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My Love Until the Last Goodbye by Alut

Chapter 932
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Chapter 0932

The next morning, after checking on his little ones and kissing their mother, Peter headed to his mother’s room.

He felt nervous-afraid, even. It was an irrational fear, born from 48 years of absence. Years of scattered, blurry

dreams-most of which he barely remembered. But one thing had always been constant in them: she was always


When he opened the door, a wave of relief washed over him. There she was, curled up on one side of the bed,

sleeping peacefully. The morning light filtered through the curtains, illuminating her tired face. She was older

now, but still so beautiful. His mother was a truly beautiful woman.

He took a deep breath and sighed before quietly stepping inside, careful not to make any noise. He sat in a chair

by the window and simply watched her, losing himself in thought.

In another life, his mother could have been free. In another life, she never met Leonardo. In another life, she and

her mother escaped her father, broke free from the chains that held them back. In that life, he was never born.

She had set out on an adventure, studied, worked, and traveled.

In that life, she and her mother visited Everstone together. They strolled through the cobblestone streets of the

enchanting village, sat at a café, waiting for the sun to set over the horizon. They stayed there for a few days,

enjoying a well-deserved vacation.

In that life, Peter could see his mother chasing her dreams fearlessly, without restraints, without sadness or pain.

In that life, she had her wild youth, dated different men, maybe even fell in love.

The thought of it all made a lump rise in his throat, and before he knew it, tears started falling. His mother didn’t

say much, but Peter could understand the weight of her silence like no one else. Just imagining her alone,

waiting for his father to decide her fate, filled him with unbearable anxiety, which spilled out in quiet sobs.

He tried to stay silent, but the occasional whimper escaped. It wasn’t often that a man cried like this, but at that

moment, Peter was just a boy. Seeing his mother, knowing he had never been there for her, knowing she never

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even had the chance to know him-it hurt more than he could put into words.

His quiet sobs woke Aria. The moment she saw him, she sat up and wrapped her arms around him. Her embrace

was warm. She wasn’t strong, but that hug was everything Peter needed.

“What's wrong, my love? What's the matter?” Aria asked gently.

“Nothing, Mom... It’s just that I still can’t believe you're here. It’s still hard to process everything. | can’t believe

life is givingso much. From what little | know, there was a twhen life took everything away from me. But

now, it's givingeverything. Today, life has givenmy mother. It's giventhe chance to watch a child.

grow from birth-not just one, but two. It’s giventhe most incredible woman as my wife.

“I have a son and a grandson. Soon, I'll be a grandfather again. Soon, the girl who was supposed to be my

daughter will beca mother. I'll get to enjoy this house filled with my family. Soon, I'll see my daughters and

granddaughter running through these halls. I'll watch my grandson grow into a good man. And you-you’ll be

here with us.

“It all feels so unreal, like a dream. Just now, | imagined you-saw you as a different woman. A woman who

fulfilled all her dreams, who never had to carry a heavy burden on her back. And | loved the thought of it.

“But today, | can tell you one thing-I will live for you and for all my girls. There are so many of you, you'll drive

Ten, twenty years from now, we'll look back and see how strong the Palmer family still stands. We'll see how all

these wonderful women-including you, Danielle, and Ellie-helped shape a thriving, happy family.”


Chapter 0932


“Peter, my boy, my son... If you can’t believe this is real, imagine how I feel. | had resigned myself to living in

solitude. | had accepted that you were only a dream, that your face existed only in my imagination. And now,

here you are right beside me. | can see you, touch you, even smell you.

“I have to admit, you're a very handsman... just like your father.”

“...Did you love him?”


“Did you love my father?”


With all my heart. | know he was

wrong to hide his marriage Tae

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Iqvelat WsHsight And even though

he sawas a child at first, | was

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the one who insisted.” The content is

on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!


“ q a q

| never realized how painful it was to

make a bad decision. But now that |

see you, now that | have you. m


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iy bas . Not for anything—except for

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one reason... To have had the joy of

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raising you by my side.” Aria

tightened her embrace around her

son. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

“Mom...” Peter murmured, wiping his tears away.

“What is it, son?”

Con, get up. We need to go


down for breakfast. Fea m

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fSrget=we re going shopping,

” .

remember?” The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

“Oh... | thought you might forget about that. Don’t worry, we can just buy something nearby...”

“No way! You're my mother, and you-along with all my girls-deserve forto spend everything | have on you.”