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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 83
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Chapter 83

May's voice was exceptionally terrified.

I had never seen her behaving in such a way.

She just mentioned her child.

What child?

She did not make it clear, and the line was disconnected after a few humming noises. I immediately called Gary and

asked him to look into May's whereabouts for me.

He had previously installed a location tracking system in both May's and my phones in case anything happened.

It was just that I had switched phones, but May had continued to use the same one. Hence, Gary found her in no


When we arrived, the only thing we saw was May on the floor. There was a pool of blood beneath her, and broken

glass was strewn all over. When I saw this, my heart tightened and I dashed over to her.

Feeling some warmth, she slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes were filled with a sense of hopelessness, as if she had

just experienced a life-or-death situation.

I was saddened to see her in this state, so I wrapped my arms around her. She mumbled, clutching my sleeve,

"He's gone, forever."

"What?" I asked reflexively.

"My child. My child with Alba."

At this moment, a man with an indifferent expression walked in. He took May from me and left the room.

I stood up and immediately followed.

While we were on the way to the hospital, I stared at the car in front of us and asked Gary, "Was Rudy feeling sad

for May just now?"

When I was behind them earlier, I heard Rudy whispering into May's ear, "Don't be afraid, Maybug. I'm by your


'Don't be afraid, Maybug. I am by your side.'

How sweet such words were.

Gary replied, "He is, at least for now."

May was already in the operating room when Gary and I arrived at the hospital. Three hours later, she was pushed

out, and the doctor informed us that her child could not be saved.

I had no idea when she became pregnant. This was Alba's only child in this world, but she was unable to keep it.

May would definitely collapse when she knew about it.

I was truly miserable. It was as if everything bad had happened in such a short period of time, and my heart ached

for her.

Her life really wasn't any better than mine.

"Do we need to investigate this, President Felix?"

I stared at the man beside May and shook my head. "He will settle that. Let's leave now."

I needed to meet Leon now.

When I was at the hospital's entrance, I texted Leon.

'Wait for me at the entrance,' he replied.

When he arrived, it was already 7 PM. We both had no idea when Quinn would arrive.

But we knew she would be waiting for us, just like what she had done to Leon and me at Felix's Villa in the past.

After all, Leon and I were the Felix Family's children, and we frequently went out for gatherings. Quinn waited by the

door for our return, day by day, year by year, until she left the Felixs.

She was really a kind and considerate person.

Both Leon and I loved being with her.


Time passed and people changed.

Among us, Leon was the one who changed the least.

He was still stubborn, doing things his own way.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Whereas Quinn and I were just trying to keep ourselves alive now.

It was already 8 PM when we reached the airport. We spent a long time in it before finding Quinn in a small corner.

The instant we saw her, both of us were stunned.

A slim lady squatted in the corner, a large suitcase by her side. She was helplessly looking around and when she

saw us, she smiled widely.

She looked exactly like she did in our memories.

Except for the fact that she had grown taller now.

With her luggage in tow, she walked towards us. I really couldn't tie this person in front of me, dressed in a white t-

shirt and jeans, to the girl who insisted Nicholas marry her.

With my eyes red, I said, "Welcome back to Bryxton."

Quinn, on the other hand, stretched his hands and asked, "Can we hug?"

The three of us then hugged each other, as we had done in the past. But we all knew deep down that we had

already drawn a line with one another.

It was difficult, if not impossible, for us to return to the past.

Leon had his eyes reddish as well. After all, the lady in front of him was the one which he adored. After we left the

airport, he brought us to the stall that Quinn loved.

As Quinn had kidney failure, she couldn't take spicy food. Both of us could not take alcohol as well. Hence, the

entire meal was rather tasteless.

After dinner, Leon asked, "Where will you stay, Quinn?"

"I have a house in Bryxton," she smilingly replied.

The Felix Family had adopted her from the welfare center, so I had no idea what house she was referring to. But,

based on the address she provided, Leon and I sent her to Bryxton, a small village in the middle of the city.

It was an old place. Quinn walked cautiously into it, as if it were the most important place in her memories. She

then ushered us deep within.

There was an old and worn house.

She opened the door after taking the keys from her bag, and we saw an old pear tree inside. She explained in

hushed tones, "This is where I lived before being sent to the welfare center. My parents were previously with me,

but they were involved in an accident."

Hearing that, Leon placed his arm around her shoulders and said deeply, "I am your family, Quinn."

He said he, not us.

He had excluded me.

Honestly, he wasn't wrong to say it in such a way too.

She politely drew herself away from him and said, "Thank you, Leon."

He didn't seem to be pleased by her response.

This old and filthy house was unfit for anyone to live in, but Quinn insisted on staying. As a result, Leon was forced

to bring her luggage in and unpack it for her, while I accompanied her to the city to purchase some basic


Both Quinn and I did not bring up the past and were focused on purchasing things. When we finished choosing the

items, I offered to pay for her, but she refused.

Just when we were on our way back, I casually asked, to liven up the atmosphere, "How have you been these few


"I am fine. I didn't think of returning either."

When I heard that, I cast a sidelong glance at her. She appeared pale, similar to my paleness from sickness, and

her eyes were slightly swollen.

Her health, just like mine, was not optimistic.

She tilted her head and looked out the window. "I had never considered returning here, but my kidney can no

longer sustain my life. Renee, you're the reason I'm back this time. Let's get this deal done."

