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My Husband Is A Secret Billionaire By Wiuu

Chapter 123
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Chapter 123

“Oops, sent to the wrong person.” Aaron’s teasing voice came from the other end of the line. “Such at

beautiful photo should be sent to Chairman Fallon!”


“Miss Fallon, your image in the nightclub is really charming and alluring!”

Fiona bit her lip, as her face turned pale.

“Miss Fallon, I’ve been through a lot of hardships in prison. Especially during fights, my hands are a bit

cri ppled!”

“If one day I accidentally post something… well, I don’t really care, but your reputation as a wealthy

young lady..

“Aaron…you wouldn’t- Fiona’s voice was trembling.

“It’s not much, just that your attempt to eliminate the negative impact lacks sincerity!”

Fiona’s teeth chattered. “Then, what else?”

“You can simply hire internet trolls to give positive reviews. If it were that simple, I could do it myself. Do

I need you for that?”

“Miss Fallon, when you make a mistake, you should apologize!”

Aaron smiled coldly.

“Even elementary school students understand this. Miss Fallon, you surely wouldn’t be unaware of it,


The next evening. Fiona appeared at the entrance of the cafe.

The usually arrogant and domineering Miss Fallon changed into a dark shirt and trousers, her face

devoid of makeup, and she pulled down her cap forcefully.

The coffee shop was already doing well that day, with many customers inside. The courtyard full of

irises swayed in the wind, and it was becoming a popular spot for social media check-ins.

Jane was busy attending to the customers.

However, she caught sight of Fiona slowly stepping inside.

Her heart tightened, thinking that this person was looking for trouble again. Dominic also noticed this

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and quickly stepped in front of Jane, staring coldly at Fiona.

“What do you want again?”

The man’s voice was low and cold.

Fiona composed herself, trying hard not to look too embarrassed.

“…I’m here to apologize.” Each word was exceptionally difficult for her to say. “Jane, I found someone

to write those bad reviews on the Internet. It was me who spread rumors and caused you to lose your


“It’s all my fault… all my fault.”

“Jane, can you forgive me?”

Although Fiona’s voice was not loud, it was enough to attract a lot of attention from the people around.

Many customers turned their gazes towards her, whispering among themselves, and some even

recorded the scene with their phones.

“So, it was her who tarnished this shop’s reputation!”

“I knew it! I came here when the shop just opened, and both the owner and her husband were really

nice. The coffee is authentic too. There’s no way it’s as bad as they say online!”

“This woman is so wicked. Is she trying to engage in malicious competition?”

Jane held the tray tightly, her fingers slightly tense.

She had never received an apology from Fiona in her life. Thee hateful person would not change her

evil nature just by saying “I’m sorry”.

Therefore, Jane did not believe that this apology came from Fiona’s heart.

“Jane… Fiona raised her head and looked at her. “I’m apologizing to you. Didn’t you hear it? Can’t you

say something?”

Jane remained silent, but a guest sneered beside her.

“You caused so much trouble for them, and that’s all you have to say, I’m sorry?”

“Exactly! Ha, what’s the use of an apology when you have the police?”

“You….” Fiona was about to explode.

But she could feel a pair of eyes staring at her in the dark, making her spine shudder.

She forced herself to swallow her anger and continued to act pitifully in front of Jane.

“Sister, you you’re really not going to forgive me, are you?”

“You’re not welcome here.” Jane’s eyes were cold, “Please leave.”


“Hurry up!” Jane clenched his fists and clenched his teeth as he glared at her.

Although Fiona had bullied her since she was a child, she was still afraid of Jane when she became

really angry.

Moreover, with the man who looked like the King of Hell standing beside her…

Fiona bit her lip. Since Jane wanted her to leave, she wanted to get out of here as well. Anyway, she

had already finished her apology.

“Jane, I’ve said sorry. If you still won’t forgive me, then I have nothing else to do!”

“From now on, I won’t step foot in here again! You don’t want to see me, and I don’t want to see you


As Fiona said this, she stag gered backward, running out of the courtyard and accidentally twisting her

foot on the cobblestone path.

Jane took a deep breath and tried her best to control her emotions.

Dominic caressed her back and gently comforted her, hugging her carefully.

“Honey,” Jane said softly, “I feel that something is off with her… Could it be that her apology is just for

show, and she’s planning to cause more trouble?”

Dominic’s eyes darkened. In fact, he thought so too.

Fiona had left in a hurry, but she didn’t go far. He asked Jane to stay in the cafe and attend to the

customers, and quietly followed her outside.


He initially wanted to find out what Fiona was up to.

However, just as he stepped out of the courtyard, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a shadow around

the corner of the courtyard gate.

Dominic immediately became suspicious. Hearing footsteps, he suddenly turned around!

At that moment, he saw several figures dashing in the opposite direction from the concealed bushes.

Dominic hurriedly followed, his movements agile. He caught sight of the familiar face in a flash! He

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sneered and threw a punch, almost hitting Aaron’s temple! Taking advantage of his momentary

distraction, he firmly grabbed Aaron’s wrist.

“Sir!” Several of his subordinates gathered around him.

Aaron and Dominic exchanged a few moves, and just as he raised his foot to kick Dominic-

Dominic swiftly pulled out a small handgun from his waist and pointed it at Aaron’s head!

The atmosphere froze instantly, and the subordinates stood motionless, stunned.

Aaron was also a little surprised.

Dominic Campbell was actually carrying a gun with him?

“Don’t move, all of you!” Dominic’s voice was cold, his face grim, and his sharp gaze forced the

subordinates to step back cautiously.

Aaron signaled his men to retreat, and they moved away slowly, but still remained vigilant.

“Mr. Wilson, if you want to have coffee, feel free to enter. But lurking around the entrance like this, are

you trying to learn something secretly, or do you plan to open your own coffee shop?”

Aaron snorted and glanced at the gun in Dominic’s hand.

The gun was very compact and ideal for carrying around without being noticed.

The special pattern on the gun’s handle hinted at its prestigious lineage.

It was called the Desert Eagle small in size but three times more powerful than an ordinary handgun.

Aaron had seen it in the hands of a black market arms dealer once, and the dealer treated the gun as a

priceless treasure, as if he wanted to display it in a shrine.

He smiled and said, “You carry this thing with you every day. Aren’t you afraid of scaring your little


“Compared to this gun, I’m more concerned about you scaring her!” Dominic applied a bit more force to

the gun’s muzzle, causing Aaron to have a headache.

“Aaron,” he said with a sinister glare, enunciating each word, “You’ve long realized that I am not Dan

Murphy, right?

Aaron did not say anything.

The surroundings fell deathly quiet, and the rustling sound of the evening wind blowing through the

bushes became especially clear.