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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 124
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Chapter 122

Chairman Forger had mentioned that Nicholas would hurt me and have his revenge on me! But why? What did he

know that I didn't?

''Ree,'' he answered wearily.

So, I softened my tone and asked patiently, ''What happened to him?''

''He woke up a month ago, but Alice Yates found the opportunity to slip in with a hypnotist who intended to make

him hate you from the bottom of his heart. However, that isn't what Nicholas wanted, and he had been struggling

within himself the whole time. As time passed, he developed two characters, one who loves you with all his heart

and another that hates you to the core, thinking you betrayed him. Yet, from the very beginning, you're the only

one in his heart…''

When I heard that, I felt a pang in my heart and let out a heavy sigh. ''Can he be treated?''

''He's actively receiving treatment.''

Last night, Nicholas' alter ego must have awakened when he stopped what he was doing to me, and he must be

feeling terrible now, thinking that he had hurt me. But in fact, what had he done wrong?

Everything was Alice's fault, and I silently vowed to destroy the Yates Family.

When I opened the closet, I found a dress that was of a mature style. The dress exposed my entire back, and I saw

the bruises on my back when I checked myself in the mirror.

These bruises resulted from rubbing against the sand on the beach last night, and I recalled how much energy he

had. Anywhere he touched would send a tingle through my body.

Afterward, I changed out of that dress and put on another, more conservative one. When I was downstairs, I saw

Waylen waiting for me at the door with a middle-aged man wearing a white robe next to him.

Puzzled, I asked, ''Who is this?''

''A hypnotist,'' he introduced.

''Why is he here?'' I asked again fearfully.

''Mr. Xenos said there is no need to remember last night and instructed me to let you forget about it. So don't

worry, Ms. Felix. Just forget about the memories between you and Mr. Xenos.''

Dumbstruck, I spun my head to the man seated outside, and he was still sunning himself under the sun. He was

supposed to be a heartwarming presence, yet, I felt that there was a chasm between us.

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So, he's that heartless.

I calmly declined the offer, ''I refuse.'' So, I walked past Waylen and intended to leave, but he reached out to stop

me. ''How dare you!'' I barked as I glared at him coldly.

Nobody could alter my memories without my consent, not even Shawn!

''Let me speak with Shawn,'' I requested.

Waylen stepped aside, and I walked toward Shawn. Just as he was before, his eyes were shut, and he seemed to be

in a very peaceful slumber.

''Let me leave,'' I whispered.

He was quiet, as if he didn't hear me, but I knew that he was awake.

My face turned stony at him for the first time as I said solemnly, ''Let me leave. I won't pester you anymore and say

anything inappropriate after this!''

Never did it cross my mind that he would be so heartless, but I was sure that if I didn't say these things today, he

would never allow me to leave.

Shawn's eyes snapped open, and he said flatly, ''Let her go.''

He was simply too aloof, and I couldn't tolerate such aloofness. Hence, I whirled around and left in a hurry, not

wanting to have anything to do with him anymore.

I was really terrified of him when he was like this, like a man who lost his heart and the capability to feel.

Back in my apartment, I received a call from Emma, saying happily, ''I'm going to be on holiday for a week and

won't be back in Bryxton for a while. As for your car, I've parked it at the bar entrance.''

I carried my low spirits with me to the bar and picked up my car. When I wanted to return home, Francesca

suddenly popped into my mind, and I decided to visit her in her neighborhood instead. At that time, she was

chatting with another pregnant woman in her community, and she appeared especially motherly.

That was how a person was supposed to be when she was almost a mother.

She didn't chat for that long with the other pregnant woman before she came to me, and I greeted her with a

smile. ''Miss Gant, you're looking terrific.''

She returned my smile with one of her own when she said, ''My assistant has been the one taking care of my family

business, so my pregnancy is a breeze.'' Then, she paused for a few seconds and added, ''I just feel a little lonely


''Do you still love Leon?'' I asked curiously.

''Yes, but I don't want to get close anymore.''

I decided to vent to her as I felt down in the dumps. I told her in detail everything that happened between Nicholas

and me, and sighed sadly. ''I've fallen for Shawn now. But, setting aside the fact that he has no feelings for me and

doesn't want to be with me, I still don't know how I should solve the issue between Nicholas and me because I

promised him that I'll forgive him if he lives.''

Now he was alive, but I couldn't live up to my end of the bargain. Besides, I was afraid to approach him in his

current state.

