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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 171
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My Three Darlings by Anonymous Chapter 171

“Young ladies, it’s so boring to drink alone. Why don’t you come and accompany me?” Just as Eliza

and Gloria were drunk, a perverted voice came from behind. Then there was a burst of laughter. “Boss,

do you want both of them? Why don’t you give me one?” The man called “Boss” laughed. “I don’t think

these two are enough. They are tender little things. I can ruin them overnight!” The man’s voice

alarmed Gloria. She didn’t even dare to look back. Hearing those footsteps getting closer and closer…

She bit her lips, and almost instinctively reached out her hand to push Eliza’s shoulder. She lowered

her voice and said, “Call Beau.” “Eliza, call Beau!” She was very clear that there were a total of five or

six people walking behind her. And the five or six men had strong physiques. Gloria looked around.

Whether it was the stall vendor or the people who ate together at the food stall, everyone turned their

faces away as if it was better not to do interfere. Gloria bit her lips. “Eliza!” However, Eliza, who was

standing in front of her, was so drunk that she could not hear what she was saying She laid on the table

and looked up at Gloria in confusion, asking loudly, “Why do you keep asking my husband to come

here?” “Can’t I stay here alone?” The men behind increased their pace when they heard Gloria’s voice.

Gloria bit her lips helplessly. She subconsciously pointed in the direction behind her, lowering her voice.

“Eliza, there are bad guys!” “Bad guys?” Eliza raised her head and looked behind Gloria, tipsy. About

four or five men stood not far behind her. All of these men were tall and strong, with tattoos on their

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The leader even had a beard and a fierce expression. Seeing Eliza raise her head, the group of men

laughed out loud. “This girl looks a little familiar.” A thin man among the five men smiled. “Isn’t this the

actress from the news?” “Not only is she beautiful, but her husband is also very rich!” “It’s said that he’s

the richest person in Krine, Beau!” Gloria was stunned and quickly stood up. She nodded repeatedly

and said, “Yes, yes, yes!” I was “Her husband is very rich!” “Brothers, how about… you let us call her

husband and we’ll ask him to bring some money for you all to share?” “Do you think we are greedy

people?” The bearded man laughed. “Of course, we have to make money.” “But tonight, neither of you

will escape!” He stroked his beard and sized up Eliza’s face and chest. “When we’re done, why don’t

we ask her husband to bring the ransom money?” “Little girl, if you have time to think about this, why

don’t you think about how to attending us!” Gloria held the corner of the table, and her face instantly

turned pale. She knew… Hooligans are unreasonable. What should they do? It was already very late in

the remote place. The people around them looked as if it had nothing to do with them. She could not

count on them to save them. But this place was so remote that nobody will come here… She bit her

lips and suddenly regretted eating and drinking with Eliza. They should have left as soon as Joye left!

Then nothing would have happened… She looked at Eliza again. Eliza couldn’t stand still anymore.

She clutched the table with both hands so that she didn’t fall down. Gloria took a deep breath. “You

guys can take me.” Gloria opened her arms and stood in front of Eliza. “She has a husband, but I


“If you hurt her, her husband will not let you go.” “But I’m different, I’m all alone.” Her little face was

pale, and her nails dug deeply into her palm. “Take me away, and I’ll attend to you.” “Keep her here,

and wait for her husband to redeem her using money.” “You can do what you want to do and get the

money too. The best of both worlds.”

The leader smiled faintly, walked over, raised his hand, and pinched Gloria’s chin. “Little girl,

e right. You and her are good friends. Even if we don’t do anything to her, still, her husband will not let

us go if she complained to him.” “If that’s how it’s going to be, why should we take this risk? Wouldn’t it

be better to take you both with us?”

The leader’s alertness made Gloria feel a little despair. She really… didn’t know what to do. The

strength of two women was not worth mentioning at all. It was so remote here that even if they called

the police, everything would be over when the police arrived… “Her drinking etiquette is bad.” Gloria

still wanted to try for the last time. “I’ve seen her eqtiquette.” “When she is drunk, she doesn’t even

know her husband, let alone this kind of thing.” “She won’t remember.” Just as Gloria explained herself,

his hand touched Gloria’s face. Gloria dodged instinctively. “Pa–!” He slapped her face unhappily.

Gloria was dizzy. In the haze, she heard his voice. “You damn girl, didn’t you say you let me play? You

won’t even let me touch you?” Gloria took a step back, grabbed Eliza’s hand, and said in a low voice,

“Let’s run.” Eliza, who was drunk, smiled and said, “Why do we want to run away?” “He just hit you.”

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She slowly opened her jacket and rubbed her fist. “How about I beat them back for you?” Gloria was

stunned and quickly grabbed her sleeve. “Eliza, you are drunk!” “I’m not drunk.” She looked at the man

in front of her with a smile. “Gloria is my friend.”. “If you want to touch her, you have to go through me

first.” The group of men frowned. After exchanging glances with each other, they rushed up together.

Eliza smiled faintly. Even though she was drunk and her movements were a little sluggish, it was

enough to deal with these people. Her skills had never been known by others. She was only a lowly

martial arts substitute, so no one knew that she was actually the disciple of Luca. Even if she was

drunk now, these gangsters were just ordinary people with more strength. Gloria was stunned.

Everyone around was stunned. In the end, after Eliza knocked down that wretched leader, she stood

up gracefully and put one hand on Gloria’s shoulder. She held Gloria and turned to leave, “Hey, do you

think I am very handsome?” Gloria was shocked and speechless for a long time. “Handsome… “Eliza,

you’re too handsome.” … Is this the ability of the martial arts substitute? … She really shouldn’t have

looked down on a substitute. She thought that martial arts was just for show. Unexpectedly, Eliza really

practiced it… But to their surprise, not long after they left, the bearded man stood up again. This time,

he not only came with his brothers but also called all the hooligans nearby. A crowd of people

surrounded Gloria and Eliza. “You dare to hit me?” The bearded man sneered and came over. He

directly reached out his hand and wanted to slap Eliza in the face. But his wrist was caught as he was

about to slap Eliza. “Rodolfo.” Beau’s low and indifferent voice sounded faintly. “You kept trying to make

things difficult for my woman.” “Are you trying to embarrass me?”