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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 491
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Chapter 0491 "Luke told you?" I managed.

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Jessica nodded, her arms folded across her chest. "I can't believe you'd tell him before us." "Yeah," Lori continued. "You're lucky we love you, or we'd never forgive you." I had to stifle a laugh. "Alright, alright," I said, stepping out of the way and letting them into the kitchen, where Jessica immediately got to work making a cup of coffee like she owned the place. "So the secret's out already." "Just for us," Lori assured me, settling onto a stool at the counter. "Don't worry. Luke only told us because- "Because Lori threatened to peel his human skin off," Jessica interjected. There was a slight smirk on her face as she turned back around, steaming coffee cup in hand. Something toldthat it wasn't just Lori who had made the threats.

"So, what are you going to do?" Lori asked, breaking the silence.

I looked down at my hands and took a deep breath before answering. "For now, I'm taking it one day at a time. I haven't told Enzo yet; I'm waiting for him to get home." Lori and Jessica exchanged glances. "Don't you think he's going to be upset that you waited?" Jessica asked cautiously.

I nodded, my fingers tracing the floral pattern on the cushion beside me. "He will be, but he'll understand. I want to tell him face-to-face." "And what about the baby?" Lori asked. "Are you keeping it?" Lori's question sent a pang through my chest. "Truthfully," I said, "I don't know. I wouldn't be averse to keeping it. But I'm just not sure." "Well, I certainly wouldn't be averse to a little niece or nephew running around," Jessica said, "but if you do keep it, what about his new job? He could be gone for six month stretches or more at a time." Jessica said the words almost as though she suspected that I hadn't thought of that, but just as soon as she uttered them, the expression on her face toldthat she regretted them.

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"Look, it's not like I've had too much of a chance to think about it," I said softly. "But... I don't know. I could handle the pregnancy on my own, so long as Enzo could still follow his dreams, you know?" Lori's eyes widened, disbelief painting her features. "You can't be serious, Nina. You're going to medical school. I repeat: medical school. You need to worry about yourself just as much as Enzo. When are you gonna finally drop that lone wolf complex of yours?" I met her gaze. She was right, but my resolve still lingered. "I could handle it," I said. "And besides, I have you guys, and my family, and I have Enzo, even if it's from a distance." "But what if something goes wrong, Nina?" Jessica interjected. "Luke mentioned the complications. If something happened, you'd be all alone here in this house in the middle of freaking nowhere." My heart clenched at her words. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words would come. Truthfully, I didn't even know what to say.

Lori sighed, her hands coming to rest on my shoulders. "We just worry "We about you, Nina We don't want you taking on more than you can handle, that's all."

I reached up, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "I know you do. And I appreciate it, Neally do. But this is something Enzo and I have to navigate together, even if we're miles apart."

The room fell silent for a while. Finally, Jessica broke the hush. "Well, whatever you decide, know that we're here for you. No matter what." I felt my eyes water, touched by the sincerity of her words. "Thank you," I said softly. "That means more tothan you'll ever know." Jessica grinned, raising her coffee cup. "Don't sweat it. Now, here comes the real question: should I go by Aunt Jessica, or Auntie Jess?"