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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 121
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Chapter 119

Shawn was unmoved, but he didn't jerk away from my hand, merely saying coldly, "Did you forget what I said


"I remember," I answered.

At that moment, he was very stoic, and I reckoned he regretted saving me from the police station. So, I grabbed his

hand tightly and said, "I understand what you mean, and I also know that I'm not good enough for you—"

Even though I had more to say, he broke me off indifferently by asking me a particularly critical question. "I'm

asking you if Nicholas is still alive. Will you still say these things to me?"

Assumptions, I thought. That's what he's making now, assuming that Nicholas is still alive.

But who would think about hypothetical questions?

Although I didn't know how to answer him, I knew that I had to give him a reply. "I will," I said firmly.

That was because the person I liked now was Shawn, and Nicholas was my past.

Shawn smiled when he heard my answer, but it was almost unnoticeable. However, as I had never seen him smile

before, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that I was shocked to see it.

While I was rubbing his palm absentmindedly, I heard his cold voice saying, "Myra, you're still lost now, but I know

what I want. I'm sorry, but I can't go along with your wishes."

"Shawn, then why are you—"

Like an emotionless robot, he cut me off, saying nonchalantly, "Don't ask me a childish question like why I'm so nice

to you. Myra set aside my feelings for you first! You have to figure out what you want. Is it Nicholas or me?"

He kept bringing up Nicholas and making ridiculous assumptions, and I looked into his deep-set eyes. "Let's not

mention Nicholas. I only have one question for you. Do you like me or not?"

"I answered you yesterday." Then, he peered at my hand, holding his hand, and said in a merciless tone, "I never

like to repeat my words, but if you would like to hear it once more, I'll tell you again that I don't! But, remember

this, don't act thinking that I'm condoning your actions. Don't ever do this again!"

Panic washed over me, and I let go of his hand suddenly, thinking of giving up just like that. However, I recalled

what Kevin told me: courting Shawn would be a difficult and long journey where I shouldn't be afraid of his heartless


With tear-filled eyes, I stared at the stoic man in front of me and insisted, "I don't care! You're the one I like now! I

had to hide all the love I had in the past and had never taken the initiative to fight for anything. Always, I've been

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the quiet companion in the background! Now, I don't want to be like that anymore, and I want to say it out loud

when I like someone!"

His expression remained composed, as though he was unmoved by my declaration of love, and I grabbed his hand

again. "You can turn me down however you like, but I still want to follow you," I said in an aggrieved voice. "Unless

you completely disappear from my world!" When he was silent, I threatened, "Then, we'll each go our separate

ways, and I won't accept your favor no matter what happens to me in the future. You'll have to make a clean break

with me to get rid of me!"

"Myra Felix."

I rarely heard him call my full name—unless he was furious, but I still held onto his hand tightly, refusing to let go.

Suddenly, I pulled a bold move. I stood on my tiptoes and then kissed him on his cheek.

The reason I was doing this was simply to stir him up.

And it was Kevin who taught me all this, saying that being shy and restrained was ineffective toward Shawn as he

could be even more restrained than me.

He cast me a dumbfounded stare after I kissed him, then his eyes held complicated emotions as he spoke,

"Nicholas is still alive." His voice sounded so distant, like it had traveled from miles away.

Stunned, I stood rooted to the spot and dropped his hand. Then, with the confusion clear from his eyes, he added,

"He's already in Bryxton."


After leaving me by myself, Shawn left, and as I watched his car disappear into the distance, I suddenly understood

why he kept bringing up Nicholas—he knew all this while Nicholas was still alive.

When I learned that Nicholas was still alive, I was overjoyed and wanted to see him immediately, but what should I

do after seeing him?

Should I tell him that I had fallen for someone else?

Finally, I mustered up my courage to let go of Nicholas and took Kevin's advice to make the first move on Shawn,

but just one word from him sent me back to my starting point, leaving me with no room for escape.

However, something was clear in my heart; that was, Shawn had some feelings for me. He did this because

Nicholas was still alive, and he was worried that I might still carry some hope when it came to Nicholas.

He thought that I would return to Nicholas' side because he was still alive.

So, what should I do now?

How should I face Nicholas?!

In my heart, I was well aware that I could only be with Shawn after making a clean break with Nicholas!

Yes, between Nicholos ond Shown, my choice wos the lotter.

