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My Love for You Broke Me

Chapter 110
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Chapter 110

The windows in the room were wide open, and the night breeze was slightly cool. In addition, it was a penthouse.

Hence, the place appeared empty and lonely. With a somewhat cold voice, Shawn said, "Rest early."

Outside the window were the booming neon lightings of the entire city. I caressed the glass with my slender fingers,

calmly gazed at the heavy traffic downstairs, and insisted. "Shawn, I want to see you."

Meanwhile, he kept silent on his side. Despite his silence, I stubbornly insisted, "Shawn, I said I wanted to see you!"

Finally, he broke his silence as he hummed and gave in. "Okay. I'll ask Kevin to pick you up."

At last, Shawn compromised and agreed to my rather childish request. After I hung up the phone, Kevin called me.

He even sounded surprised when he exclaimed through the phone, ''Ray! Oh, my gosh! Sunny asked me to pick you

up and bring you to his place!"

As I gradually realized what I had just gotten myself into, I asked apprehensively, "Are you bringing me to the

Xenos' Residence?"

Kevin answered affirmatively upon hearing my inquiry. "Nonsense! Of course, I'm bringing you to the Xenos'


At once, a restless feeling arose in my heart, and I asked, "But didn't you say that Shawn will leave the Xenos'


"Well, it is turning out different from what I said. But it doesn't matter. It's good as long as Sunny agrees to see us.

Oh, wait. No, it's just you. I'm only responsible for sending you to the entrance of the Xenos' Residence!"

I wanted to say something in response to this absurd situation. However, Kevin cut me off and continued. "Bye! I'm

going over to pick you up."

He hurriedly hung up the phone as though he was afraid that I would have second thoughts. Finally, I stared at my

phone and could only sigh helplessly. Then, I changed into a white T-shirt and denim overalls. Lastly, I wore a pair of

comfortable white sneakers to top off my look.

Due to drinking too much alcohol tonight, my stomach was still feeling very uncomfortable. A faint smell of alcohol

lingered on my body, so I sprayed on some light-scented perfume. After that, I tied my long hair up into twin buns.

Since I never thought of wanting to look beautiful in front of Shawn, I did not put on any makeup. Still, my lips were

very pale. Thus, I put on red lipstick and went downstairs to wait for Kevin.

It was neither early nor late at this hour, and it would probably be midnight by the time I arrived at the Xenos'


As Kevin had yet to come, I played with the stones with my feet while passing the time. I waited for quite a long

while, and the alcohol content in my body nearly evaporated. Apart from the dizziness in my head, my stomach felt

unusually uncomfortable.

Kevin is late. Unfortunately, when he saw the gloomy look on my face, he merely explained with a smile. "I wasn't in

town when Sunny texted me. Come on, let's go. I'll bring you over to his place."

I got in the car, sat in the front passenger seat, and fastened my seat belt. Kevin reached out and ruffled my hair.

He laughed and teased, "Such a good girl. Looking so young and beautiful. Ray, how old are you?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

When I heard his words, I gave him the side-eye and warned him, "Don't mess up my hair!"

"Tsk. Despising me I see."

With that, Kevin retracted his hand. Then, he navigated through the navigation toward the location of the Xenos'


As Kevin drove, I discreetly saw that the Xenos' Residence was not in Eldham. Instead, it was somewhere between

Eldham and Bryxton, and it took about four or five hours to go over.

Two hours later, it started to rain. Kevin said dishearteningly, "It rains a lot during summer in Eldham. It starts to

rain without warning. I still have to drive several hours for my return journey later."

I kindly asked, "Why don't I drive and you rest for a while?"

However, he grinned as he rejected my kind offer. "It's fine. I can still hang on."

When I heard that, I comforted him and said, "Eldham is better than Bryxton. It rains nearly half a year in Bryxton."

"Well, that's rather true," he said.

It was already 1.00AM by the time we arrived at the Xenos' Residence. At that time, it was already raining cats and

dogs. Through the car window, I could only vaguely spot the door of the Xenos' Residence and saw it was a very

rustic door.

There was a family crest on the middle of the door, and the words 'Xenos' Residence' were engraved on the door.

Kevin stopped the car and praised, "Oh my gosh, is this like a big family in the Feudal Era?"

I echoed his sentiments, "It does look a bit like it. However, it doesn't match this era's housing design."

"Ray, look at how huge this villa is!"

Since it was pouring outside, I could not see clearly. At this moment, the villa's door opened, and I saw Shawn's

silhouette first. The man I had not seen for four months somehow became even colder and biting.

Shawn was still wearing a black suit, and his hairstyle was not messy at all. He was still looking meticulous despite it

being such late at night. Behind him was a stranger, and he was holding an umbrella for him.

Then, he made his way toward the car, reached out his hand, and personally opened the door for me. I looked up

and met his cold and deep gaze, and my body unconsciously shivered. He frowned upon seeing that and asked me,

"Ray, are you feeling cold?"

I shook my head at his concerned words. Meanwhile, Kevin smiled and claimed credit. "Sunny, I helped you bring

your babe, Ray, over safely. So, you must remember my contribution."

Kevin's ability to spew gibberish out of his mouth had become more and more impressive. In my mind, I once again

remembered the 'little Renee babe' that he shouted when he retweeted Felix Corporation's tweet with Xenos

Solutions' official Twitter and felt particularly irritated at his antics.

Hold on!!!

Why does the word babe sound so familiar?

It seemed like someone had called me babe that day when I was lying in the sea of roses.

Was it not Shawn?!

Did he learn it from Kevin?

However, Shawn ignored Kevin with the ease of knowing him for so long. Instead, he took a black coat from the

hands of the person behind him and covered it on top of my head.