The deal…

She could treat my illness in exchange for a kidney donation from me.

But I did not need her to heal me.

Somehow, I felt that things weren't this simple.

"I'm running out of time," I said calmly. "After I die, I will leave you my kidney in my will."

"Are you really willing to die, Renee?"

She's asking whether I'm willing to die…

Even if I am unwilling, what difference will it make?

She then turned around and looked at me. Softly, Quinn said, "Nicholas loves you. I've tested him, and he would

rather marry me just to save you. He really loves you tremendously."

What did she say?

She said she tested Nicholas for me?

She didn't marry him to exact revenge on me?

Instead, she merely wanted to test Nicholas' feelings?

I stared at her, dumbfounded. "Drive carefully. I still want my life," she reminded.

I quickly retracted my gaze and looked forward. Then, her voice resonated. "Renee, I hope you can live your life


She hoped I could live well.

Mixed feelings stirred in my heart when I heard that.

Truth was, I would rather she despised me than treat me so selflessly. She should despise me instead of treating me

this way!

I've been misinterpreting her kindness all along?

I couldn't stop myself from crying. Suddenly, she continued in a clear voice, "Before entering the welfare center, I

met a young man. Even though everyone treated him like the devil, he was perfect in my eyes because he kept me

safe from the other kids. He brightened my life by shining a light into all the lonely corners of my heart."

She said these with a flat tone, as if it wasn't her story.

She continued after a chuckle, "For many years, I had a crush on him but lacked the courage to tell him. I was living

off another family at the time, and I wasn't brave enough to confess to him. The opportunity has passed and it is

now too late. Renee, I will never tell him about my feelings for him and will never bother him."

A devil?

Living off another family?

Shocked, I asked, "Is that Le—"

She interrupted me and said, her smile still on her face, "It's Leon. I have always loved him. When I was abroad

these few years…"

She abruptly halted her sentence. Then, she said, "I am unworthy of any love. Even if you give me a kidney, I am

still disabled."

"Why?" I asked.

"I can't give birth."

At this moment, I had the urge to tell her that Leon loved her too, but I could not make this decision for him.

Because he had another woman with him now. I could not selfishly destroy their happiness.

I asked hesitantly, "Is it because of the Felix Family?"

"Yes. I was in poor health after losing that one kidney, and it caused a slew of other problems. Do you know why I

enrolled in medical school and dedicated my life to researching ovary cancer treatments?"

At this point, I had roughly guessed the reason.

An immense guilt filled my heart. Covering my mouth, I said, "I'm sorry, Quinn."

"Your apology isn't important to me at all."


I had no idea how to respond.

Leon had already cleaned up the old house when we returned. After making her bed, we left.

In the car, I hesitated whether to tell him about my conversation with Quinn, but I eventually decided not to. I did

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not want to destroy his life now.

Just after he dropped me at my house and was about to leave, I asked, "Do you love her?"

He returned my question. "Do you hate her?"

I shook my head in response. "I'm scared."

"Me too," he smilingly replied.

What did he mean by that?

Was he afraid of Quinn too?

After he left, I went to the hospital to visit May, but she was having her rest. Hence, I grabbed a taxi and returned to

Felix's Villa.

The villa was brightly lit.

Standing by the door, I hesitated. Just as I was about to leave, the floor-to-ceiling window on the second floor

opened. A man was standing there, nonchalantly looking at me, and he asked with his deep voice, "Where are you

going, Renee?"

"You're really treating my house like yours, huh, Nicholas?"

He coaxed, "Come on in."

Eventually, I stepped into the villa.

I paused in the living room before proceeding upstairs. The moment I pushed open my door, someone hugged me,

and the man's soft breathing was right next to my ear.

"Don't do this," I pushed him away and said.

"Renee, we haven't broken up yet."

Quinn's words came into my mind.

She said she was testing Nicholas for me.

I was fully aware of Nicholas' feelings for me and didn't need her to put them to the test. Her testing only widened

the gap between us.

It was very difficult for me to get rid of this estrangement between us now.

Furthermore, my health was bad.

I didn't have the courage to get together with him again. Being a coward, I had the thought of leaving him and

facing my death alone. I didn't want him to see me die, after all.

At this point, I was still declining Quinn's offer.

I did not need her to treat my illness, and she wouldn't forgive me this easily.

Furthermore, I did not want to live the rest of my life with guilt.

Nicholas kissed my ear. I avoided him due to the itchiness while reminding, "Quinn is back."

That shocked him. "She is back already?"

"Don't you have to pick her up from the airport?" I asked with a cold smile.

Hearing that, he wrapped his arms around me and sat on the bed with me in his embrace. Displeased, he said,

"Don't be sarcastic. You are well aware that all I want is for you to recover."

"But I am unwilling to reconcile with you."

He tightened his arms around me after hearing that. As if he could not understand, he asked, "Why are you so


I wasn't stubborn.

It was just that the amount of time I had left was limited.

Just as I was about to patronize him, I got a sickly feeling that made me cough. When he noticed this, Nicholas

immediately extended his hand and lightly patted my back, his other palm resting on my lips, unminding about my


Then I started coughing up blood.

He turned thunderous when he noticed his palm was reddish. "We're going to the hospital right now," he said,

grabbing my wrist.

At that point, I was feeling terrible. Smilingly, I said in a calm tone, "This is why I reject you."

"Do you think I will leave you just because of this?