Even if I dored to, I wos unwilling.

I wonted to be decisive, moke o cleon breok ond go ofter Shown with oll my heort, but whot hod hoppened eorlier

mode me hesitote. He wos merciless ond cruel! He octuolly hired people to moke me forget whot hoppened

between us!

Wos he reolly uninterested?

However, Froncesco merely smiled slightly os she osked, ''Do you love Shown?''

''Yes, I love him. A long time ogo, conflicts olreody existed between Nicholos ond me. I'm o person who hos died

once, ond I didn't plon to forgive him when I returned to Bryxton olive, but I succumbed to the tenderness he

showered on me! Miss Gont, I olwoys thought of myself os o person who would be foithful to only one person in my

life, ond there's only one true mon for me! But I never thought thot Fote would hove it otherwise, showing me the

existence of Christopher! My love for him storted showing crocks, ond I succumbed to the dreom I hod olwoys

wonted. I thought thot I could live my doys peocefully with Nicholos, but Quinn's return… She disrupted mony

people's lives, ond both of us ore victims. Despite thot, Quinn is olso o victim herself. It's useless for me to soy these

now, but I just—''

I didn't know how to put my words together, but she broke me off gently by osking, ''Bock then, you succumbed to

the tenderness from Nicholos, ond then you fell for Shown loter, right? Becouse thot mon hos never hurt you ond is

like o relioble soloce to you. So, you felt o sense of security from him like no other, don't you?''

Dumbfounded, I nodded, ond she held my hond os she continued, ''I studied philosophy ond psychology, ond I

understond your struggle ond poin inside. Nicholos is your post, ond even though he betroyed ond hurt you in those

three yeors, you still picked him ofter coming bock to life, ond you think this is you succumbing to the weokness of

your heort? You're wrong, Ms. Felix. Insteod, you're seeking o reoson to forgive him when in foct, you're olreody

utterly disoppointed with him. Despite thot, you were lonely ond locked offection, so you chose him.'' Then, her tone

shifted os she continued, ''From your description, Shown is perfect ond hosn't hurt you in ony woy before.

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Compored to Nicholos, your heort prefers him ond hos storted to fovor him, but you hoven't found o reoson to

convince yourself becouse you gove Nicholos o promise when he hod the occident.''

''Then, whot should I do?'' I murmured dozedly.

Even if I dared to, I was unwilling.

I wanted to be decisive, make a clean break and go after Shawn with all my heart, but what had happened earlier

made me hesitate. He was merciless and cruel! He actually hired people to make me forget what happened

between us!

Was he really uninterested?

However, Francesca merely smiled slightly as she asked, ''Do you love Shawn?''

''Yes, I love him. A long time ago, conflicts already existed between Nicholas and me. I'm a person who has died

once, and I didn't plan to forgive him when I returned to Bryxton alive, but I succumbed to the tenderness he

showered on me! Miss Gant, I always thought of myself as a person who would be faithful to only one person in my

life, and there's only one true man for me! But I never thought that Fate would have it otherwise, showing me the

existence of Christopher! My love for him started showing cracks, and I succumbed to the dream I had always

wanted. I thought that I could live my days peacefully with Nicholas, but Quinn's return… She disrupted many

people's lives, and both of us are victims. Despite that, Quinn is also a victim herself. It's useless for me to say these

now, but I just—''

I didn't know how to put my words together, but she broke me off gently by asking, ''Back then, you succumbed to

the tenderness from Nicholas, and then you fell for Shawn later, right? Because that man has never hurt you and is

like a reliable solace to you. So, you felt a sense of security from him like no other, don't you?''

Dumbfounded, I nodded, and she held my hand as she continued, ''I studied philosophy and psychology, and I

understand your struggle and pain inside. Nicholas is your past, and even though he betrayed and hurt you in those

three years, you still picked him after coming back to life, and you think this is you succumbing to the weakness of

your heart? You're wrong, Ms. Felix. Instead, you're seeking a reason to forgive him when in fact, you're already

utterly disappointed with him. Despite that, you were lonely and lacked affection, so you chose him.'' Then, her tone

shifted as she continued, ''From your description, Shawn is perfect and hasn't hurt you in any way before.

Compared to Nicholas, your heart prefers him and has started to favor him, but you haven't found a reason to

convince yourself because you gave Nicholas a promise when he had the accident.''

''Then, what should I do?'' I murmured dazedly.