Chapter 0911
Two weeks had passed since Celeste gave birth to her precious twin girls. She was recovering more and more
from the surgery every day. As for the babies, they were getting stronger by the day. The doctors, seeing their
progress, decided that after a week in the incubator, they could move to a regular nursery. They were strong and
resilient, and the doctors concluded that with the right care, they were ready to go home.
During that time, most of the family had visited, but they hadn't had the chance to meet the twins, as they had
been in a special area for premature babies. When Peter heard they could go home, he felt a wave of relief. They
really needed to leave the hospital. Alden and Serenity had helped him set up the twins’ room since, with
everything that had happened, he hadn't wanted to leave the hospital for a second.
The morning the doctor told them they could go home, Peter was happy, but at the stime, he felt a strange
sensation in his chest. He couldn’t describe it-it was a pain that wouldn't go away. He figured he just needed
To everyone's surprise, Peter turned out to be an exemplary father. Celeste was amazed at how effortlessly he
handled things, as if he had been doing them for years. She thought that maybe memories of taking care of
Ethan were surfacing, and that made her happy in a way.
Changing diapers, feeding the babies, dressing them, rocking them to sleep-whenever Peter did these things, he
radiated peace and tranquility. The babies could feel it too, because it seemed like they had already chosen their
favorite parent.
At home, the Palmer and Evans families were eagerly waiting for them. Everyone wanted to meet the twins, but
due to medical restrictions, they hadn't been able to see them yet.
Peter left the hospital carrying two baby baskets in his arms, with his future wife by his side. Celeste held a small
suitcase with everything they needed for the trip home. The couple radiated happiness. Their girls were strong
and healthy. Even though they were small, they had already fought a battle together-and won.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtThey had named them Flora and Martina. The twins were absolutely adorable, a perfect blend of both parents.
But if you looked closely, Celeste’s features stood out the most. They both had inherited dark, curly hair-thick
and abundant. The sweetest and gentlest of the two was named Flora, while Martina, though also sweet, was
more demanding. If she was wet or uncomfortable, she wouldn't stop crying until the situation improved. Peter
already knew that this little girl was going to be his karma.
Both parents had slowly adjusted to their new reality during their stay at the hospital. Soon enough, Alden and
Serenity would be stepping into the schapter of their lives.
Meanwhile, Maximus sat drinking a cup of coffee as he waited for his brother and sister-in-law to arrive.
Suddenly, his phone rang.
“Mr. Evans?” said a voice on the other end.
“We're calling from Blackstone Prison...”
Maximus fell silent, deep in thought. He had only been there once, and since then, he had never wanted to go
back. So why were they calling him now?
“Go on,” he said, standing up from the couch and stepping away from the others.
Mr. Evans, | don’t know how to say this, but... Last night, there was a fight that turned into a full-blown riot. Your
father and father-in-law were caught in it,” the voice explained. “I'm sorry to inform you that Mr. Leonardo
Palmer unfortunately didn’t make it.”
Chapter 0911
The news hit him like a bucket of ice water. For years, he had wished for the man’s death. But when someone
suddenly tells you it happened
-and not by your own hand-it still comes as a shock.
“But... What the hell happened?” Maximus asked, a mix of surprise and indignation in his voice.
“As | said, there was a fight. To be honest, it looks like your father started it. He and a group of inmates created
chaos, and everything spiraled out of control.”
“You said my father-in-law was involved too. What happened to him?” Maximus asked, starting to understand
that this had been an act of revenge.
“Mr. Frank Levett has been transferred to a prison hospital. His condition is serious, as the the spent
wounded made things worse.”
“What do you needto do?” Maximus asked.
“We need you to cidentify Mr. Leonardo Palmer's body and decide what to do with it.”
Maximus took a deep breath and exhaled.
“Preferably today. But if necessary, we can wait until tomorrow. A lot of people are coming in since the riot took
several lives.”
“Fine... | can’t make it today, but I'll be there first thing in the morning. Please keepupdated on Frank's
“Of course. And | apologize for calling you, but the man has no one else to handle these matters.”
“Don’t worry, just keepinformed,” Maximus said calmly.
After ending the call, he stood in the
garden for a long time, pe m
thought His iad wad Alle with
merhories, all tangled up in a
whirlwind of emotions. The content is
on! Read the latest
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏmchapter there!
Leonardo had once seemed like an
exemplary father—at least, that's
what everyone believed. But when his
true nature was revealed, rah of
those Merfdries shattered.
Everything Maximus had lived
through with him had been a lie. Now,
with Magnus, he had a real
father-son relationship, but
Leonardo had stolen that chance
from him for so many years. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
“Bastard... You were a real son of a bitch... You left without saying a damn word,” he muttered under his breath.
It was ironic, Maximus thought. On
the sday Peter left the hospital
with hig daughters Shdther mother,
the Man who had given him life had
just died. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!