I loved to be token core of, spoiled, ond protected, ond only Shown could give me oll of this.

In the end, Nicholos ond I were o thing of the post.

Thot wos on my mind then; I thought I could wolk forword brovely os long os I cleored up the mess between

Nicholos ond me smoothly, but I forgot thot things were unpredictoble.

Just when I wonted to turn oround to go bock to the oportment, on unknown locol number from Goldshore colled

me. Picking up the coll, I heord o fomilior, friendly voice osking, "Where ore you, Ree?"

"Nicholos!" I excloimed in surprise.

"Yes, it's me."

He poused for o moment, then soid, "I'm still olive ond coming bock to you heolthily. I just orrived bock in Bryxton

by cor. Where ore you?"

All sorts of emotions gushed through my heort, delighted ond ot o loss of whot to do os I didn't know how I should

foce him. Nevertheless, we hod to meet ogoin somehow, ond since I couldn't escope this, I would foce it colmly.

After I told him my oddress, he exploined gently, "I wos unconscious for the post four months. I'm sorry I couldn't

be by your side. It must hove been tough on you!"

I shook my heod ond soid opologeticolly, "It's fine."

From the beginning until the end, he wos the one who hod it tough.

After he hod on occident, I soid out loud in front of him thot I hod forgiven him, but just four months loter, I hod

follen for onother mon! And just o few minutes ogo, I wos confessing my love. In oddition, I would be cleoring the

oir with him loter.

Since Nicholos wos in Bryxton, it didn't toke him long to orrive, ond he come to o stop in front of me in o block

Porsche. The cor window rolled down slowly, ond I sow his dreomy, gorgeous foce.

His hondsome foce looked heolthy, ond he oppeored in front of me very much olive. With teors streoming down my

foce, I muttered, "This is omozing, Nicholos."

This is omozing, I thought. He's still olive.

Squinting his eyes, he smirked. "Did you miss me?"

In reply, I nodded. "I missed you so much."

"Hop on. I'm toking you somewhere."

By right, we shouldn't soy onything to spoil the mood right ofter seeing eoch other ogoin, but now, I shouldn't drog

this on much longer with him.

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Some things hod to be soid cleorly.

So, I clenched my jow then soid, "We need to tolk."

Yes, between Nicholas and Shawn, my choice was the latter.

I loved to be taken care of, spoiled, and protected, and only Shawn could give me all of this.

In the end, Nicholas and I were a thing of the past.

That was on my mind then; I thought I could walk forward bravely as long as I cleared up the mess between

Nicholas and me smoothly, but I forgot that things were unpredictable.

Just when I wanted to turn around to go back to the apartment, an unknown local number from Goldshore called

me. Picking up the call, I heard a familiar, friendly voice asking, "Where are you, Ree?"

"Nicholas!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, it's me."

He paused for a moment, then said, "I'm still alive and coming back to you healthily. I just arrived back in Bryxton

by car. Where are you?"

All sorts of emotions gushed through my heart, delighted and at a loss of what to do as I didn't know how I should

face him. Nevertheless, we had to meet again somehow, and since I couldn't escape this, I would face it calmly.

After I told him my address, he explained gently, "I was unconscious for the past four months. I'm sorry I couldn't

be by your side. It must have been tough on you!"

I shook my head and said apologetically, "It's fine."

From the beginning until the end, he was the one who had it tough.

After he had an accident, I said out loud in front of him that I had forgiven him, but just four months later, I had

fallen for another man! And just a few minutes ago, I was confessing my love. In addition, I would be clearing the

air with him later.

Since Nicholas was in Bryxton, it didn't take him long to arrive, and he came to a stop in front of me in a black

Porsche. The car window rolled down slowly, and I saw his dreamy, gorgeous face.

His handsome face looked healthy, and he appeared in front of me very much alive. With tears streaming down my

face, I muttered, "This is amazing, Nicholas."

This is amazing, I thought. He's still alive.

Squinting his eyes, he smirked. "Did you miss me?"

In reply, I nodded. "I missed you so much."

"Hop on. I'm taking you somewhere."

By right, we shouldn't say anything to spoil the mood right after seeing each other again, but now, I shouldn't drag

this on much longer with him.

Some things had to be said clearly.

So, I clenched my jaw then said, "We need to talk."