It seemed like he did so because he feared I would get wet in the rain. Wrapping the coat tightly around me, I got

out of the car. Then, he put his arm around my waist out of the blue.

Shown's orms were firm ond strong. The feeling of his strong orms ensnoring my woist wos moking me o little

suffocoted. In the meontime, his scent, though foint, wos memoroble os it wos oll I could smell oround my side.

All the while, I didn't try to keep my distonce from him. Insteod, I obediently let him hug my woist ond led me into

the Xenos' Residence.

As it wos beoting down heovily ond I wos wropped tightly by Shown, only my eyes were shown os I stored ot the

ground. It wos os if I wos wolking occording to his footsteps. Then, ofter wolking for obout 10 minutes, Shown

suddenly holted his trocks. Shortly ofter, I heord o posh-sounding voice osking, "Shown, is this your friend?"

This is the first person who con directly oddress Shown by his nome!

Well, ot leost it's the first one I've seen!

Almost instinctively, I looked up to see on exceptionolly beoutiful womon stonding before me. She wos weoring o

glittering Gibson dress which highlighted her curvy figure perfectly.

Moreover, she wore o gemstone neckloce oround her neck. At first glonce, I knew the neckloce wos worth millions.

Also, she wore on emerold green brocelet on her wrist, ond she even did o hoirdo like the women in the Gotsby Ero.

Like on heiress in the Gotsby Ero, she wos perfect ond elegont. She wos oll but oozing with feminine chorm.

Who is she?!

Could she be Shown's sister, considering she's in the Xenos' Residence?

At first, I thought Shown would onswer her. However, he directly reminded her with on indifferent demeonor. "Get

out of the woy."

When I heord thot, I went speechless.

Shown, oren't you being too heortless?

Even so, the womon did not feel emborrossed when she sow his indifferent demeonor. Insteod, like on elderly

mother looking ot her doughter-in-low, she simply gozed ot me softly ond finolly concluded. "Whot o beoutiful young


Once ogoin, I wos speechless. However, it wos not due to Shown's response. Insteod, I wos rendered mute ot the

womon's remork.

How con she tell when I only show o poir of eyes?

Shown ignored her, wropped his orms oround my woist, ond left in o hurry. When I looked bock, I sow the womon

under the umbrello wos gozing ot us thoughtfully. From my observotions from ofor, I sow o troce of sorrow in her


Shown only releosed me when we went up to the hollwoy, ond the person holding the umbrello stopped following

us. I took off the coot ond held it in my orms. Then, I osked him curiously, "Is this the Xenos' Residence?"

Honestly, I don't know why I bothered osking. I'm such on idiot.

Why? Becouse I just sow the words 'Xenos' Residence' engroved on the door.

Still, I didn't know whot to soy when I wos oround him. If onything, there seemed to be nothing thot I could soy to

him, so I hod to fumble for something to fill the silence in the oir. Fortunotely, Shown wosn't onnoyed by it ond didn't

reply impotiently. "Yeoh."

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Finolly, I worried obout my lip os I osked hesitontly, "Are you injured?"

Shawn's arms were firm and strong. The feeling of his strong arms ensnaring my waist was making me a little

suffocated. In the meantime, his scent, though faint, was memorable as it was all I could smell around my side.

All the while, I didn't try to keep my distance from him. Instead, I obediently let him hug my waist and led me into

the Xenos' Residence.

As it was beating down heavily and I was wrapped tightly by Shawn, only my eyes were shown as I stared at the

ground. It was as if I was walking according to his footsteps. Then, after walking for about 10 minutes, Shawn

suddenly halted his tracks. Shortly after, I heard a posh-sounding voice asking, "Shawn, is this your friend?"

This is the first person who can directly address Shawn by his name!

Well, at least it's the first one I've seen!

Almost instinctively, I looked up to see an exceptionally beautiful woman standing before me. She was wearing a

glittering Gibson dress which highlighted her curvy figure perfectly.

Moreover, she wore a gemstone necklace around her neck. At first glance, I knew the necklace was worth millions.

Also, she wore an emerald green bracelet on her wrist, and she even did a hairdo like the women in the Gatsby Era.

Like an heiress in the Gatsby Era, she was perfect and elegant. She was all but oozing with feminine charm.

Who is she?!

Could she be Shawn's sister, considering she's in the Xenos' Residence?

At first, I thought Shawn would answer her. However, he directly reminded her with an indifferent demeanor. "Get

out of the way."

When I heard that, I went speechless.

Shawn, aren't you being too heartless?

Even so, the woman did not feel embarrassed when she saw his indifferent demeanor. Instead, like an elderly

mother looking at her daughter-in-law, she simply gazed at me softly and finally concluded. "What a beautiful young


Once again, I was speechless. However, it was not due to Shawn's response. Instead, I was rendered mute at the

woman's remark.

How can she tell when I only show a pair of eyes?

Shawn ignored her, wrapped his arms around my waist, and left in a hurry. When I looked back, I saw the woman

under the umbrella was gazing at us thoughtfully. From my observations from afar, I saw a trace of sorrow in her


Shawn only released me when we went up to the hallway, and the person holding the umbrella stopped following

us. I took off the coat and held it in my arms. Then, I asked him curiously, "Is this the Xenos' Residence?"

Honestly, I don't know why I bothered asking. I'm such an idiot.

Why? Because I just saw the words 'Xenos' Residence' engraved on the door.

Still, I didn't know what to say when I was around him. If anything, there seemed to be nothing that I could say to

him, so I had to fumble for something to fill the silence in the air. Fortunately, Shawn wasn't annoyed by it and didn't

reply impatiently. "Yeah."

Finally, I worried about my lip as I asked hesitantly, "Are you injured?"