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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 130
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Chapter 128

My body was in ecstasy, the type of ecstasy which I had never felt before, and I threw back my head as I enjoyed

the pleasure with all willingness, but Shawn didn't give me a reply.

When we started such activities, it was already almost daybreak, and he only came to a stop at nine in the morning.

Exhausted, I laid in bed like a wasted animal without a single ounce of energy left in my body while he went to the

bathroom, where he took a long time taking a shower. By the time he was finished, I had almost fallen asleep and

only woke up a little when he hugged me by my waist.

Holding his waist, I buried my head into his muscular chest and asked tiredly, "Where did you go yesterday?"

"Sundew," he answered curtly.

Tsk, he was so wild when he was doing it earlier, but he's a complete stranger now, I thought, nibbling the wound on

his chest.

The wounds on his body had yet to recover, but he went under the rain and took a shower as he liked. Then, gently,

he stroked my head and didn't stop me from nibbling him. Not even a groan escaped his lips, showing his level of


Bored, I stopped and had a good look at the injuries all over his body; all of them had been attended to, and

probably he had done it himself in the bathroom earlier.

I stroked his wounds lightly with my fingertips and asked dearly, "Isn't it painful?"

"Not at all," he answered nonchalantly.

"You're lying. How can one not feel the pain after an injury?"

He turned to look deeply into my eyes as he replied firmly, "It's not painful. I've been through worse than this


For the first time, he was speaking about his past, which was something I had been very curious about. So, I nuzzled

his neck and unintentionally rubbed his chin with my head as I affectionately traced kisses on his collar bone.

"Will you tell me a little about your past?"

A man of little words, Shawn wasn't one who would share his past with others, and I thought he would skip this topic

with me as he did before. But, unexpectedly, he answered me seriously.

"It's not a nice story. But I'll tell you about it when we have the time."

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Don't we have the time now?! I thought but suddenly came to the realization that he didn't want to share his past

with me now, and I stopped asking tacitly. Instead, I shifted the topic of conversation. "Why were you so passionate

last night? It's not like you…"

However, it seemed that he was really exhausted as he closed his eyes silently and stopped talking to me, and I

rolled out of his embrace in disappointment.

His heart was tightly shut, and even if I was his woman, he never thought to open up his heart to me, which was a

truth that I had just discovered.

There was nothing different even though I was his woman. All I could do was stand next to him openly and do things

that only lovers could.

The more I brooded over it, the more exasperated I became, and I woke up early to have my tonic instead. When I

wanted to go to the hospital, I saw Shawn's suit at the door, and picked them up. Before tossing it into the washer, I

checked the pockets and found a tiny prescription bottle with many small tablets inside.

With a frown, I wondered, What's this?

I took out a tablet and placed it in the living room. After that, I went to the hospital and spent a lot of money to have

the contents tested by a doctor.

While waiting for the lab results, I visited Francesca, who was already awake and was transferred to the regular

ward from the ICU.

When I went to visit her, Leon was there as well, but she ignored him, staring at the storm outside the window with

an indifferent expression. So, as I didn't want to bother them, I left after chatting for a while.

Then, I went to check on her baby. She was only palm-sized, and the doctor said that she had survived amidst great

difficulties, but she had never cried since she was born until now.

Baffled, I asked the doctor, "What do you mean?"

"Maybe she's born mu—"

The doctor stopped himself, and I gazed at the baby through the glass. She's the true victim in all of this mess, I

thought, incredibly heartbroken.

I assured myself with a low mumble, "No, she's not."

When the doctor saw me in denial, he said no more while I peered at the baby in envy, wishing to have a baby of

my own.

If only Nicholas never has…

I didn't dare to ponder further, and left in a fluster to look for the other doctor. After waiting a long time, he told me

that the pill turned out to be a virility drug.

That explained why Shawn was so passionate last night; it was because he had taken a drug, but who was the one

who gave him the medication? Then, suddenly, I recalled the wealthy woman from last night.

My suspicions were correct; the person Shawn was staring at when he stood at the end of the corridor last night

was that woman, but who was she?

With that age of hers, it seemed unlikely that she could be my rival in love.

These questions boggled my mind when I was in the hospital, and Shawn didn't contact me the whole time, either,

which was very frustrating to me all of a sudden.

It was already late evening when I returned to my apartment, and a storm still battered Bryxton. Pushing open the

door, I saw Shawn standing in front of the French windows, and from where he was standing, he could see me

coming back into the neighborhood.

So, when he heard noises of me arriving home, he turned his head at me with a cold look in his eyes. However, I

merely returned his gaze with a look of indifference, then returned to the bedroom. Soon after I was on the bed, I

heard him opening the door to the bedroom.

His head almost touched the top of the door frame, and I lowered my eyes, ignoring him.

"Are you mad at me, Myra?" he asked calmly.

So, he knows that I'm angry! "No," I lied.

"You are mad," he said, sounding exceptionally sure of this fact.

After a short moment of hesitation, I asked, "Who's the woman downstairs last night?"

Silence washed over him for a few seconds, and I gazed at him, only to see his stoic face. Just when I thought that I

wouldn't hear an answer from him, he muttered in a low voice, "She's my mother."

At the mention of his mother, his expression turned stoic. Actually, my previous guess was close as I thought that

she was a woman from the Xenos Family because the way she dressed was simply too much like it, and it turned

out to be true.

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"What about your trip to Sundew yesterday?" I asked.

At my questions, he couldn't help but knit his brows as he asked with a rather nasty look on his face, "Are you

suspicious of me?" The look on his face was very unpleasant, and after keeping mum for a while, he explained with

a straight face, "Last night, she asked to meet me in Bryxton, but I didn't expect that…" He paused for a split

second before finishing, "She would follow me after I left."

Nevertheless, I was sure something else had occurred from the short pause between his sentences!

Who was the one who gave him the virility drug, and who was the one missing him?

I was confused and wanted answers from Shawn, but clearly, he didn't want to explain anything to me.

I knew very well that a person with his character wouldn't offer an explanation so readily unless I took the initiative

to ask. So, after giving it a good thought, I began, "I found a bottle of pills in your suit when I washed your suit this


I looked at him with unwavering eyes, and he asked, "What is that?"

"You were drugged."

On the other hand, he was candid as he lowered his eyes, felt the ring on his finger with his fingertips, and said

solemnly, "She was the one who drugged me."

When he mentioned 'she', his mother immediately popped into my mind, and I asked in bewilderment, "Why did she

do this?"

Nonchalantly, he answered, "She wants grandchildren."

Shawn's mother wanted grandchildren, but she drugged him when he was outside. Instantly, I reckoned that she

had arranged another woman for him, and this conclusion bothered me very much. I wanted to ask who that

woman was, but this would make me look like a petty person. After all, he was not the one at fault; he had already

told me the truth and had come looking for me at my apartment right away.

Dejectedly, I hung my head, and he shifted his tone, sounding very gentle as he said, "Kevin said that women like to


Kevin said, I repeated. Everything is coming from Kevin. "Then, did he also mention that women like to take a yard

after getting an inch?" I asked, annoyed. "Sunny, I don't want you to be so cold to me."

Perhaps my tantrum was too much, and he furrowed his brows at me as he calmly reminded me, "Myra, don't


His tone was so flat that it sounded like he had no feelings for me.

Transfixed by his cold demeanor, I asked, "Do you love me?"