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My Iyashikei Game-Novel

Chapter 929: Sleepy Time
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“Teacher Gao, don’t sleep at this important moment!” Ah Nian was afraid that Han Fei would lose consciousness. He couldn’t handle the pressure of being at the Taboo Building alone. “If you fall, who is going to deal with Gao Xing?”

They were so close to Gao Xing’s core secret, but Han Fei collapsed before the altar was destroyed. Gao Xing’s plan couldn’t be stopped so easily. To destroy the altar, one had to destroy all the figurines in the building first.

“He’s too heavily injured. He needs at least one to two hours to recover. No matter what, we have to help him buy time.” The worker had no idea what was happening.

“Thanks.” This was the first tAh Nian had met the worker. Ah Nian entered the building with Han Fei. In just a few short hours, Han Fei had gained a loyal fan. “You stay to look after Teacher Gao. If Gao Xing comes near, I’ll do everything I can to draw him away. Remember. Everyone but him can die. He is our only hope.”

“Is he not just a researcher?” The worker was shocked.

“We cfrom the worst future. We can’t let tragedy repeat itself.” Ah Nian stopped speaking. He was ready to die.

The black box shattered, and the altar was running on overload. The figurine in the box slowly opened its eyes to look at the hell before it. The elevator panels in Lab No. 4 lit up all at once. The elevators opened, and blood flowed through the ground. The masked murderers cto the underground 18th floor.

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Crow, Guinea Pig, Zombie, Clown…

The masked members stood along the road and had their heads lowered. A man stood at the end of the line. No one could see his face, or no one dared to. The light around the man twisted. An indescribable scary presence radiated off him. The man walked from the back of the line to the front. The scariest criminal at Xin Lu didn’t dare to do anything. They followed him obediently. After several decades, the King of Crimes reappeared in the shape of God. The air froze. The man walked through the blood to the underground 19th floor. The man spoke after he saw the broken black box and injured altar. “Find the man who did this. He’s still here. Kill him at all cost.”

The masked figures dispersed. These people didn’t want to stay too close to God either.

“We purposely chose to make our move three days earlier in the morning. The police and Immortal Pharma shouldn’t know of our plan.” Guinea Pig took out a bloody blank mask. “Blank sent the wrong message. There’s nothing wrong with Little Ghost, and the supercomputer is under our control…”

Blood leaked out of Guinea Pig’s lips, and he stopped talking.

“The police? Immortal Pharma? They are never our worries.” The man looked at the black dream. “Our real enemy is fate and humanity.”

The broken altar and figurine couldn’t be fixed that fast. Something was wrong with the black dream. Even the man couldn’t repair it immediately. “Bringall the keys. We’ll push the plan forward. I will make sure that the sun never comes up again after it sets.”

Crow and Queen waved at the others. The members moved black boxes forward. There were 31 black boxes, and each contained something special.

“Keys?” Ah Nian, who was hiding in the tank, heard everything. He adjusted his body to see what was inside the box.

The first black box was opened. There was a live human specimen inside. It was a super ugly boy. He had long hair, and his skin was carved with a butterfly tattoo. If Han Fei saw this, he’d be shocked. This child was the real Butterfly, the boy who was enwrapped in the nightmare and died in the dresser.

The second black box opened to reveal a brain numbered 2. This brain was kept alive by machines.

The third black box had a script covered with blood. The author was a kid who had already died. His nwas Jin Sheng.

Every box corresponded to one child and one despair. Crow opened the eighth box. The human skin was sewn together to form the shape of a little girl. The girl had no name. She was an orphan, and she was created just to beca key.

There were all sorts of things inside the boxes. The first 30 boxes were opened according to their numbers. Different from the other black boxes, the 31st black box was carved with two flowers. The flowers were from the sstem. They bloomed in the dark and wilted before dawn. All the murderers moved away. Only God had the right to open the 31st box because the box contained his creation.

The pale hands caressed the twinflower. The man opened the last black box. The box carried a mess of a human head. From the face, the head looked like Han Fei.

“Black box is hidden deep inside the human heart, brain, nightmare, and despair. Everything I did is for this moment.” Gao Xing fed the keys to his altar. After eating every kid’s despair, the nightmare would expand further. The bridge kept growing large. The space around the box morphed. The devices were both real and not.

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“How did they do this?” Ah Nian was stunned. He couldn’t imagine how there was a dark world inside a person’s altar world. The children were the people closest to the cryptic world. Gao Xing used these kids to open the channel between the two worlds. Death was like a song, and the tortured children sang it in despair.

The world hidden in the nightmare heard the children’s song. Buildings appeared in the night. The underground 19th floor was like a murky mirror. Underneath the mirror was a surfacing world!

The past hidden by the black boxes was turned into keys. 30 black boxes were tossed into the black dream. The two worlds saw each other. The cryptic world wanted to welcthe despairing children home, but the real world didn’t want to let go.

As the mirror between the two worlds thinned, Ah Nian could even see that the lowest floor of Immortal Skyscraper was connected to the rooftop of a building in the cryptic world. The sky and earth were connected. The negative emotions collected in real life were pushed into the world of darkness.

“The channel that had been closed due to the first-generation ghost’s death will be opened with the revival of the first-generation ghost. Fate will be moved back to its track.” God held up the head in the black box. He carried it like a newborn as he moved toward the device. When the black dream covered God, the process was close to the end. Everything was inevitable. The bloodstain on the ground disappeared. The two worlds ctogether. The masked murderers started to retreat. Suddenly, a man with a clown mask took out his knife. He punctured Crow’s neck. He tilted his head to look at God inside the device.

No. 3’s face appeared underneath the Clown mask. “So this is why Dream and Gao Xing want Han Fei to appear. Gao Xing wants to gain the black box, but he’s not despairing enough to sustain it. So he tried to turn No. 0 into his creation. However, he couldn’t control No. 0, so he cooperated with Dream to interrupt Fu Sheng’s persona test. He planned bloodred night and created Han Fei.”

No. 3 saw the truth. Han Fei was made into being to carry the black box.

“No wonder Han Fei doesn’t exist in Gao Xing’s altar world. He has been turned into a sacrifice, and his death marks the arrival of the final tragedy.”

Han Fei died the moment the tragedy arrived. As the other twinflower, Mad Laughter becan Unmentionable and was forgotten after he was destroyed. This was the future Gao Xing wanted.

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