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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 513
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Chapter 0513 "Good," my father said, draping his arm around my shoulder and pullingcloser as we began to walk to the hors d'oeuvres table. "He's a good man, Nina. I'm proud to call him my son-in-law." Just as I was about to respond, I caught a snippet of Enzo's conversation drifting across the room: "Yes, it'll be a six-month stretch. It'll be difficult, but we'll make it work. We decided it's best for us to follow our dreams." My dad's eyes narrowed, and I could feel his grip tighten around my shoulders. "Did he just say what I think he said?" I felt my stomach knot. "Dad, listen-" "I need to have a word with him," my dad interrupted, setting down his glass with a decisive clink and starting to move in Enzo's direction.

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But I grabbed his arm, pulling him back. "Dad, wait." "What's going on, Nina? Did I hear correctly? He's leaving you alone for months while you're pregnant?" "It was my idea," I blurted out, feeling the weight of the confession. "I pushed him to keep the job." My dad stared atincredulously. "You what?" "It's a great opportunity for him, Dad. For us. It can set us up for the future." "A future where he's not present?" My father's voice edged toward anger. "What kind of future is that?" "Dad, please," I pleaded, my eyes searching his. "You have to understand. We've talked about it, we've weighed the pros and cons. We decided this together." "But you're pregnant, Nina. You need support, you need someone around." "And I'll have that," I countered, trying to keep my voice steady. "I'll be fine. I have friends, and Enzo will be there whenever he can. Besides, we've got phones. I can always call him." "Digital companionship isn't the same. You know that." I sighed. "Dad, I love him, and part of loving him is supporting his dreams just like he supports mine. It won't be easy, but we'll manage. We always do." My father looked at me, the sternness in his eyes softening a bit, but the worry still lingering. Have you always been this headstrong?" he asked quietly.

"Yes. And I likely got it from you," I quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

He sighed, taking a moment before speaking again. "If that's the path you two have chosen, I won't interfere. But now that I know this, I do think you really should consider staying here while he's away. At least consider it." I looked into his eyes and saw genuine concern, a father's worry for his daughter. "Dad, I know you're worried, and I love you for it. But our his important to me, to both of us. Leaving it for months would feel like abandoning a part of myself." "Nina, sometimes you have to make sacrifices for your well-being. And for your child's." "And sometimes, dad, you have to stand by the choices that shape your life," I replied, my eyes meeting his, unwavering.

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He looked atfor a long moment, as if measuring the resolve in my eyes, then finally nodded. "Alright. You're your own person, Nina, with your own life to lead. I may not like it, but I have to respect it."

*Thank you, dad," I said, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. "That means a lot to me. He put an arm around me, pullinginto a half-hug. "I love you, Nina. And I'm sure, no matter what, your mother is smiling down on you."

I blinked away the tears that threatened to cat the mention of her the mother never got to meet. "And Selena?" I found myself croaking out.

My father paused for a few long moments before finally nodding, his watery eyes meeting mine.

"Yes. And Selena."