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My Husband Wants Me Dead novel (Esther and Bradley)

Chapter 891
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The young ladies exchanged nervous glances. Esther's factual words and her sharp presentation of the core issue

left them feeling uneasy.

"Do you genuinely believe you're worthy?" Melanie asked.

Esther leaned back with an air of absolute confidence as if the world rested in her hands. "If I'm not worthy, are


A flicker of embarrassment crossed Melanie's eyes. "At least I haven't been married or been to prison like you!"

Esther chuckled mockingly. "When you all came to see me, aside from knowing my name is Esther, you knew

nothing about me. Each of you comes from a wealthy background. Haven't your parents taught you not to judge

without knowing the full story?"

Melanie and the others focused on Esther.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Mr. Warner loves you so much..."

Esther was well aware that Bradley had gained a following of clueless girls with his affectionate act, oblivious to

what he had done to her.

"I find it hard to comprehend. All of you are women, yet you choose to view things from a male perspective, not a

female one.

"Who do you think Bradley loves? My younger sister?

"His so-called love caused her death!"

Before Esther could finish speaking, Logan strolled in, his warning gaze sweeping over the girls. Their parents and

backgrounds flashed through his mind. These girls had been recommended for arranged marriages to him before.

What did they hope to prove by embarrassing Esther?

Logan approached her and coldly glanced at the uninvited girls. "Esther, why talk to these disturbed girls? If they

think Bradley's love is so great, they should go and enjoy it themselves."

"Logan, they said I'm not good enough for you."

These girls had intentionally come to upset Esther so she wouldn't miss the chance to upset them back.

"It's them who aren't good enough for me." Logan, always direct, scanned the girls with a glower. He then took out

his phone and made a call.

"It's me. Ask the elders from the Weir, Terral, and. families to come and see me."

Logan's call was no different than embarrassing the girls openly.

Esther glanced at Logan with a questioning look. Did he need to escalate things this much?

Logan sat beside Esther, casually cracking open some nuts. He placed the nuts in Esther's hand, and she enjoyed


Soon, the summoned elders arrived.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Your daughters came up to my fiancee and said she wasn't good enough for me! I think you owe me an


The parents of these girls felt both embarrassed and ashamed. They leered at their children, angry that they acted

so irresponsibly and offended Logan.

"Logan, we apologize for our lack of guidance..."

Logan waved his hand casually. "When you arranged the matchmaking with me, I politely declined without stating

the real reasons just so I wouldn't embarrass these young ladies."

The girls were flustered once they thought about the things they had done behind their parents' backs. "Logan, we

were wrong—"

"Apologizing now is too late."

Logan's tone turned icy as he pointed at Melanie. "Melanie Weir, you had a blast at that pool party with two girls

and five guys."

Melanie's face turned pale. "Stop!"

"Why? I've barely started. Can't handle hearing the truth?"