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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 161
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Chapter 161

Eliza thought that the video sent by Graciana should be the same as the video which was shown to her

by Demarion. It was all a scene of her getting drunk and making a fool of herself. She frowned and felt

so embarrassed that she just wanted to stop the video. However, to her surprise, Beau’s face appeared

on the screen the second before she stopped the video. His cold face was full of seriousness and deep

affection. He said, “They didn’t exist in the same space-time, and never appeared beside me at the

same time. I can’t tell who is more important.” “But I can assure you.” “In my heart, Eliza is definitely not

any less important than Chasity.” His low voice seemed to come with magic. Eliza gripped her phone

and silently stared at him for a long time. After a long while, she closed her eyes. The reason why she

wanted to drink last night was that she saw the news of Beau following Joye and Lucija to visit Chasity

in the afternoon. However, she did not expect Beau to say such words to the camera after she was

drunk. Moreover, the whole crew was present in the video. He was willing to say such words in front of

everyone, and she was actually moved.for more visit :- www.jar.com In fact, she did not have to

be the only one in his heart. After all, the woman named Chasity met him earlier than her, gave birth to

two sons for him, and lost her life after that. Wasn’t she fond of Jay because Jay had saved her back

then? Eliza was angry and dissatisfied with the fact that Beau went to the cemetery to visit Chasity

without telling her. Not only did he not tell her, he even went with Lucija and Joye. Did it mean that…

In his heart, he actually did not accept her yet.

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He didn’t want her to be involved in his life.

Thinking of this, Eliza’s heart instantly fell to the bottom of the valley. 3 At this time, Graciana called.

“Eliza, look, Mr. Valentine does like you!” “Don’t be moody again in the future!” “He had already said

so!” Eliza smiled bitterly. “What’s the use of that?” “Do you know that yesterday was Braint and

Demarion’s mother’s birthday?” “He went to mourn for her with Lucija and Joye without telling me.” On

the other end of the line, Graciana was silent for a moment.

“Eliza, are you mistaken?” “I know Mr. Valentine’s schedule yesterday. He did go to the cemetery, but

he didn’t go there with the people you mentioned. He went by himself.” Eliza was stunned. “But I saw it

in the news…” Now it was Graciana’s turn to be puzzled. “Did he go twice?” “Eliza, are you sure you

saw him in the news? Did you see his face?” Wasn’t it too strange for a man to mourn for a woman

twice on the same day? Beau didn’t seem like someone who would put on an act. Graciana’s words

had completely reminded Eliza. Although Beau was extremely rich, he had always kept a low profile.

The suits, cufflinks, and watches he wore were not of the limited editions. Although his clothes and

accessories were expensive, as long as the others wanted them, they could always buy the same

types. She bit her lip and quickly turned on the computer to find yesterday’s news and see it again.

Sure enough, she found a flaw. The man’s hands in the video were white and delicate, and it was

obvious that he had taken good care of them. But in reality… Although Beau didn’t do any rough work,

he was a person who didn’t care about his own status and wanted to do many things himself.for more

visit :- www.jar.com Occasionally, he would go to the garden in the backyard to take care of the

flowers and plants, and occasionally he would go to play basketball and exercise with others. His

hands were rough and masculine. They were definitely not as smooth as this pair of fair hands. Eliza

closed her eyes. The truth was revealed. Joye should have arranged everything yesterday. She first

talked to Lucija on the phone while entering the elevator, so that Eliza could hear that yesterday was

Chasity’s birthday. Then, with great fanfare, she made sure the news would be aired on the TV.

Because she had already set up a trap for Eliza earlier on, so when Eliza saw the familiar sleeves and

cufflinks, she would think that it was Beau’s hands. “Eliza, I’ve found the news you said.” Graciana

frowned on the other end of the phone. “Don’t you think it’s strange?” “What kind of famous celebrity is

Joye? She’s only gone to the cemetery to mourn her friend. What was there to be reported by the

mainstream media?” Eliza narrowed her eyes. “It’s indeed very strange.” She almost believed it.

“Graciana, you said you knew that Beau went to the cemetery yesterday?”for more visit :-

www.jar.com “That’s right!” Graciana nodded. “I have a high school teacher who was buried in

that cemetery. Yesterday was his death anniversary. I went to send him flowers. When I left, I saw Mr.

Valentine.” “He was alone holding a bouquet of flowers in front of the woman’s grave and talking to

her.” “I heard him mention your name from a distance.” “Because it’s a cemetery, it was not good for

me to go over and greet him. I wanted to call you when I got out of the cemetery to tell you about it, but

I met another classmate who sent flowers to the teacher on my way out. I totally forgot about it when I

was chatting with him!” Eliza helplessly touched her forehead. Therefore, Beau did not go to the

cemetery with the two women yesterday. Instead, he even mentioned her name in front of Chasity’s

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gravestone. She sighed. “Graciana, my anger and drunkenness yesterday were all in vain.” It was all

fake. It was a trap set by Lucija and Joye. “They didn’t go in vain.” Graciana’s voice was gentle.

“Everyone was watching you drink yesterday, and they were talking about you!” Eliza, “.. She hoped

that everyone could forget her predicament yesterday. But she had to make sure that the video would

be deleted in order not to remind others about the incident. She thought of Beau having the copy of the

video that Demarion showed her. “I think you do have a place in Beau’s heart.” Graciana on the other

end of the phone analyzed carefully. “Go apologize to him sincerely and say that you will never do this

again. I think he will delete the video for you.” Eliza pursed her lips. “Apologize to him…” “Of course

you have to apologize!” Graciana pouted and said, “Don’t you know how difficult it is for a person of

Beau’s status to announce that he likes you in public.” “As a result, after he announced the good

relationship between the two of you, you gloomily drank and said that he doesn’t like you. If I were

Beau, I would be depressed to death!” Eliza, “..” After hanging up Graciana’s call, Eliza lay in bed for a

long time. When she got up again, it was already past ten o’clock.for more visit :- www.jar.com

She decided to make something delicious and send a lovely lunch to Beau as an apology. She did as

she thought. She went downstairs and found his favorite fish in the kitchen.

Three dishes and one soup. She put the food into the thermos and carried it to Valentine’s Group.

Standing at the entrance of the Valentine’s Group, Eliza looked up at the towering building and sighed

with emotion. No wonder Riley had risked his life to get close to Beau. Beau, who was in charge of

such a large business, the Lawson family would not have had the right to have anything to do with

Beau if not for the outrageous rumors. She did not deserve to marry him. After watching at the

building’s entrance for a long time, Eliza finally released a deep breath and walked inside.

But she didn’t expect to see Lucija coming out from the building as soon as she entered the building