gloria sent a helpless expression. After that, she texted Eliza in private. “Are you ready?”

“I really don’t want to go to the mountain area at all. I’ve heard that it’s raining there frequently, and

there might even be a landslide or mudslide.” Seeing the message Gloria sent, Eliza did not know how

to react. “It’s not the rainy season anymore. You think too much.” “Moreover, it’s been a few years ago

that a natural disaster occurred. We’ll only be there for a week, so we might not encounter it.” “Anyway,

I am still afraid.” Gloria sent a sad expression. “You’re good at martial arts. If something happens, you

must protect me!” “Sure.” She smiled helplessly and was about to reply to Gloria when Graciana called.

“Eliza, did you see the news?” “Who is that woman?” Eliza clicked open the list of items that needed to

be prepared sent by Mr. Diaz and chatted with Graciana absent-mindedly. “What kind of gossip is it

again?” “Does Julian has a girlfriend already?” “It’s scarier than this!” Graciana bit her lip. “It’s about Mr.

Valentine!” Eliza frowned. “What’s wrong with him?” Graciana directly sent a link and said, “Look!” “Mr.

Valentine has just been drinking coffee with a woman in the cafe. The atmosphere is not very good.”

“The moment Mr. Valentine finished his coffee, he turned around and left. The woman was

insane in the cafe. She said that she was out of love.” Graciana asked cautiously, “Do you know that
