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My Love Until the Last Goodbye by Alut

Chapter 968
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2/2 Chapter 0968 "Adam toldthat somehow, his mother had managed to keep a photo of me. It was blurry, but my face was unmistakable-just an older version of his own. He said he had seenonce at the university when I visited. Honestly, this kid surprises me. He's both direct and timid, but he still took the risk of reaching out, knowing I could reject him. But I couldn't. Not when my own reflection was standing right in front of me.

"My lawyer advisedto formally recognize him as my son. His life was difficult, and my donations would only lead to speculation. If I continued on that path, all I would accomplish was putting a target on his mother for something that, years ago, was never her fault," Theodore said.

"So... is that why you decided to marry her?" Peter asked curiously.

"I didn't have to think too much about it. She's Adam's mother. Even though I hadn't seen her in years, once I met my son, once I got to know him, I knew she had done an incredible job raising him," Theodore said, his pride evident.

"Peter, you and I-we've been terrible people, and you know it. Life gave you a second chance. As for me... sometimes I think not even death wantsyet.

"But when I met my son, when he toldabout his life-about the life he and his mother had-I realized that he couldn't have had a better mother.

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"Fiona never dragged him into a bad life. They were happy with what little they had. She worked hard to support him and nurtured his intelligence. My son was studying two degrees-one in economics and another in robotics. He's brilliant, and I know that with the right opportunities, he can go far," Theodore said, his voice heavy with emotion.

"And what about Fiona?" Peter asked, concerned.

"After finding out that Adam had always known about me, I decided I didn't want to stay in the shadows-not from him, and not from her. So I decided to see her again." "And...?" Peter pressed absentmindedly.

"Nothing, really. One day, we went to her house. It was just as I had imagined-two small, humble rooms. The moment she saw me, she recognizedinstantly... and almost fainted. If Adam hadn't been there, I'm sure she would have run away." "Why do you say that?" Peter asked, confused.

"Because she toldlater-she thought I'd be angry that she decided to have the baby. She only found out about her pregnancy four months after I left," Theodore said with a tight-lipped expression.

"Knowing you, I doubt you were the romantic type who got down on one knee to propose, right?" "No. I just told her she would be living in my house from now on and that she would be my wife," Theodore stated flatly.

Peter immediately bristled.

Theodore, can I say something?" Peter asked cautiously, though irritation was clear in his tone.

"Go ahead," Theodore said, intrigued.

You're a complete idiot! I knew it! How could a grumpy old man like you end up with such a beautiful woman? And not just beautiful-she's sweet, gentle, a total cotton candy of a woman. And you? You're a grumpy old fool!" Peter scolded, exasperated.

1/2 Chapter 0968 "I took her out of a miserable life she should be grateful, Theodore said seriously.

"Theodore, you're sixty-five-or however old you are, I've lost track-but you still haven't learned anything about women. Think about it. She confessed that she was terrified you'd be furious with her for having your child without your permission. And now, you just married her without even asking if she wanted to? What do she must be feeling right now?" Peter challenged.

you think "I don't know! I never asked!" Theodore admitted, indifferent on the surface, but deep down, he knew Peter was right.

He had made a decision for her-just as he had done back then. He had decided her future without giving her a say. She had simply accepted it because she had no choice.

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The truth was, he had taken advantage of the situation. He didn't want to deal with emotions or attachments, especially not at his age. Now, he had a son and a wife. He thought that was enough.

But was it really?

"Theodore, you need to talk to her. Ask her if she's happy with this or if she's just going along with it because she has no other choice. I know I'm not the best person to be giving advice, but a woman needs to be heard. I made plenty of mistakes in the past, but I'm trying to make up for them with the mother of my daughters." Theodore inhaled deeply and let out a sigh of resignation.

He hated that Peter was right.

But he was.

If he truly wanted to build a family in the years he had left, he needed to do it the right way.

"You have a lot to think about, my dear Theodore. I don't know Fiona, but from what little you've told me, she's a good woman. She deserves speace of mind. "If your goal is to truly build a family, you have a lot of work to do," Peter said, patting his friend's shoulder firmly.